On Saturday, (Y/n) strode quite casually into the medical wing. Madam Pomfrey gave her a brief glance before looking back down at whatever she was doing. She looked back up again."(Y/n)!" Madam Pomfrey greeted nervously. "You never check in by yourself..."
"No..." (Y/n) said. "But this is the only place I can go to get away from people without getting in trouble."
"You can't just check in whenever you want to, you know?" Madam Pomfrey mused.
"But I sprained my wrist with all the writing I've had to do," (Y/n) defended.
"Looks like you've taken care of it," Madam Pomfrey said, nodding her head down at (Y/n)'s wrist.
"Yeah," (Y/n) murmured. "I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just don't want to be around anyone right now because they're going to force me to do this I need to do but I can't bring myself to do it."
"What do you mean?" Madam Pomfrey pressed.
"Eating," (Y/n) mumbled. "It feels more like a chore than a... means of living. I still eat, but not enough to satisfy them, I guess." Madam Pomfrey looked extremely off-put at the news that (Y/n) wasn't eating as much as she should be.
"You have a therapy session later today, correct?" Madam Pomfrey asked slowly.
"Um... Well..." (Y/n) averted her eyes.
"(Y/n)," Madam Pomfrey said softly, "you need to talk to someone— and not just anyone," she added the moment (Y/n) opened her mouth. "Someone who has studied human emotions
"I know," (Y/n) mumbled gloomily. "Maybe I'll write to my therapist and apologize for ghosting her."
"That's a great start," Madam Pomfrey praised, bringing (Y/n) an apple juice patch. "And sometimes, it's okay to face the things you're dreading," she added in a knowing tone. (Y/n) looked down at her lap, silently drinking the apple juice pouch.
"Happy birthday, 'Mione," (Y/n) said, strolling over to the lonesome Hermione with a present in hand. Hermione beamed positively, adding (Y/n)'s gift to the two others she had from her parents. (Y/n) then set down the red velvet (per Hermione's request) cake down before sitting across from Hermione.
Ginny was the one to give the suggestion of an early birthday celebration for Hermione due to her birthday being on a weekday and to have a nice wind-down and offer Hermione the appreciation she deserved."Thank you," Hermione said. "Harry and Ron just went to get my gifts..."
"I just sent Ginny down to the kitchens because I couldn't carry the drink platter," (Y/n) said.
"Laid-back type of day, then?" Hermione asked. (Y/n) nodded.
"And after dinner, I can get you and Ginny into my dorm or we can go to one of yours," (Y/n) added.
"Mine?" Hermione suggested.
"Yeah. It's your choice," (Y/n) shrugged. "I wish there was more we could have planned... But there's not much we can do at Hogwarts without getting in trouble for it... We could've done a party, but I know you aren't big on them." Hermione shook her head in confirmation.
"A small company, cake, and your gifts are more than enough," Hermione smiled. She paused for a moment. "Did you like your party?" (Y/n) smiled strained, giving Hermione all the answers she needed.
"I just wish they waited a year," (Y/n) admitted. "What's so special about sixteen?"
"You can drive," Hermione shrugged. (Y/n) gasped.

Purple Rain.
RomanceIn which the healing process becomes a lot more difficult than (Y/n) (Y/l/n) would have expected. Book Four of the Party Police Series Order of the Phoenix