𓆩♡𓆪 20 | Big step forward

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Your attention is towards the window as you stare at the bright blue sky. There's minimal clouds out and the weather is getting warmer each day. Summer is definitely here. You recalled it being spring not too long ago. So much has happened since the beginning of your third year. You're in deep thought when you hear your homeroom teacher clear his throat. 

He taps against the green board. You pull your attention away from the window to see colorful chalk written. "The summer festival will be at the end of this month! Which means we'll have to come up with an idea on how to participate as a class." You were never a fan of the summer festival. Mostly because you were alone and had no one to spend it with. After doing your required participation, you would head straight to the hospital to be with your mom. 

But this year may be different. You're not alone this year. You feel the corner of your lips curl into a smile. "So, let's all come up with ideas and decide. This is your final year to participate in the summer festival so choose carefully." The homeroom teacher wears a gentle smile on his face. 

The crowd is a mixture of excitement and groans of being reminded how this is the final year of youth before adulthood. The typical suggestions of a haunted house and maid or butler café is suggested. Nothing particularly excites you. Your eyes drift over to the back of Kita. You wonder if he has any suggestion. Or does he also not care much for these kind of things?

After several minutes of ideas, the class comes to an agreement. The class will be running a food stall. With many of the classmates wanting to enjoy time at the festival, the easiest thing to do is a food stall. Only a few students at a time needs to man the station and everyone can change out within groups of six. You hope that you'll be grouped up with Kita. 

The two of you have hardly deepen your friendship ever since the partner reading. Despite having his number, you hardly texted him. But the same is with Kita. Neither of you have attempted the first conversation. The two of you speak more to one another in person. While the opposite is said when it comes to you and Suna. 

After your text to Suna last night, his mood returned to normal. You couldn't get a proper reasoning for his meltdown when you asked again this morning. But you didn't push for a response. You're sure Suna will tell you when he's comfortable. You catch yourself in your thoughts again when the sound of loud chatter fills your ears to pull you back to reality. 

The sound of a sliding desk and chair meets your ears. You glance over to your right to see Kita. He quietly seats himself beside you. You nervously look around the class to see everyone partnered up again. The discussion for the festival ended already? Kita notices your look of confusion. 

"We'll be deciding what kind of food stall and groups after our reading session." Kita speaks softly. You timidly nod your head, feeling embarrassed at how easily Kita read your confusion. Silence falls to the conversation when Kita opens the book and sits it between the two of you. You can hear your heart gradually getting louder in your ear drums. 

You want to apologize to Kita about yesterday but your throat goes dry. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I put you in an awkward position by deciding between Suna and I." Kita is the one to speak up. Your eyes widen when you look over to him but you quickly look away. Kita's brown eyes gaze on you caused you to fluster. 

Pursing your lips, you swallow what little saliva you can build up in your mouth. "I...want to apologize to you as well. I'm sure you felt uncomfortable having to do that for me." Your voice comes out barely as a whisper. But Kita shakes his head in response to hearing your statement. The topic ends there when you watch Kita nervously rub his fingertips against the corner of the pages of the book.

"The summer festival..." Kita's voice sounds shaky but maybe you're mishearing him. You nervously look over to Kita. The boy is staring at the book, not meeting your eyes. You feel your breath hitch slightly when you notice his nervous expression. There's a tinge of pink on his cheeks. 

You suddenly forget how to breath when Kita looks over to you with gentle eyes. "Would you like to go together?" Is Kita actually asking you to spend time with him during the summer festival? You're not dreaming are you? You pull back on the rubber band that rests on your right wrist and pop it against your skin. The sting is real.

Kita looks thrown off when he lowers his eyes to your arm. You shyly hide your arm away from him when you remembered the light bruising from yesterday. Being in your thoughts last night caused you to pop the rubber band against yourself for an hour. You clear your throat. "A-Are you sure you don't want to spend the day with your friends Kita?" 

Kita gives you firm nod. "Yeah. I'd like to spend the day with you Y/L/N. Unless Suna's already asked you?" There's a slight change in tone when the name Suna leaves Kita's lips. You easily picked up his tone. The mention of Suna with you seems to put Kita on guard.

You shake your head in response to his question. "Suna hasn't asked me." The words hesitantly leave your lips. You're sure Suna might plan to ask you during lunch. That will be a difficult conversation to handle if you bring up the fact that Kita asked you first. You start to feel troubled.

Kita on the other hand relaxes his stiff shoulders. He looks like he's breathing a sigh of relief under his breath when you notice his expression soften. Chewing the inside of your cheek with your eyes downcast, you nervously intertwine your fingers together underneath your desk. "I...I'd like to spend the summer festival with you too Kita." Your heart is racing as your cheeks begin to heat up. You can hardly believe yourself with the words that you just state aloud.

This is a huge step for you. An even bigger step for the two of you too. Kita is silent and you curiously raise your eyes up to look at him. What you see makes your heart skip in response. Kita wears a tiny smile towards you with a soft chuckle. He's quick to hide his smile with the back of his hand, pretending to clear his throat. "We should start reading before sensei notices we've been chatting about other things."

You can hardly comprehend what Kita is reading aloud. You're in a daze from the adorable smile Kita flashed at you. Kita is capable of making such a cute expression. You can barely handle your happiness. Kita and you will be spending time together at the summer festival. It's like a date...kind of. 

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