𓆩♡𓆪 12 | Delicate situation

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To Kita's surprise Suna is the first one sitting at their usual picnic table in the courtyard. The boy is glued to his phone, texting rapidly. Kita takes a seat and clears his throat. Suna looks up from his phone to see Kita and gives him a curt nod. "Not eating today Suna?" Kita notices Suna is empty handed. 

"Not hungry." Suna mutters under his breath. Kita silently stares at Suna who's looking at his phone again. There's a softness in Suna's eyes when he looks over at the text messages. Kita darts his eyes down to his bento box, an irritating feeling clawing at his chest.

Thunderous footsteps comes bolting towards the two catching their attention. Atsumu and Osamu are chasing after one another. One wearing an expression of playfulness while the other is completely irritated. Atsumu huffs and puffs when he roughly sits on the bench beside Kita. What are those two up to now? 

"Kita grab the bag from 'tsumu right now." Osamu blurts out. Kita raises a brow, noticing the brown bag that Atsumu holds close to his chest. How is he suppose to do that? Atsumu is clutching onto it for dear life. 

Kita's dull brown eyes stare at Osamu who groans and clicks his tongue. "What is in there?" Kita points over to the bag. Atsumu wears a wide smile when he opens it up. Isn't it just their usual lunch they share? What's worth fighting for?

"Mom decided to make lunch for us today but she only made one of each onigiri. I have to make sure 'samu doesn't eat the ones I like." Atsumu holds the bag to the side, rummaging through it. Osamu slumps his shoulders in defeat and rolls his eyes. Kita scoffs at the reasoning before returning his eyes back on his own lunch. 

Suna hardly partakes in the conversation. His eyes briefly on the twins before he returns to texting. "You've been glued to your phone a lot Suna. What gives?" Osamu speaks beside Suna, staring at the dark brown haired boy.

Kita notices Suna slightly shifting his phone away from Osamu's peering eyes. "Obviously texting Y/L/N. Suna's got a crush on her. It's obvious." Atsumu speaks without holding back his tongue. 

Suna's jaw locks in response but he doesn't retort back. The silence easily riles up Atsumu who points his fingers at Suna. "AHA. SO YOU DID HAVE AN ULTERIOR MOTIVE BEHIND FINDING OUT HER NAME." Suna glares at Atsumu, his nostrils flaring slightly. 

"Really?" Kita's low voice cuts through Atsumu's loudness. Suna glances away from Atsumu to look at Kita. The two are staring at one another in dead silence. The one time Kita wishes Suna will voice his opinion, he doesn't. 

Suna averts his eyes away, breaking eye contact first. "You guys are annoying." He stands up from his seat and walks away from the group. The three watch Suna leave with bewilderment. Atsumu huffs with a shrug.

"He's talking back more often. There's no doubt Suna likes Y/L/N. He's so defensive about his feelings." Atsumu tosses the brown bag over to Osamu who only gets the leftovers. Osamu stares at the bag and grumbles. 

Kita's hardly touched his own food. He's lost his appetite. There's too much going on his mind now. Atsumu wildly waves a hand in front of Kita. "Earth to Kita, anybody home??" An annoying voice pulls Kita out of his mess of a mind. 

"Jeez. You and Suna both. Any luck on finding who your secret admirer is? If you need help, I'm ready to assist." Atsumu wears a cheeky smile while taking a bite of his onigiri. 

Osamu rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disapproval. Kita's unsure if he should even tell them that the secret admirer is Y/L/N. It'll only complicate more things with more people knowing. But on the other hand, Atsumu will definitely bug Kita about this and take matters into his own hand. Kita closes his eyes and lowers his chopsticks. 

He exhales with frustration. Once again Kita finds himself angry at things he can't control or solve. Kita clutches the side of his head as his elbows rest on the picnic table. "Damn...is it that bad?" Atsumu whispers. Osamu silently stares at Kita's furrowed brows. 

Kita slowly flutters his eyes open and stares ahead of him. "I found her." Atsumu and Osamu's eyes light up but they sense something is still off. Kita hesitates to continue. He, himself, is afraid to even say these words aloud. Afraid? Kita clicks his tongue with a wry smile. Those "symptoms" are affecting him too, aren't they?

"I found her a bit too late." Kita lowers his hands from his head to look at the twins. "The girl is Y/L/N." Osamu quickly puts the pieces together behind Kita's words while Atsumu is darting his eyes around mentally processing. The blonde haired boy gasps and drops his onigiri on the table. 

"Fuck." Atsumu softly gasps out. "Suna likes the girl that likes you. But it's fine, since you were going to friend-zone her anyway, right?" Atsumu tries to sound light hearted but his expression falls when he notices Kita's face. 

There's not a look of relief that paints over Kita's face. It's one of complication. "Oh no...Kita don't tell me." Atsumu's eyes are about to pop out of his head with how wide they are. Kita clasps his hands over his face and shouts into them. 

Osamu and Atsumu both flinch in response. "I did not see this coming at all." Osamu murmurs. The twins look at one another, unsure what to even say. This situation feels like a fantasy. Something from a movie or book. A love triangle? 

Kita's still in denial to his own feelings. He's not sure what these emotions even are. Maybe he's just overwhelmed after finding out who his crush is. Or he's just afraid that this is a situation where he's unable to use logic to solve. No matter how much he tries to find an answer, his sisters words echo in his mind.

"Love has multiple feelings. You can be overjoyed, angry, terrified, and nauscious. It's not something I can truly explain to you Shinsuke. When you're in love, you'll just know. Because it will creep up on you without any awareness. You'll begin to see the person in a different way than you usually do." 

Kita shakes his head furiously. 

No. No. No.

For once in Kita's life he's absolutely terrified and he's unable to hold his composure. His body feels as though it's on fire every time he thinks about Y/L/N and Suna. If Kita had only read the letters sooner. If he had then he would've found Y/L/N first. Now he finds himself in a complicated situation. 

Because of his slow reaction, Suna's feelings and his will be hurt now. Despite the two not getting along as great friends, Kita still respects Suna. The boy may put up a front but he's passionate about things he loves. He's also a reliable teammate. A boy of little words but big actions. 

What is Kita going to do? He feels as though he's already lost. Despite still receiving love letters from Y/L/N, her heart can steer away with how close Suna and her are getting. How does Kita approach this situation? He can't outright tell Y/L/N he knows who she is. 

Kita drops his hands away from his face. He just needs to find a way to befriend Y/L/N naturally. If he forces it onto her, things won't seem genuine. This will also give Kita some time to understand what these emotions are. Taking his phone out of his pocket he stares at her contact info. He taps her name to start a text message but he quickly blanks out. 

Kita fights between confidence and sudden anxiety. The twins watch Kita's composure fall apart within their eyes. Every time Kita types something out, he's quick to delete it. "Fuck. Why is this so difficult." Kita groans while turning his phone off.

𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Kita Shinsuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now