𓆩♡𓆪 2 | What's her name?

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Kita is the first one to arrive in the courtyard during lunch. It's no surprise he's always punctual. He opens up his bento and begins eating while scrolling through his phone. Kita's awareness heightens and he raises his eyes up and away from his phone. Suna is quietly settling in the picnic bench across from him. The boy doesn't say a word asides an exchange in stares. 

He begins to unwrap the burger he's purchased from the cafeteria and takes a bite. Kita slides his phone away to not be rude. The two silently eat their meals before Kita speaks up. "This morning. Why was your volleyball flying aimlessly?" 

Suna stops himself from taking another bite of his burger. The boy averts his grayish-yellow narrow eyes over to Kita with a deadpan expression. Suna mentally makes up several smartass remarks towards his senior. But he refrains from saying any of them aloud. "It was an honest mistake."

Kita quietly eyes Suna, staring right through the boy to see if there's a hint of a lie. But Kita finds none. The conversation drops there when Suna returns his attention to his burger. "Question." Suna stares at his half eaten burger, his voice low when he speaks. 

Suna glances at Kita from the corner of his eye before looking at Kita head on. "What's the girls name that was sitting by the window?" Kita's confused to hear Suna being interested in someone. Let alone a girl. Maybe he'd like to properly apologize for startling her? 

"Girl? What girl? What are you two talking about?" A flurry of questions bombards the conversation. It's no surprise when the boy who's asking all these questions is Atsumu. He sits himself on the picnic table instead of the bench. His twin, Osamu shoves the boys leg aside so he can sit on the bench beside Suna. 

Kita glares at Atsumu's ill-manner. "Sit on the bench properly Atsumu. You're always behaving wildly." Kita's usual stern voice makes the atmosphere chilly. Atsumu groans with a roll to his eyes as he seats himself beside Kita.

"There. Happy now? Answer my questions now." Atsumu grumbles while staring at Kita and then Suna. Osamu quietly eats his onigiri that he pulls out of a brown bag. Atsumu helps himself by reaching into the bag to grab an onigiri. 

Osamu swallows the bite he chews and speaks up. "It's weird to hear you two even mention the word girl. You both seem the least interested in them. I'll have to side with Atsumu here and ask what are you two talking about." The grey haired boy eyes his two friends.

Kita looks at Suna who remains silent, finishing off his burger. Mentally sighing, Kita is forced to speak up. "Suna asked for the name of my classmate. He startled her this morning by slamming his volleyball against the window." Suna raises his eyes after listening to Kita explain.

"To answer your question, I actually don't know her name. I hardly pay attention to my classmates. I'm there to pay attention to the lesson." Kita speaks directly to Suna this time. The two stare at one another before Suna breaks eye contact. 

Atsumu raises a brow. "Do you even talk to your classmates Kita? Or better yet, do you even have any friends in your grade? Not counting Ojiro. He's part of the volleyball team."

Kita closes his parting lips when he was about to mention Ojiro. His eyes drop down to his bento box as he ponders on the thought. Atsumu's question is answered from the long silence from Kita. The blonde haired boy shakes his head and stuffs his face with another onigiri. 

Osamu gently nudges Suna with his elbow to get his attention. "Why do you want to know the girl's name anyway?" Suna jerks forward from Osamu's nudge. He balls up the wrapper of his burger and throws it into a nearby garbage can. Suna then looks over at Osamu, not a single word leaving his lips. 

There's a long silence as everyone anticipates for Suna's answer. But the quiet boy only mentally answers. "Is she cute? That's the reason right?" Atsumu perks up the conversation with his sly comment. Suna just looks over at Atsumu and once again says nothing. Atsumu points a finger at Suna excitedly. "IT IS! WHERE IS SHE? I MUST SEE HER."

Kita gently steps on Atsumu's foot underneath the table. The blonde boy yelps and grabs ahold of his hurt foot. "As if you'll see her. Besides, she's a third year which makes her your senior. I can't see you being respectful to a girl let alone someone who's older than you by a year." Kita murmurs under his breath.

"Says the one who doesn't know her name and she's in your class." Atsumu groans out. "You're just as bad as I am with girls. The only difference is I get to have fun with the--." Atsumu yelps again but this time the one to step on his other foot is his brother Osamu. 

Osamu wears a look of disgust towards his twin brother. "That's not something to be proud about you idiot. Why do we have to be related." Osamu clicks his tongue. The conversation deters as the twins dish it out with insult after insult at one another. 

Kita tunes them out as he returns his focus on his bento. He eats a mouthful of white rice and slowly chews. To be honest, Kita didn't know the girl existed in his class. He's always sitting up front so he's unable to look around him. He'll have to learn her name so Suna gets his answer.

Looking back up and over to Suna, Kita speaks up. "I'll find out her name after lunch. Once I do I'll let you know when we meet up for practice. You want to properly apologize to her, right?" Kita watches Suna nod his head in response. Upon seeing Suna's nonverbal response, Atsumu scoffs. 

"That's why you want to know her name? Maybe you're more polite than I see you as Suna." Atsumu swerves his conversation over after being in a heated argument with Osamu. "Unless that's what you want Kita to think so you can slip in and make a move on a senpai." There's a smug expression plastered on Atsumu's face. The expression quickly disappearing when he ducks from a balled up paper bag thrown at him by Osamu.

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