𓆩♡𓆪 1 | From a distance

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The corner of Kita's eyes brim with tears when he yawns. The boy covers his open mouth with his right palm. Shaking his head, he tries to wake up his exhausted body and mind. The start of a new school week is always tiring. Especially after spending the weekend doing house chores and planning out the practice games for the volleyball team.

Kita reaches out to open his locker and it's no surprise when he sees a familiar letter in his locker. Each new week a love letter is delivered. Not a single day has been missed since freshman year. Kita reaches for the letter and gently sets it aside to grab his indoor shoes. Just like his daily schedule, the love letters are just another repetition in his life.

Among the many he's received, Kita's only opened about four. Each one being opened when he's had a rough day. Their penmanship is admirably beautiful. The person's words and feelings are quite expressive and easy to understand. But Kita is unable to properly take in their confession. It's like he's a robot that lacks a human heart. The only emotion he gets out of the letters is motivation to be the person that they see.

It's also hopeless when Kita has never experienced the feeling of being in love. He's experienced many other emotions. Caring and kindness probably being the closest to "love". Kita places his outdoor shoes away and glances at the letter again before closing his locker. "Is that another one? Shouldn't you open their letter Kita? It's rude you've been leading this secret admirer on for two years now."

The sly voice of a twin meets Kita's ears when he looks over to his right. Atsumu Miya is leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed and a smug expression on his face. Kita stares at the boy in silence. "I don't consider myself as leading them on when I don't know who they are. If I did I would properly reject them." Kita speaks in a soft tone.

He begins to walk down the third year hallway when Atsumu rushes after him. "Well you won't know who they are if you're reading their letters at a snail pace. You're still reading the ones they've written to you during freshman year." Atsumu places his arm across Kita's shoulder. Kita mentally sighs when he listens to Atsumu complain in the early morning.

"Counting the one from today...that's 73 letters and you've only read 4. 69 letters to read is easy." Atsumu lowers down his fingers that he used to count the letters. Kita glances over at Atsumu with his dull brown eyes. A sigh leaving from his lips.

Kita shrugs off Atsumu's arm when he nears his homeroom. "Says the one that hates to read. It may be 69 letters but each one contains a minimum of two pages each. The last one I read was four pages long." Kita waves Atsumu off after saying his piece. "Now go to class. I'll see you during lunch period."

Atsumu groans with a roll to his eyes. "You don't know how lucky you are to have someone that dedicated in their feelings for you Kita. If only you understand the feeling of love." Atsumu grumbles out before shoving his hands into his pockets. Kita watches Atsumu walk away.

"There he goes again saying something he has no experience in either. The idiot can barely manage being in a stable relationship. Why would I listen to him." Kita murmurs under his breath before entering his homeroom. There's only a few students in the classroom when Kita sits at his desk in the front row. He begins to grab his belongings out to ready for the long and slow school day.


You try to not look too obvious when you spot Atsumu walking away from the third year hallway. But your back against the wall and your school bag being held close to your chest is by far "normal". You only relax when you no longer see the blond haired boy. Inhaling deeply you peek your head out to look towards the hallway. Kita is no where to be seen so he must've entered homeroom first.

You overheard Atsumu's loud mouth stating Kita did not read your letter again this time. It used to bother you but not as much anymore. You've been patient thus far. Or stubborn. Either way, your feelings for him have remained solely for the him.

Lowering your school bag from your chest, you hold it by your side while clutching tightly on the handle. The difference from the past two years is that this year you're finally in a class with Kita. But the boy hardly notices your existence. If anything, you feel like no one really knows you exist in the classroom. It's a lonely feeling.

You swallow the saliva that builds in your mouth and step into homeroom. The classroom is barely full but everyone is talking amongst their own groups. Kita's eyes are down in the book he's looking over. No one raises their eyes to look at you when you walk over to your seat in the back of the room. The typical window seat in every start of an anime.

But you feel far from a main character. You feel like a background cast. Nothing about you sticks out. You hate having all the attention on you so it's fine if things are this way your entire school life. Right?

As you settle down, your eyes naturally find Kita. The boy is the polar opposite of you. Maybe that's why you're so infatuated by him. He's the captain of the volleyball team. A boy who's level headed and doesn't sugar coat his words or intentions. He's confident in himself in a non-arrogant manner. The adults talk highly about him.

The only thing Kita doesn't show often are his emotions. Which you have plenty of. You're not afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve and that's your biggest downfall. Opposites do attract in your case. But how much longer can you put up this secret admirer charade? It's your last year in high school before entering the adult world. There's a high possibility you'll never see Kita again.

Lost in your thoughts you hardly notice the scribbles you've etched onto a page of your notebook. It's a spiraling mess that reflects back at you. Halting your pen, you feel your heart race in nervousness. Hesitantly you look up to Kita's back again. But you feel safe just watching him from afar.

That's a lie. You know that.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you lower your head. The pen between your fingertips gently slip out and land on the notebook. How can you naturally create a connection with Kita? You're not even sure how to start a conversation with the boy. He might just glance at you and walk away. Maybe you'll have to switch your mindset and change your appearance to get his attention?

But that means you're changing yourself for him. That's not truly you. You want Kita to meet you as the way you are. A girl who's too powerless to even fight for her own love so it seems. With a frown you exhale with drooping shoulders.

You're quickly pulled out of your pity party when a loud thud hits against the window. You jolt in your seat as you turn your attention over to the window. Briefly you see a volleyball bounce off. Then a boy with dark brown, slightly-combed down hair, and middle-parted bangs emerges. He bends down to grab the volleyball from your guess. Your eyes meet his grayish-yellow narrow eyes.

It's Suna the middle blocker of Kita's team. The boy bows slightly and mouths the word "sorry". You awkwardly bow back despite not being the one to cause the ruckus. Suna's expression falters when he glances to his left and he quickly bolts away. Confused, you look over and Kita is glaring at the window. His dull brown eyes slowly glance over to you but you're quick to lower your eyes.

You easily feel the heat rush onto your face. The way your heart skips is too dangerous. Not once has Kita looked directly in your direction till now. You're sure he thinks you're weird right now. What a terrible first impression.

𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Kita Shinsuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now