Chapter Forty-Eight.

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Rather than spending the remaining time Molly was chewing out her husband and his nurses sitting in the tea room, the group had opted to spend it with the ill children. The Longbottoms, with the exception of Neville, had gone up to the top floor to see if the visitor's store was open and if anything would fit a child's liking. While extremely nervous to approach the Healer at first, (Y/n) had managed to work up the courage and explain that she brought some company for the many kids. The Healer, much to (Y/n)'s relief, seemed to brighten up immensely at the mention of the company.
The Healer had gone off the get the gifts sent by the kids' family and whilst everyone patiently waited outside of the sitting room for their masks and gloves from the volunteer, (Y/n) had taken it upon herself to read one of the strange fairytales in one of the wizarding nursery books— a good majority of them sounded like magical knockoff versions of regular fairytales. The healthy also had to wear gloves to prevent catching any germs, but they were all fine with that.

(Y/n) paused briefly to smile and wave at Neville, who had joined a couple of kids that were keeping their distance from the others. Neville smiled widely and waved back. The kids looked curiously between the pair, to which Neville's face flushed, though it went unnoticed with the mask, and he quickly ducked his head down. Harry's eyes narrowed and (Y/n) casually continued reading.

"What's going on with them?" Charlie whispered to Bill, nodding at Harry and (Y/n). "Did they fight?" Bill snorted.

"Harry's been avoiding conversation with her since it came out that they kissed," Bill answered. (Y/n)'s eyes shifted over to the pair, barely acknowledging the fact that Fred and George had started acting out the story and roped Ginny and Harry into it (they were trying to do the same with Ron and Hermione, but Ron flat out refused and Hermione had taken it upon herself to record the small performance). The kids had been quite excited that Harry Potter was in their presence and Harry, despite not enjoying the attention, played along.

"Really?" Charlie said, his eyebrows raising. 

"Quite sad watching one of them try and hold the conversation and the other cut it short," Bill sighed. He turned to (Y/n) and winked knowingly at her. (Y/n)'s face grew warm and she stumbled over her words for a moment.

The Longbottoms had in fact been able to get small last-minute items for the kids, though the working wizard didn't seem too happy over the matter.

"Mum," Neville whispered, embarrassed, as Alice peppered (Y/n)'s face with kisses.

"See you soon, Nev," (Y/n) chirped, smiling opening the eyes she had previously closed.

"Send an owl if you need anything outside of the Order, all right?" Frank said kindly. "You're always welcomed at our home."

"Of course," (Y/n) nodded. She reached up and relieved her hair from its half-up state before removing her reindeer ears.

"That's place number four," Remus said, lightly nudging (Y/n).

"Hm?" Alice tilted her head.

"She's had a rough year," Remus said. Alice and Frank nodded understandingly. "And... it hasn't gotten much better at Grimmauld Place, so we've been planning to whisk her off to Olivia Green's house after the New Year celebration... And I've also checked with her other two homes for the breaks— the Tonks and the Lovegoods— and they've also given the okay."

"Well, we'll have to plan something before you return to Hogwarts, okay?" Alice said, placing her hand atop (Y/n)'s head. She gave (Y/n) a tight hug, rocking from side to side. (Y/n) had instantly melted into the hug. "And don't hesitate when sending an owl," Alice added sternly.

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