One last kiss, right?

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Six days after I left my apartment, Danielle insisted on me staying in her penthouse. I'm right now on my way back to my apartment to get another change of clothes. Charles texted me in the night "I'm leaving to a hotel, can we met somewhere to talk?". I didn't answer but now that he left my apartment I can now go back to my home. While I'm in the parking lot of my building I remember I left in Charles' apartment what I took from Carlos' closet in Mallorca. I get out of my car and walk to the elevator, pick the level 6 and finally arrive to my apartment. I take my keys out of my purse and open the door, what is this?
A lot of beers everywhere and my kitchen is all messy, Chinese food and one pizza box is on the floor, something stings like dead in here. And in my couch, Charles?! What is he doing here??? And why is he sleeping in here?? I let the keys fall in the countertop to make noise and hopefully wake him up. But I don't think it worked, I take a few steps closer to him to check if he's breathing. He snores so loud it scared the shit out of me and made me fell.

- Y/n? - Charles says half sleep.

- Oh god y/n! What happened? - He asks realizing where the sound came from.

He stands up and helps me get up, he looks like shit. But literally, he smells like he's been drinking lots of alcohol.

- Thanks. - I say.

- Are you okay? - He asks.

- Yeah I'm fine, what are you doing here? - I ask.

- I thought you would stay in a hotel. - I say.

- Uh yeah, I'll be leaving tomorrow. - He says "cleaning" all the mess he made.

- Isn't you're flight to Austin tonight? - I ask. He frowns.

- What day is it? - He asks confused.

- The 19th. - I say sitting in one of the benches of the kitchen.

- I have to pack my things right know. - He says going to my room.

- Right now you need a shower and to brush you're teeth. - I say.

- It's not that bad. - He says putting his hand in front of  his mouth and blowing air to check his breath.

- Oh god it is that bad. - He says and goes to the bathroom, I find it funny and let out a little laugh.

- I- I can help you pack your stuff if you want. - I say.

- Oh yes! That would be amazing babe. - He says. I stay quiet.

- Sorry, thanks y/n. - He says.

I have to admit that hearing what may be the last time Charles calls me babe makes me feel a little sad. But then I remember he cheated on me and that feeling fades away. I take a deep breath and walk to my room for his stuff, his perfume, his bandanas. I find myself smiling looking at all his stuff, especially the bandanas and the hoodies from Miracle. Then I see The hoodie, this hoodie is the one I used when I stayed in Charles apartment for the first time ever, he said it looked better in me and that I should keep it.

- Hey, some package came in the mail days ago. I was going to tell you but I forgot. - Charles says standing under the door frame of the room holding the teeth brush in his hands.

Daniel! Omg I forgot!

- It's okay thanks. - I say and smile softly.

- I haven't changed my mind... - He says.

- What? - I ask, for a moment I thought he was talking about Jessie.

- The hoodie. - He says and I realize I'm holding the hoodie in my arms.

I put it away.

- No, it's okay. - I say.

- Please keep it. - He says.

- It's yours. - I say and put it inside his suitcase.

He walks again into the bathroom I guess to shower. I'm done packing his stuff and go clean my apartment. I wash all the dishes he used, throw away the beer and the food and by the time I finished he gets out of the bathroom. His hair is messy and wet, the towel around his waist. I look at his face, he realize I was looking at him and smiles at me as he walks into my room to get changed. I then see Danny's package for me, and I open it. There's a lot of his merch and all of it is so cool, I decide to take a picture of it and sent it to him. Would it be better if I'm wearing it? I think so. I pick my favorite shirt and take my shirt off and put the shirt of his merch on. I go to the bathroom to take the picture, the mirror on the bathroom is the best in all my apartment. I take the photo and send it to him. Danielle texts me.


Did he actually left the place? Or is he still there?

He's still here, but it's fine.

Are you guys together again?!


Okay, let me know anything .

And then Daniel answers me. I walk out of the bathroom and literally stand in the living room answering to Daniel.


Nice photo! Charles looks nice. 

I zoom the background of the photo I took and Charles is in the back shirtless putting a shirt on. "Hahah sorryy, didn't know he was there." I respond.

Are you coming to the race this weekend as well?

I don't know.


Charles and I actually broke up, and I don't know if I can go with him.

His lost, if you want you can come with me :)

Thanks I'll think about it :)

I'll sent you the ticket and if you're coming, tell me and maybe you can hang out with me at McLaren's garage.

Thank you sm (:

"His lost"? Is it just me or it sounded like... flirting? Nah, he's just being nice.

- That looks amazing on you. - Charles says coming out of the room with his suitcase and I turn to look at him.

- Oh, thanks. - I say.

- Are you leaving? - I ask him referring to his suitcase.

- Yeah. - He says.

- Well, I wish you the best. - I say.

- Y/n... please give me just one more opportunity. - He says and I stay quiet looking at him.

- I'm sorry, bye. - He says and opens the front door.

I stop him and hug him, he places his arms around my waist. He then puts his hands on my cheeks and leans closer to me to kiss me. One last kiss right? I kiss him back, I step back and he sighs.

- So, is it over? - He asks.

- Yeah. - I say and my voice cracks and a tear falls from my eye, I swap it with my hand.

He left.

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