𓆩♡𓆪 22 | Nerves

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"So...are you going to tell us what's wrong with you and Suna?" Atsumu who's been oddly quiet finally speaks up after taking a sip of his green tea. Kita's chopsticks hover above his bento box. The boy stares at his half eaten food in silence. Kita looks at Atsumu from the corner of his eye. 

Nothing comes from telling Atsumu. If anything it may cause things to be more difficult. But the blonde haired boy is keen when he needs to be. Kita's sure the twins both know the reason by now. Kita exhales and lowers his chopsticks. 

"You know we have our differences. This time the two of us agree on something." Kita begins to speak, his eyes shift up towards the clear blue sky. "It's just unfortunate that what we agree on is..." Kita's lip twitches. He's too angry, nervous, and sadden just even thinking about the next word. Y/L/N.

Atsumu nibbles on his bottom lip, his eyes casting over to Osamu. There's a heaviness in the air between the three. Kita doesn't have to finish his sentence for the two to finalize their thoughts. Atsumu sighs and ruffles the top of his head. "But...didn't you say you'll just be her friend? What changed Kita?" Atsumu furrows his brows and stares at Kita. 

Kita looks over to Atsumu with a blank expression. He ponders on Atsumu's question. What did change? The first time Kita read the letters he felt nothing. But the more he read, the more he became invested. His feelings shifted without his awareness. Kita began to notice Y/L/N more than usual. 

It terrified him how his feelings can change so quickly without any warning. But that's love, isn't it? Before Kita knew it he became more bold with his actions to get closer to Y/L/N. Partnering up with her, asking for her number after making a lame excuse about studying which the two never have done, and now he's asked her out for the summer festival. Despite the two not sharing many conversations, Kita feels as though he knows her so well. 

Thanks to her letters he knows her inner feelings. But Kita still has yet to learn what her favorite color is, what drink she prefers, does she like the mornings or evenings? Her mothers favorite flowers are tulips but what is hers? Kita wishes to learn every little thing about Y/L/N to appreciate her. The thought startles Kita and he grows embarrassed. 

Kita scrunches his nose when he feels the tips of his ears heat up. He clears his throat and quickly chugs the water bottle beside him. Atsumu and Osamu glance at one another with a raised brow. Kita wipes his lips with the back of his right hand. His dull brown eyes return to look at Atsumu. 

"My heart changed." Kita answers curtly. Atsumu widens his eyes with his jaw slowly dropping. Osamu awkwardly scratches the side of his cheek. "It feels really weird hearing you speak so...sweetly." Osamu murmurs under his breath. 

Kita looks away from the two. Embarrassment riddling around him again. "It's weird for me too. I don't even know who I am anymore. I feel like I'm always on edge. I can only seem to be calm and composed again when I see her." Kita speaks between clench teeth. 

His eyes glare at his bento box. "The odd surge of happiness I get when she texts me is weird. The anticipation I get when I write my feelings down in a letter for Y/L/N...I can't help but want to see her reaction. I'm sure she feels the same way when it comes to me. Now I can understand why she's never taken the step to approach me." 

Kita feels his heart thump against his chest. "Just the thought of approaching her makes my legs feel like steel. My throat grows dry and I'm afraid my voice will crack. I'm suddenly self conscious if I were to smile in front of her. What if she doesn't like me when she sees this soft side of me? Can I live up to the guy she's admired for the past two years?" 

There he goes again. Kita is swimming in hundreds of questions. He's not even sure why he's telling this all to the twins. Maybe it's because he's had no one to talk to about this. Kita's sure he'll regret this later when Atsumu rubs it in his face. But to his surprise, the twins intently listen. 

Kita snaps out of his mess of a mind when he feels a firm squeeze on his left shoulder. Atsumu is wearing a goofy smile with a shine in his eyes. "I would typically make fun of you right now Kita but, I oddly feel so proud to witness this. So you do have other emotions. You're not a robot after all." 

Robot? Is that what Atsumu saw Kita as? He does follow a schedule and Kita's hardly been spontaneous. He's lived life in a structured way because it's convenient. But it does get boring at times. However, Kita knows what the outcome will be every time. 

But with falling in love, his whole life is like a rollercoaster. Sudden turns, drops, and loops. "It's not my business on how you should approach this situation. But, I feel like you and Suna should talk things out. Especially if the one agreement you two can get along to is the same girl. As friends and teammates that's the least you two can do for one another." Atsumu says something serious for once.

Osamu seems surprised to hear his own brother speak so seriously. The boy nods to his twins words. "Atsumu's right. I'm sure Suna knows where he stands as well. The situation is hurting him just as much as it hurts you. It's a delicate topic so just find the right timing Kita. I'm sure you already thought of this though." Osamu offers a tiny smile on his face when he looks at Kita.

Kita quietly sighs under his breath with a slow nod to his head. Of course Kita's already aware that this conversation needs to be brought up with Suna. Knowing Suna, the boy has already admitted defeat. The girl he likes is in love with his friend. And his friend also likes her in return. 

This result must've crossed Suna's mind but the boy still fell in love anyway. That's noble and foolish all at once. But Kita would've done the same if it were him. Love makes you a fool. It's an experience you don't feel often. It's just disheartening when you fall in love with the same person as your friend. 

Kita will have to approach Suna sooner than later to save the two from this uncomfortable situation. But he grows nervous just having to think about it. Can the two even speak without glaring at one another and hating each other after this? The two share silent conversations most of the time. Kita runs his fingertips through his hair with a deep frown on his face. 

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