𓆩♡𓆪 25 | Be by her side

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Kita changes out of his clothes to wear a simple maroon yukata. His eyes stare inside his locker where his letter to Y/L/N lays. He's brought the letter with him nearly every day to school in anticipation to place it in her locker. But he has yet to do so. Kita needs to have a proper talk with Suna before then. Otherwise he wouldn't feel right.

Kita hides the letter by resting his previous clothes on top. He then closes his locker and pats his clothes down to rid of any wrinkles. It's been awhile since he's worn a yukata. Hopefully he doesn't look too odd. Nervousness bubbles inside of him again as he thinks about spending the remainder of the festival with Y/L/N.

His breathing is unstable just by the thought of it. Kita rests his hand over his heart that beats against his chest. He shouldn't have Y/L/N wait long. Kita hurries to their meeting spot in the courtyard.


You're in the bathroom putting on your earrings. You calmly breath in and out as you stare at your reflection. Don't think about anything and just enjoy the date with Kita. That's easier said than done though. You can feel the butterflies in your stomach.

Your imagination starts to get the better of you when you daydream about holding hands with Kita. You look over your makeup before leaving the bathroom. As you account for everything in your purse you notice your phone screen lighting up with your grandma's name. Maybe she's calling to tell you she's here? You did mention to your grandparents about the summer festival.

You answer her call and raise your phone to your ear. "Hey Grammy, is everything o—". Your words stop short when you hear the sheer dread in your grandma's voice. The words you hear is the last words you wish to hear today. Your world goes mute and it feels as though your heart is ripped out of your chest.

The sound of your grandma's sobbing fills your ears. "I'm sorry to tell you this honey. I know today's a special day for you but...your mother. S-She just passed away." You weakly lower the phone from your ear as your vision begins to blur. Tears trickle onto the bathroom tile.

There's no way. You just visited your mom two days ago. What suddenly changed? You have to see this yourself. You slowly raise your phone back to your ear and tell your grandma that you're on your way. She profusely apologizes to you before the call ends.

The one you have to apologize to is Kita. You dash out of the bathroom to hurry over to the hospital.


Suna plops himself down behind the curtain of the classroom. He's over this stupid maid café. Suna looks out of the window and stares at the calm blue skies. His phone then vibrates in his apron. Suna reaches for his phone to see Y/L/N's name.

"Weird...shouldn't she be with Kita?" Suna murmurs to himself as he answers her call. His lips part to call out her name but he's quick to rise out of his seat. All he can hear is the strain in Y/L/N's voice. It sounds as though she's running and crying. Did Kita do something? That's the first initial thought that crosses Suna's mind. 

"S-Suna...my mom. My mom passed away." Y/L/N's tone is like a weak cry for help. Suna's eyes waver as his chest tightens. He has to find her now. Y/L/N needs him by her side. Suna rushes out of the classroom without anyone's awareness.

He's careful to not run over anyone. The thought of how weird he looks running in a maid dress is the least of his worries right now. "Where are you? I'll be right there." Suna's chest is heaving up and down heavily as he dodges and weaves his way out of the school building. 

𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Kita Shinsuke x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ