𓆩♡𓆪 23 | Night phone call

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You're turning from side to side as you stare at yourself in the mirror the night before the summer festival. The yukata...will Kita like it? The thought crosses your mind and you begin to blush like an idiot. You slap your cheeks with your hands and shake your head to rid of the thought. It's been two weeks of festival prep and you've constantly texted Kita back and forth about the summer festival.

Luckily the two of you are in the same group to help at the food stall. The class decided to run a sweets stall selling candied fruit. Kita and you will be working the morning shift so the two of you can enjoy the remainder afternoon and night together. You reach for your phone to take a selfie for Suna. The two of you have been busy with the summer festival prep so majority of your conversations as of late is through texting and phone calls. 

Y/L/N: Ta-da!

Suna: My senpai is adorable.

Suna: While I look disgusting in this maid outfit. There's so much leg being revealed. Isn't this a bit too much? What the fuck was Atsumu thinking.

Suna: I swear I'm going to punch someone in the face if I catch them staring at me too long.

Suna: Isn't this a kink thing? How am I going to live tomorrow? 

Y/L/N: Lemme see. I'm sure you look adorable Suna. 😌

Suna: Nice try. I'm not letting you witness this terrible memory.

Suna: You and Kita stay far away from my class tomorrow. I'll die from embarrassment if you show up.

Y/L/N: Now you're being dramatic. Lemme see.

Y/L/N: It's not fair if other girls can see you. I'm your best friend and I don't even get to witness this legendary moment? 

Suna: That's not fair.

Suna: You know I'd do anything for you Y/L/N. But this is about my pride. This is different. I don't want this to be the vision you see me as every time we're together.

Y/L/N: Fine... 😔 I'll just have to ask Atsumu or Osamu to take a picture for me.


You purposely stop replying as you laugh whole-heartedly. Of course you wouldn't actually ask the twins anything. You've hardly interacted with the two. You're just giving Suna a hard time. You set the phone down and give another glance over at your yukata. There's a bright smile on your face that you haven't seen in quite sometime.

An adorable melody blares out from your phone and it's a FaceTime call from Suna. Confused, you raise a brow and reach for your phone from your night stand. You quickly accept the call with a tilt to your head when you're staring at the ceiling of Suna's room. "Suna?" You call out to the boy who's not visible on the screen.

"God..." You hear Suna groan from a distance. "I can't believe I'm doing this." Suna complains some more before you hear his voice come closer to his phone. You sit yourself down on the edge of your bed. "Don't you dare screenshot anything, okay Y/L/N?" Suna's tone is stern. 

Still confused, you speak up. "Sure. But why would I--". Your words cut off when you watch the ceiling disappear and Suna's face appears. Instantly you purse your lips to refrain from laughing. Suna looks awkward as he grumbles and pouts. 

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