𓆩♡𓆪 31 | This is reality

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You can hardly pay attention to anything in class. Your pen hovers above your assignment as you stare blankly. This all feels surreal. You're dating Kita now. Your old habits of popping the rubber band on your wrist returns and you know this is reality when you feel the slight sting. Absentmindedly you continue to pop the rubber band against your wrist. 

But you no longer feel a sting but a warmth. You startle in your seat when Kita is suddenly sitting beside you. Snapping out of your daze, you turn to look into Kita's dull brown eyes. He wears a look of concern when you notice his brows knitting together. "I never brought this up before but...is there a reason why you hurt yourself with the rubber band?" 

Kita strokes the area that's now red while raising his eyes to look into yours. You feel nervous being under his gaze. Easily your heart skips and you feel your mouth grow dry. You clear your throat and whisper a response. "Sometimes it's for my anxiety and other times it's to make sure this is reality." Kita slowly nods his head to your response. 

"This time was because...?" Kita murmurs under his breath, his eyes not straying away from you. You shyly glance to the side as you feel the heat in your cheeks rise. "To make sure I'm in reality. I'm still in shock that we're...dating." You squeak out the last word with all the courage you have left. 

Kita dryly chuckles before raising his fingers away from your wrist. He easily intertwines your fingers with his, lowering your laced hands under the table. Your heart pounds against your chest when you look over to Kita with wide eyes. He forms an adorable small smile on his face. You can't handle how cute he looks right now just freely smiling. 

"Should I kiss you to confirm this is real Y/L/N?" Kita flashes a quick smug expression. One you've never seen before. Let alone hearing Kita tease you like this is a shock in it's own. Your jaw drops and no words leave from your throat. 

Kita looks away and slowly releases his hold on your hand. He clears his throat and covers his widen smile with the back of his left hand. "Anyway, we should really get started on the assignment. You've been out for awhile so there's no time to joke around." Kita returns to his more serious self when he holds his pencil between his fingertips. 

You nod while swallowing the saliva that forms in your mouth. Your eyes stare at the assignment but your mind can only think about one thing. 

You really want a kiss from Kita.


Lunch time rolls around and Suna suggested Y/L/N to join him with the others. It'll be weird if she ate with him when Suna's positive that Kita and Y/L/N are together now. Atsumu and Osamu look over to Suna who's hardly touching his lunch. "You sure you want to see them together so soon Suna? I mean...I'm sure they'll understand if you're not present." Atsumu tries his best to say the right words to not hurt Suna's feelings.

Suna shakes his head with a heavy sigh. "I want to congratulate her." There's a slight smile that graces Suna's face but it easily slips. Osamu and Atsumu look at one another with sadness. The atmosphere is heavy. 

But it lightens up slightly when Kita and Y/L/N meet up with the three. Suna stiffens when he feels a hand ruffle his dark brown hair. His eyes quickly look up to see Y/L/N standing behind him with a gentle smile. "You okay Suna? I noticed you sulking from back there." Suna's eyes betray him when he notices them waver and gloss over upon seeing Y/L/N. 

The boy chews his inner cheek when he watches Y/L/N sit beside him instead of Kita. Kita sits across from Y/L/N, his eyes looking over to Suna. The light gray haired boy gives a short nod to Suna in greeting. Kita clears his throat and begins to introduce Y/L/N to the twins. Suna watches Y/L/N nervously bow to the twins with a soft hello. 

"So you're the infamous secret admirer." Atsumu tries to spark a conversation. His statement easily makes Y/L/N fluster. Even now Suna's heart races for her. She's so cute. But Suna looks away to save his heart from further pain. 

Suna's barely paying attention to the conversation. It's not as though he's purposely ignoring them. It's just hard for him to think about anything other than himself right now. Despite how he mentioned seconds ago wanting to congratulate her. Upon seeing her in person, that courage disappeared. 

Atsumu is the one to converse happily. Thankfully his chipper attitude is present otherwise the group would be silent. Kita's eating his bento like any other day. Y/L/N is also eating her own meal she's brought. Nothing outwardly has changed between the two. But maybe they're being considerate to not rub their relationship in front of the group. 

"How are you holding up Y/L/N? Suna and Kita informed us about your absence." Osamu speaks up when there's a break in the conversation. You freeze in your spot with your chopsticks hovering over the bed of rice. Of course it's still hard to accept your loss. 

The corner of your lips twitch into a frown but you quickly rid of it. You don't know the twins well enough to speak freely about your thoughts. But you muster an answer that's not completely a lie. You turn to look over at Osamu who sits besides Suna's right side. There's a tiny smile on your face. "I'm managing. Some days are harder than others." 

Osamu's expression softens as he nods his head. You clear your throat not wanting to bring the entire mood down. "How was the genderbend maid café? I'm sad I couldn't attend." You look at the twins and then Suna. Suna visibly makes a look of disgust when he recalls the memory. 

"Let's not talk about it..." Suna grumbles as he shivers at the thought. Atsumu scoffs with a click to his tongue. His boastful voice speaks up despite Suna's objection. The remainder of lunch goes by with ease. Despite being a stranger to the twins, they welcomed you into the group with open arms. You also notice Suna's uneasy emotions shift over to comfort as the conversations carry on. You're positive this is hard on him but he's putting up a brave face for you.

Eventually you do have to tell Suna about this mornings confession. You grow nervous just thinking about the conversation.

𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Kita Shinsuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now