Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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The moment (Y/n) got her mail, she flipped through it, ignoring her subscription boxes and the letters addressed to her in favour of searching for her Daily Prophet. The instant she found it, she scanned the headline, expecting to need to comb through the article to find what Percy had mentioned in his letter. The departing delivery owls had barely cleared when she let out a loud gasp upon potting the large photograph on the front page. Dolores Umbridge smiled widely and blinked slowly. 

"What?" Cho asked, taking a drink of her orange juice. Her copy of the Daily Prophet lay untouched beside her plate.

"Get this!" (Y/n) exclaimed to Cho, Marietta, and Padma. "'Ministry Seeks Educational Reform, Dolores Umbridge Appointed First-Ever High-Inquisitor,'" she read. Padma immediately stopped chewing before quickly chewing and swallowing.

"What's that?"

"In a surprise move last night, the Ministry of Magic passed new legislation giving itself an unprecedented level of control at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry—"

"They can't do that!" Cho interrupted. Marietta shushed her abruptly.

"'The Minister has been growing uneasy about goings-on at Hogwarts for some time,' said Junior Assitant to the Minister, Percy Weasley. 'He is now responding in concerns voice by anxious parents, who feel the school may be moving in a direction they do not approve.'
"This is not the first time in recent weeks Fudge has used new laws to effect improvements at the Wizarding school. As recently as August 30th, Educational Decree Twenty-two was passed, to ensure that, in the event of the current headmaster being unable to provide a candidate for a teaching post, the Ministry should select an appropriate person.
"'That's how Dolores Umbridge came to be appointed to the teaching staff at Hogwarts,' said Weasley last night. 'Dumbledore couldn't find anyone, so the Minister put in Umbridge and of course, she's been an immediate success'

"She's been a WHAT?"

"She has not!" Padma angrily protested.

"—'an immediate success, totally revolutionizing the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts and providing the Minister with on-the-ground feedback about what's really happening at Hogwarts.'
"It is this last function that the Ministry has now formalized with the passing of Educational Decree Twenty-three, which creates the new position of 'Hogwarts High Inquisitor.'
"'This is an exciting new phase in the Minister's plan to get to grips with what some are calling the "falling standards" at Hogwarts,' said Weasley. 'The Inquisitor will have powers to inspect her fellow educators and make sure that they are coming up to scratch. Professor Umbridge has been offered this position in addition to her own teaching post, and we are delighted to say that she has accepted.'
"The Ministry's new moves have received enthusiastic support from parents of students at Hogwarts.
"'I feel much easier in my mind now that I know that Dumbledore is being subjected to fair and objective evaluation,' said Mr. Lucius Malfoy, 41, speaking from his Wiltshire mansion last night. 'Many of us with our children's best interests at heart have been concerned about some of Dumbledore's eccentric decisions in the last few years and will be glad to know that the Ministry is keeping an eye on the situation.'
"Among the 'eccentric decisions' are undoubtedly the controversial staff appointed previously described in this newspaper, which have included the hiring of werewolf Remus Lupin, half-giant Rubeus Hagrid, and delusional ex-Auror 'Mad-Eye' Moody.
"Rumours abound, of course, that Albus Dumbledore, once Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, is no longer up to the task of managing the prestigious school of Hogwarts.

"'I think the appointment of the Inquisitor is a first step toward ensuring that Hogwarts has a headmaster in whom we can all repose confidence,' said a Ministry insider last night.
"Wizengamot elders Griselda Marchbanks and Tiberius Ogden have resigned in protest at the introduction of the post of Inquisitor to Hogwarts.
"'Hogwarts is a school, not an outpost of Cornelius Fudge's office,' said Madam Marchbanks. 'This is a further disgusting attempt to discredit Albus Dumbledore.' (For a full account of Madam Marchbanks' alleged links to subversive goblin groups, turn to page 17).

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