𓆩♡𓆪 32 | Take care of her

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Suna and you are on a FaceTime call as the two of you are talking and working on homework. The serious topic at hand has yet to be brought up. It's as though the two of you are purposely avoiding it for personal reasons. You can hardly focus on your assignment. Not because of your looming thoughts but also the fact that you don't understand it at all. You need to ask Kita for some help when you get the chance.

"Something wrong Y/L/N?" Suna's low voice pulls you out of your inner monologue. You sit up straight and look at your phone screen. Suna is tilting his head to the side as he lowers his pencil. Pursing your lips, your shoulders slump in response. You lean back in your chair and stare at the ceiling above you. 

"I'm just struggling with my assignments. Who knew missing a few days of  school could put me back so much. Everything is so foreign to me." You murmur your words under your breath. Suna is silently looking at you when you lower your eyes back to him. 

He wears a troubled expression, one most likely feeling bad that he's unable to help. You clear your throat and decide to change the subject. It's better to rip the Band-Aid off now instead of later. You chew the inside of your cheek as you formulate your thoughts. Suna must've noticed your change in behavior when he sits up a little straighter. 

Parting your lips, you feel yourself grow nervous. "So...about this morning." You speak slowly and softly. You lower your gaze when you feel too nervous looking at Suna. Your fingers intertwine under your desk as you squeeze tightly.

"K-Kita confessed his feelings to me." The words that fall from your tongue still feels surreal. You can feel your heart rate picking up again. The corner of your lips tug into a smile when you recall the moment. Your face begins to heat up when you tell Suna the events. You refrain from telling every detail to keep things short. "We're officially dating now." 

Suna's remained quiet the entire time. Not even a slight movement in his seat. Because of this, you find it hard to raise your eyes up away from your lap to look at Suna. "That's..." Suna's voice is stuck in his throat when he tries to speak. That's when you avert your gaze up. 

The boy is clenching his teeth, his eyes looking off to the side. Of course you can't expect Suna to smile at the news. Deep down you learned that Suna developed feelings for you. But it's not something you can bring up. Why bring it up now to only make things more difficult. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Suna takes a deep breath and forces a smile on his face. "That's great news Y/L/N. That also means you two are going on a proper first date, right? I know how excited you were for the original one." Suna continues the conversation despite how badly he must be feeling. You want to frown and tell him to not force himself but that will only make him more embarrassed if you pointed it out.

You play along and answer his question. The two of you converse this stiff conversation for a few more minutes before calling it a night. Both of your hearts are restless but there is relief that this is off your chest and his mind now.


Kita is in a daze when he's washing the dishes from dinner. Todays events are still a dream to him. He's still in awe that he's managed to confess his feelings to Y/L/N. He might throw up from so much joy that riddles his body. Kita jolts when a hand rests on his shoulder. 

His dull brown eyes dart over to his right to see who's scared him. There stands his sister with a raised brow. "You alright Shinsuke? You seem...out of it." Kita's sister helps dry the dishes that Kita's cleaned off. She places the plates away in the cupboard. 

Kita purses his lips into a fine line before clearing his throat. His nostrils flare slightly when he begins to speak. Cruel enough, his voice cracks when he answers his sister. "I managed to confess my feelings to my secret admirer today." There's only the sound of running water before a squeal that rings loudly in Kita's ear. 

The boy scrunches his face together from the piercing noise. Kita's sister jumps in her spot and roughly pats Kita's back. "That's great news! Judging from your appearance she must've accepted your confession. See, I told you that you had nothing to worry about. Who wouldn't love this adorable brother of mine?" Kita feels a pinch to his cheek as his sister coo's at him. 

Kita groans and lightly slaps away his sisters hand before turning off the sink. He wipes his hands on a hand towel before looking directly at her. "Stop teasing me." Kita scrunches his nose adorably before casting his eyes off to the side. The corner of his lips twitch into a smile when he thinks about Y/L/N. 

"Her feelings are mutual. I can properly take her out on our first date this weekend." Kita finds himself flushed in the face when he thinks about the weekend. He's prepared a plan for the date and can only pray that things go smoothly. But Kita is also aware of how unpredictable things can go when it comes to Y/L/N. 

Not that it's her fault. Life just seems to throw an obstacle often when it comes to her life. "So, where are you taking her? You can't just leave me out of the details. It's best for me to know where you'll be just incase." Kita's sister makes up an excuse to be nosy. But Kita doesn't find it troublesome. He only scoffs with a half smile. 

Kita begins to walk down the hallway to their bedrooms with his sister tailing right behind him. Kita stops short in front of his door, his hand on the knob. He then turns to look at his sister from the corner of his eye. "I'm taking her to the beach. There's a firework show around 7PM. So I'll be home a bit late." 

With that said, Kita slips away from his sister who is ready to bombard him with more questions. But they go unanswered when Kita's door is shut in her face. Kita quietly chuckles under his breath when he hears his sister sigh dramatically. He then hears her footsteps leave from his door. Kita walks over to his desk and he moves his mouse around to wake up his computer that's asleep. 

There's a browser open with information about the firework festival this weekend. Kita and Y/L/N missed out on the fireworks at the schools summer festival so he hopes this will make up for it. There's a smile that laces Kita's face when he imagines the beautiful smile on Y/L/N's face as she watches the fireworks. He wants nothing but perfection for their first date. Y/L/N deserves nothing less.

Kita's attention gets pulled away when he gets a text. His heart jolts when he thinks it's from Y/L/N. But instead it's from someone he doesn't expect.

Suna: "I'm happy for you both. Y/L/N just told me the news tonight."

Suna: "Please take care of her in ways I'm unable to."

Suna: "If you can, will you keep her company for the next few weeks? I need some time to be alone to sort out my feelings properly."

Kita: "As much as I'd like to do that Suna...Y/L/N will realize somethings wrong."

Kita: "She's pretty smart. I'm sure she'll know to distance herself from you. Especially when she cares for you tremendously. I will promise to take care of her though."

Kita: "Take care of yourself too and thank you. If you need to vent or anything, I'm here."

Suna: "Thanks. I mean it."

There's a feeling of ease in Kita's chest when he lowers his phone after replying to Suna. He's thankful things between the two are okay. Things could've been for the worst where the two would butt heads and not see eye to eye. Kita has Y/L/N to thank for that. He's sure Suna would act more irrational if it wasn't for her kindness. 

Kita exhales and turns his bedroom lights off for the night. He then slips under the blanket and lays in his bed with his back against the mattress. His eyes stare at the ceiling above him. Thoughts of Y/L/N circle in his mind. Kita misses her voice and her presence already. He closes his eyes and sleeps to quickly see Y/L/N again tomorrow morning.

𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Kita Shinsuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now