𓆩♡𓆪 15 | Heart racing

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Suna nervously sits in the dining room of Y/L/N's grandparents home. The couple is busily setting up the table for dinner while Y/L/N excuses herself to put her belongings away. "It's so nice to know Y/N has a friend. You're the first one to come over." Y/L/N's grandmother speaks up while setting a bowl of rice in front of Suna. He awkwardly bows and grabs ahold of the bowl.

The warmth radiating from the bowl calms his nerves slightly. There's a stiff smile that Suna forces on. This is more nerve wracking than meeting her mom. "We're worried about Y/N. She spends so much of her time studying or visiting her mom. She should be out having fun." Y/L/N's grandfather hums out with a sigh. 

Suna intently listens to the two. The two are both just worried grandparents looking out for their granddaughter. Their worries are understandable though. Suna's never witnessed Y/L/N talking or spending time with anyone. Asides the sudden presence of himself in her life. 

His eyes begin to look around and he spots several photos on the walls. One frame in particular catches Suna's attention. It's a family photo of both Y/L/N's parents and grandparents. She stands in the middle with the brightest smile he's ever seen. Y/L/N looks as though she may be eight in the photo. 

"That's the last family photo we have before my dad passed away." Y/L/N's voice fills Suna's right ear. He jolts in his seat slightly when he looks over to see her take a seat beside him. There's a melancholy expression on her face but she erases it with a smile when her grandmother offers her a bowl of rice. Both grandparents settle in their seats across from the two. 

Suna chews the inside of his cheek as he picks up his chopsticks. "Dig in. Eat as much as you'd like Suna." Grandfather chuckles warmheartedly. Suna murmurs a thank you while his eyes scan at the many dishes on the table. Where does he even start? 

Suna's heart skips when he sees Y/L/N carefully placing a piece of eel in his bowl. She forms a smile towards him when he looks over to her. "Grandfather makes the best eel. You should eat that first." Y/L/N's voice is full of boast when she talks about her grandfather. Nodding his head, Suna takes a bite of the eel with some rice. 

The flavor definitely is delicious. Even more delicious than his moms. Eyes wide, Suna reaches for another piece. Warm laughter erupts from the table when everyone notices Suna's expression. He feels a bit nervous with all the attention on him but he ignores it by eating. 

Dinner is a comfortable silence. But it's very noticeable how eager the grandparents are wanting to speak up. Grandmother clears her throat and lowers down her bowl to look over at the two. "Tell us a little bit about yourself Suna. We don't know much. Y/N keeps all the details to herself." 

Suna looks at Y/L/N from the corner of his eye and the girl avoids his glances by staring at the food in her bowl. He slowly returns his attention over to her grandmother. Suna lowers his bowl to be respectful. "Well, my name's Rintaro Suna and I'm a second year. I play as the middle blocker for Inarizaki High." Suna ponders a bit more on what else he can say. 

"Volleyball?" Grandfather speaks up with a glow in his eyes. "Y/N's father used to be a volleyball player in his youth as well. He was the captain of his team. But they never made it far since most of them didn't take it seriously." 

A captain of a volleyball team? How ironic. Y/L/N is crushing on Kita who's also a captain of a volleyball team. The thought makes Suna's stomach tie in knots. 

"You seem quite mature for someone who's younger than Y/N. Do you possibly like her Suna?" Grandmother teases and it causes both Suna and Y/L/N to fluster. Y/L/N chokes on her rice that she's chewing. Suna frantically grabs her glass of water and hands it to her. 

You slap your chest after chugging the cold water down. You figured one of your grandparents will tease Suna. But not like this. Your mind is already a mess after Suna's statement to your mom at the hospital. His "devotion" to you. 

"Grammy. Don't tease Suna like that." You manage to blurt out after calming yourself down. Suna darts his eyes down to his bowl, poking the rice with his chopsticks. You elbow Suna. His silence is not helping either. "Say something Suna. Otherwise she'll get the wrong idea." 

Suna clenches his teeth and freezes up. This is a bad time for him to crawl back into his quiet mode. Your grandparents giggle amongst each other, not even caring how the flustered the two of you are. "Sorry, I didn't mean to tease." Your grandmother apologizes. She places a few pickled vegetables in Suna's bowl and dinner is peaceful for the remainder of the duration. 

Once the plates are cleared, Suna helps you place them in the sink before heading out. Your grandparents push you both out of the kitchen before you can begin washing the plates. You watch Suna slide his shoes back on as you nervously intertwine your fingers behind your back. Suna slowly stands up and you're reminded of how tall he actually is. You lean your head back slightly to look up at him. 

"Thanks for letting me see your mom and your grandparents." Suna whispers. You shake your head, a smile forming on your lips. "Thank you Suna for coming. Let me walk you out." You reach for the doorknob but Suna stops your hand. His large hand delicately wraps around your wrist.

The sudden contact makes your face flush. Goosebumps litter down your arms. You nervously pull away as Suna releases his hold on your wrist. "It's okay senpai. You should get some rest. I can walk myself out." Suna murmurs.

Every now and then Suna will call you his senpai. You tend to forget that you're his upperclassman at times. Not wanting to fight him, you nod your head. "Okay. Get home safe. Text me when you get there." 

Suna nods his head. You notice a conflicted look in his eyes as if he wants to say something more. "Get home safe Suna! Come again whenever you'd like!" Your grandfather calls out from the kitchen with a wide smile. Grandmother adorably waves goodbye. Suna raises a hand to say goodbye.

"Thank you for your kind hospitality Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N." Suna calls out from the foyer. The two nod their heads before continuing in their own conversation while washing and drying the dishes. Suna lowers his eyes back to you. You're more amazed to see his smile even if it's brief. 

Suna bites his lower lip, debating on something within his mind. You can easily notice it by his conflicting eyes. His eyes slowly soften as whatever he is thinking is resolved. Your breath hitches when you feel a warmth surround you. You're surprised to find yourself in a warm embrace in Suna's arms. 

Unsure how to respond you drop your arms by your side. "I meant every word I told your mom today Y/L/N. I'm here for you. You don't have to do everything by yourself anymore." You hear the shaky breath that Suna uses to speak. A side you've never witnessed from Suna. He's always wearing a deadpan expression. 

Suna clears his throat when he releases his hold on you. He then bows slightly and apologizes for hugging you without any awareness. "I'll text you later. Thank you again for today." Suna avoids making eye contact with you and he hurries out the door. His words still echo in your ear as you stand glued to your spot. 

You snap out of it when you hear giggling from the kitchen. That's when your face flushes red. Your grandparents were watching which is nothing but embarrassing. Avoiding making eye contact with them, you rush to your bedroom to grab your clothes to change into after taking a much needed shower. Your heart races nervously. A different kind of racing compared to Kita's.

𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Kita Shinsuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now