Chapter Fifty.

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Remus accompanied (Y/n) for the next three hours until (Y/n) opted to start heading for the cafe. (Y/n) was freezing as walking around in the freezing cold was no easy task. Right outside the cafe, she was pleasantly surprised to see quite the frantic Fleur Delacour walking hurriedly over to a crosswalk and spamming the button.

"Bye, Remus," (Y/n) said quietly, hugging him goodbye. "I'll send Hoshi the moment I get to Seoul."

"Olivia has a two-way mirror," Remus said. "So does Sirius."

"Oh! Even better," (Y/n) smiled.

"You stay safe, all right?" Remus said firmly. "Twenty-two hours on a train, honestly..."

"I've got my own compartment," (Y/n) assured. "I wish Effie hadn't already been brought to Olivia's, but I'll be all right travelling by myself." Remus was hesitant to go. "I'll... mirror you, I promise," (Y/n) assured.

"You better," Remus said, glancing up as Fleur hurriedly crossed the street. "Well, I'll get going, I suppose." He nodded in thanks to Fleur before taking his leave.

"(Y/n)!" Fleur wailed, running over and throwing her arms around (Y/n). She blubbered incoherently, so hysterical that her French and English were bleeding together.

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked nervously as Fleur started to calm down.

"Bill sent an owl telling me zat you had left," Fleur said. "And I zought you had already caught your..." She stared expectantly at (Y/n) as though not remembering how (Y/n) was travelling.

"Train?" (Y/n) said. Fleur nodded.

"Yes..." Fleur said. "As I was saying, I realized zat you could not 'ave caught your train and I got worried you were travelling the streets alone at zis time..."

"You came looking for me?" (Y/n) asked tearfully, already extremely emotional from the several heart-to-hearts she and Remus had. "Do you want me to go get lost so you can be my hero?"

"I already am!" Fleur said proudly. "I am 'ere to sweep you off your feet."

"Well, you won't need to do very much..."

"Let's go inside," Fleur said. "You are freezing." (Y/n) followed Fleur inside, taking her bags with her. They got a table together and they both looked up at the menu behind the counter.
"You know, in France, zere are restaurants that will only give ze host a menu with prices?" Fleur said. "You know, 'ooever booked the table."

"Oh," (Y/n) said. "I guess it makes sense why my menus never had any prices... I thought it was just a money ploy or something." Fleur cracked a smile.

"Are ze breakfast sandwiches any good?" Fleur asked at length.

"Well... It's freezer food," (Y/n) said in an undertone. Fleur scrunched her nose. "Most chain cafes are going to be freezer food."

"Well, I am not sending you off without food," Fleur said. "But I don't 'ave time to cook..."

"There'll be food on the train," (Y/n) said. Again, Fleur scrunched her nose.

"The next time we meet, I weell cook for you," Fleur said.

"Would you?" (Y/n) grinned.

"Yes," Fleur said simply. "And eet will be fresh."

(Y/n)'s eyes shifted to the window, where she looked and waited for someone. Sure enough, a hurried redhead soon came into her sight, looking up at shop signs with confusion etched on his face. At length, he wandered into the right cafe and glanced around, growing relieved that he was in the right place.

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