Chapter Seventy-Two.

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"—and I'd probably never admit it to you, but you're cool, (Y/n), really cool," Tonks said quietly. Their head shot up when Penny and Lily strolled into the room. "Jeez, Pen, did you actually follow the serving sizes on the box?"

"Hm? Oh, that's not it," Penny said, shaking her head. "I don't know what it is, but (Y/n) forgets to eat a lot... and when she does, she gets sick if it's anything larger than serving sizes so... we've been trying to amp up her consumption."

"You know 90s diet trends..." Lily said. "They don't know the difference between dieting and starving themselves..." Shaking her head, she took the chair across from Tonks, on the opposite side of the bed. Penny set down the tray of food before sitting beside her partner.
"Minnie's been going feral, trying to see you," Lily informed (Y/n). "We're all worried for you (Y/n)... Come home soon, won't you? You still haven't gotten your Apparition license nor have you graduated..." The three fell silent for a moment. "Has Remus been in yet?"

"Not yet," Penny answered. "I think he was going to come with Olivia this time..." Lily nodded.

"Well, best get this started," Lily murmured. She closed her eyes and muttered, "Legilimens!" under her breath.
Lily had been quite surprised to break through this time. She was even more surprised at not seeing (Y/n)'s memories, but rather a dark void that showed several different scenes with different people in each of them.
She was able to recognize Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna in the hospital wing; There was a pretty Chinese-Korean girl curled up on her bed with two cats, seemingly watching old videos that were on a video camera; (Y/n)'s room in St. Mungo's was there; Fred and George were seemingly setting up something, what it was Lily was unsure of; A group of Gryffindors was chatting quite gloomily; Remus and Olivia were walking and chatting tensely; A group of Slytherins and a ghost was sitting in miserable silence; Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley were chatting over their lunch break. Lily wondered if anyone outside of her group of kids knew what had happened a mere few nights ago or if they had just been told (Y/n) was in the medical wing with a horrible illness. In the middle of it all, she saw (Y/n) wandering around, looking bewildered.

"LILY!" (Y/n) cried upon noticing that Lily was not just a glimpse of the goings-on of her friends and family. Lily didn't need to think twice before opening her arms for (Y/n), who collided quite roughly with her and broke down into sobs.
"They're going to be gone when I wake up," (Y/n) wailed. "I've messed everything up!"

"Who? (Y/n), what happened?" Lily asked quickly.

"H-He took my memory!" (Y/n) sobbed. "I closed my mind before he could take everything b-but—" (Y/n) gasped, trying to breathe properly. "But I went and messed it all up!"

"He as in Voldemort?" Lily asked quickly.

"It most certainly wasn't Harry!" (Y/n) snapped. "Sorry," she mumbled. Lily's lips twitched up for a moment before the reality of the situation settled back in.

"I need to know exactly what happened, (Y/n)," Lily said.

"I was the only one who heard the prophecy before it broke," (Y/n) said. "And Harry unknowingly told Him that so he tried to look through my mind, but I hid it well..." Lily nodded, already knowing most of what had happened up until Bellatrix had blasted Harry out of the way. "So he went on this whole rant about how I don't belong in the wizarding world, yada yada yada, and he erased my memory! Or tried to at least. I was able to close my mind before he could but I've gone and thrown that all away!"

"How?" Lily asked. And (Y/n) told her everything that went on in her mind. "All right, all right, it's okay," Lily assured as (Y/n) started sobbing again. "You can always learn magic again, especially because you're almost seventeen..."

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