𓆩♡𓆪 8 | Let's be friends

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The remainder of the school day goes by quickly. Nothing out of the ordinary happens. You begin to get your belongings together quickly. Double checking your schoolbag, you account everything before rushing out of the classroom. One weekday and the weekends are usually the days you visit your mom in the hospital. There's a tiny smile on your face when you think about seeing her. 

You weave past the sea of students and swap out of your indoor shoes with your outdoor ones. Quickly slipping on your shoes, you close your locker and head out. The weather is inviting when the sun shines down upon you. There's a gentle breeze that sways your hair. With a pep in your step, you walk towards the school entrance. 

You reach for your phone to call your grandparents that you're on the way to the hospital. But you stop short of hitting the call button when someone calls out to you. You're not used to anyone saying your name aloud asides a teacher. To your surprise the person calling you is Suna. You can't think of a reason why he's approaching you. 

The dark brown haired boy jogs over to you with his school bag over his shoulder. He slows down just inches away from you. Neither of you are saying anything asides staring at one another. Eventually you grow nervous being under his gaze. His tall stature makes you feel incredibly small. 

Pursing your lips, you glance off to the side for a change of scenery. "Do...you need me for something Suna? I'm kind of in a hurry." From the corner of your eye you notice Suna extending something to you. You return your eyes back on him before lowering your eyes down. He's extending his phone out to you. 

Raising a brow, you look up at Suna again. "Your number, can I have it?" Suna speaks in a low tone. His facial expressions are deadpan so you're unsure what kind of emotion he's truly feeling. You're about to part your lips to ask why but Suna speaks up again. "I'd like to be your friend Y/L/N."

Your eyes slowly widen upon hearing Suna's words. You feel the tips of your ears redden and it's no surprise when you feel the heat in your cheeks. Suna wants to be your friend? That's a bit random. You're unsure why. The two of you have no interests asides being extremely quiet. 

"Can I ask why? I just find it hard to believe you want to be friends with someone like me. We've barely had a conversation." You begin to ramble but cut yourself off before saying anything more. Suna moves his phone closer to you, his expression the same. 

You watch his eyes flicker as though he's pondering on the right thing to say. But his lips remain shut. The two of you are gazing at one another again. You're about to give up on getting an answer but Suna must've noticed your slight inch step back. There's a brief flash of panic in his grayish-yellow narrow eyes.

"Because..." Suna's words are stuck in his throat as his lips remain parted. He clenches his teeth and there's a look of uncomfortableness. Maybe his answer is too embarrassing? Otherwise why is he acting so shy. 

You feel guilty for asking now. It must've taken a lot of courage from him to even ask. Let alone to even find you this quickly. You grab his phone with both hands and begin to type in your contact information. Realistically you wish it was Kita that you're able to exchange contacts with. But Kita is still clueless of who you are actually. 

Your thumb stops at the last number when Suna mutters under his breath. "I find you admirable." You're quick to look up at Suna who's avoiding eye contact. Did you hear him correctly? How can Suna admire you after only having met you yesterday? But you shouldn't be the one to judge him. You're head over heels for Kita the moment your eyes landed on him. Maybe it's the same for Suna. 

Clearing your throat, you lower your eyes down to tap the last number in. You return Suna's phone and nervously tuck a stray hair behind your ear. But you quickly undo it when you feel your ears heating up. "I should really get going now." You find the courage to speak up. 

Suna nods his head while slipping his phone into his pocket. "Should I walk you home? There's been news about sleazy guys hanging around the outer parts of the school." Suna offers to walk you home which you feel thankful and happy about. But sadly you're not heading straight home today. You still find his offer kind though. 

Shaking your head, you form a tiny smile towards Suna. "I'll be fine. I'm heading to the hospital so I'm sure the way there will be safe. Thank you though." You bow slightly to Suna and ready to leave but you notice a look in Suna's eyes that tells you he has more to say. 

The boy looks you up and down as if trying to spot any injuries for your need to head to the hospital. He's so easy to read at times despite being deadpan. "I'm not hurt anywhere. My mom is at the hospital." Your answer softens Suna's gaze on you. He silently nods and raises a hand up to wave. 

"Get there safely Y/L/N. I'll see you tomorrow then." Suna wishes you a goodbye and you nod to his words. You finally hurry on your way to the hospital while giving your grandparents a call. There's plenty of things you have to tell your mom this week. You look forward to seeing her even more. 

Suna watches Y/L/N weave her way through the crowd of students heading home. His eyes drop to her contact that reflects back at him. He releases a shaky breath. Suna managed to get Y/L/N's number. He should feel happy but after talking to her, he only grows uneasy. Suna recalls Kita's words from earlier this afternoon.

"She didn't mention anything more about her mom? Like maybe she's been bedridden in the hospital for three years?" 

Maybe this is all just a coincidence. 

"I'm probably just wanting it to be her so I don't have to look for long. I won't know until I see her handwriting. But the girl in the letter seems to be a student who doesn't stick out. She also has a mom that's not doing well." 

Suna's jaw tightens as his Adams apple bobs against his throat. Why is he feeling threatened and worried? Suna slaps his chest to rid of the feeling. All he feels is a momentary pain from how hard he slaps. Suna shakes his head to rid of his thoughts entirely. But it's hard to when he spends most of his time thinking in his head. 

Biting his lower lip, Suna sends a text to Y/L/N. He stares at the screen wondering when she'll reply back. His eyes never leave his phone when he walks back towards the school to head for the gymnasium for volleyball practice. 

𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Kita Shinsuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now