¿Qué estamos haciendo aquí?

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Danielle and I went to a coffee shop that sells all kinds of bread and coffee. It's our favorite here in New York. I got my favorite things from there: a basic croissant and a latte. I arrived at my apartment at 6:00PM, I see the elevator and it reminded me of Nico. << I forgot to answer him>>.

Unknown number

Holaa, soy Nico :). (Heyyy, it's Nico :).)

Holaaa, perdón por no contestar estaba ocupada. (Heyyy, sorry I didn't respond I was busy.)

I text pressing number three on the elevator's bottom. The elevator stops at my floor, and I see him, walking out of the door next to my apartment's. 

- ¡Hola! (Hey!). - I say smiling, he smiles back.

-¡Hola! (Hey!) - Nico says.

-¿Ese es tu apartamento? (Is that your apartment?). - I ask.

- Sí. (Yeah). - He says and laughs a little at the end.

- Vives a un lado mío y nunca te había visto. (You live right next to me and I've never seen you before.). - I say smiling.

- Ni yo te había visto. Solo había visto a tu novio quedarse aquí mientras me mudaba, que por cierto creo que tiene un problema con el alcohol. Siempre veía llegar repartidores con alcohol. (Me neither. I only saw your boyfriend staying in here, by the way I think he has a problem with alcohol. I always saw delivery people with alcohol.) - He says. <<Charles>>.

He never said nothing about Charles, does he even saw his face?

- Ya no es mi novio. (He's not my boyfriend anymore). - I say uncomfortable, I think he notice it.

- Lo siento. (Sorry). - He says.

This conversation became really uncomfortable for me in less than 10 minutes.

- Me tengo que ir. (I have to go now.) - I say.

- Vale, adiós. (Alright, bye.). - He says and hugs me.

I walk towards my door and grab the keys from my purse while he's getting into the elevator, I open the door. Danny texts me again "Are you coming?". 

I feel like if I go everything is going to be supeeer uncomfortable, for Charles and me. But Carlos is also going to be there so I can go and support him, but I'm definitely not going today."I don't thinks so, maybe tomorrow" I answer as I'm closing my door.                                                                                       I take a bottle of red wine and a cup of  glass, I sit on my couch and turn on the TV. Grey's anatomy is always a good thing to watch when all you want to do is sit on a couch and do nothing, especially after a break up. Every single time I watch it, I have a crave for Chinese food and I don't know why.

One and a half bottle of wine later (12:00PM)

I knock, no one answers so I knock again. My legs feels like jelly, I can't even stay still. He opens the door. << I shouldn't have drank that much >>.

-¿Y/n? - He asks.

- I have wine and Chinese food. - I say and raise the bottle of wine.

- ¿Por qué me hablas en inglés? (Why are you speaking in English with me?). - Nico asks. 

- ¿Puedo pasar? (Can I come in?). - I ask.

- Sí, pasa. (Yes, come in.). - He says smiling and I give him the bottle of wine.

He's apartment is barely ready, there's a lot of boxes everywhere. 

- Perdón por el desorden, no pensé que tendría compañía. (Sorry for the mess, I wasn't expecting company.). - He says smiling. 

I sit on his couch, is actually very comfy.

- ¿Estás bien? (Are you okay?). - He asks.

- ¿Sí, porqué preguntas? (Yeah, why do you ask?). - I ask.

- Pues... estás en mi apartamento ebria. (Well... you're drunk in my apartment.). - He says.

I told him everything.

- ¡¿Charles Leclerc?! - He says impressed when I told him he cheating on me, I nod laughing.

- Es su perdida, la verdad. (It's his lost, really.). - He says smiling, I start laughing.

- ¡Es enserio! Digo, mirate. (For real! I mean look at you.). - He says. Again flirty, I can stop smiling.

He leans closer to me, we kiss. 

Things got really weird after that... I mean reallyyyy weird.


I don't know where the hell I am. And I feel with so much energy, I don't remember the last hours. Where the fuck is Nico? I see him walking out of a store yelling.

- Run! Y/n! Run! - He yells and I start running with him.

Why is he speaking to me in English? I don't know. We got to an alley, it looks like someone is going to murder us in here. We stop running and I see that Nico has some things in his arms.

- ¿Qué es eso? (What's that?). - I ask him pointing out the things in his arms.

- Lo robé de la tienda. (I stole it from the store). - He says laughing.

- ¡¿Qué?! (What?!). - I yell at him, he looks so confused.

-¡Fue tu idea! (It was your idea!). - He yells and starts laughing.

- ¿Qué estamos haciendo aquÍ? (What are we doing here?). - I ask.

- ¿De qué hablas? (What are you talking about?). - He asks.

- ¿Quieres hacer algo divertido? (Do you want to do something fun?). - He asks laughing.

Why is he laughing so much?

- ¿Cómo qué? (Like what?). - I ask.

He grabs my arm and starts pulling me to run with him. We got to a very weird apartments, we walk some stairs. My whole body hurts, but I'm able to walk more stairs. We stop at the 8 floor, Nico knocks on the door 6. A man opens the door.

- Nico! I'm so happy to see you! - He yells of happiness, and hugs him.

He then looks at me from head to toes.

- And who's this beautiful lady with you? - He asks.

I feel so uncomfortable.

- ¿Nico? - I ask and he turns his head to look at me.

- ¿Qué estamos haciendo aquí? (What are we doing here?). - I ask, the man starts looking at me.

- Solo vine por algo. (I just need something). - He says and whispers something in the man's ear.

The weird man gave him a little black bag and we then got out of the building.

- What the fuck was that? - I ask as I close the door from the weird apartments.

- What?! - Nico asks.

- What is in that bag? - I ask.

- You'll see when we get to our apartments. - He says and starts walking.

I grab his arm stopping him from walking.

- Quiero ver que hay ahí ahora. (I want to see what's in there now.). - I say.

- Okay. - He says and shows me the inside of the bag.

Everything that happened after that is very blurry to remember. 

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