Chapter Twenty-Four.

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"Hey, loser," (Y/n) greeted, falling in step with Harry. Harry gave her a dirty look. "Sorry... Hey, Bambi," (Y/n) corrected.

"I thought we agreed on Haz?"

"We did," (Y/n) confirmed.


"There's no 'but,'" (Y/n) said. "I'm just acknowledging that we agreed on Haz and that I'll continue to call you a loser."

"You won't be calling me a loser when Gryffindor beats Ravenclaw in Quidditch," Harry jeered.

"Yeah?" (Y/n) said. "That isn't comparable. We aren't in the same positions and that's months away. We'll both forget by then." Harry snorted. As they passed a window, Harry slowed his pace.

"Ron reckons it'll rain this evening," Harry said. "I hope we don't have any outside detention."

"I doubt we'll need to go outside for writing some lines," (Y/n) mused.

"My hand's going to cramp if we're doing that all week," Harry grumbled.

"All of two weeks," (Y/n) corrected.

"Two weeks? You got two weeks? For once, you're in more trouble than I am?" Harry gaped.

"What? You only got one week?" (Y/n) frowned. "Harry, get in trouble soon! I am not spending an entire week alone with that excuse of a woman!"

"No way! Don't ask that from me!" Harry protested.

"I'd do it for you!"

"Would you?"

"Yeah," (Y/n) shrugged. "If you asked or maybe if I overheard you complaining about going to detention alone but not wishing to beg someone to come with you." Harry looked quite touched. "Gross. Stop. Why're you looking at me like that?" (Y/n) grimaced and stopped in front of Umbridge's office on the third floor. Both Harry and (Y/n) motioned for the other to knock and, quite reluctantly, Harry raised his fist and knocked.

"Come in," said the sugary voice of Umbridge. (Y/n) and Harry made a face before entering cautiously and looking around.
(Y/n) had already seen the inside of Umbridge's office yet that still couldn't prepare her for just how horrendous the decoration was. (Y/n) was a huge fan of pink but it sure made her sick to the stomach. During Remus's time at Hogwarts, there was usually some fascinating Dark creature in a cage or tank; Moody's office the following year had various instruments and artefacts for the detection of wrongdoing and concealment. Typical things for a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
Umbridge's room differed from the rest. The surfaces had all been draped in lacy covers and cloths. There were several vases of unkept and dried flowers, each residing on its own dolly. On one of the walls was a collection of ornamental plates, each decorated with a large Technicolored kitten wearing a different bow around its neck. (Y/n) needed to stifle her laughter over just how transfixed Harry and his horrified face were. Both students' expressions instantly went blank when Umbridge spoke up again.
"Good evening, Mr. Potter, Miss (Y/l/n)."
Due to Umbridge's set of luridly flowered robes, she blended too well in with the tablecloth on the desk behind her, thus making both Harry and (Y/n) almost miss her entirely.

"Evening," Harry said stiffly. (Y/n) nodded her head in greeting.

"Well, sit down," Umbridge said, pointing to a small table draped in lace beside which she had drawn up two straight-backed chairs. Two pieces of parchment lay on the table, waiting for the students.

"Er," said Harry without moving. (Y/n) went and chose her chair, opting to be further in the room but have a nice view of the door. "Professor Umbridge? Er— before we start, I-I wanted to ask you a... a favour."

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