𓆩♡𓆪 13 | Great friend

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Suna feels annoyed by Atsumu's statement. His heart reacted when he was called out for liking Y/L/N. A blush streaks his face when he stops himself from storming off. The boy nervously raises his hand up to his chest. His heart is racing at a rapid speed. Grinding his teeth together, Suna groans. 

He would only be made even more fun of if they find out that Y/L/N is someone he fell for at first sight. There's no way he can recover from that. Let alone liking the girl that possibly likes Kita. Something snaps in his mind at the last thought. Kita's already a great captain and excels academically. Why is he also fortunate enough to have someone like Y/L/N like him. 

Suna's fingernails dig into his palm inside of his pockets. He kicks at the concrete beneath his feet. Kita's also not afraid to speak his mind. Suna always spends more time in his mind. He finds having to explain himself every time to be exhausting. And yet...

There's a frown twitching onto Suna's face. His thin brows furrow together and he's upset at himself. Suna raises his grayish-yellow narrow eyes up. His eyes widen and he forgets to breath for a moment when he spots Y/L/N. She's reading a book alone underneath the shade of a tree. 

She's effortlessly beautiful. Suna's mind blanks out when he admires her from a distance. The only time he's unable to think and speak is when he's around Y/L/N. Suna desperately wishes to talk to her about anything. But the two only share a comfortable silence in person. 

Through text messages is where all the lively conversations are. Suna reaches for his phone to take a photo of her. He admires the photo that reflects at him before sending the picture to Y/L/N. Lowering his phone, he looks over to Y/L/N who pulls her eyes away from the book. She stares at her phone and then looks around. 

Suna's heart jostles when her eyes land on him, a smile lacing her lips. She raises a hand up to wave at him. Too cute. Suna feels as though his heart is about to burst. Y/L/N scoots over and stares at the space she made. Suna swallows the saliva that builds up in his mouth and begins to walk over to her. 

"Not eating lunch with the guys today Suna?" Y/L/N is the first to speak. She's becoming more vocal around Suna now. Her shyness lessening the more they interact with one another. Suna finds happiness that he's becoming someone she can be comfortable around. 

Taking a seat beside her, he tilts his head to the side to look at the book she's reading. "They were annoying me." Suna speaks lowly. Y/L/N snickers in response with her mouth forming an "O". Neither say anything more while Y/L/N returns her focus on her book. 

Suna is now a mess in his mind again. What should he talk to her about? He's not disturbing her is he? Y/L/N flips another page and the silence stretches. Y/L/N clears her throat, catching Suna's attention. 

"K-Kita asked for my number today." Y/L/N wears a shy smile. It's as though she's trying to hold back from smiling any wider. Her expression easily tugs at Suna's heartstrings. She pulls her attention away from her book to look over to Suna with flushed cheeks.

Suna tries to look composed but he's far from calm. Her expression is too adorable. But...it's not for him. "Yeah? Does it make you that happy?" Suna blurts out the last sentence without thinking twice.

Y/L/N nervously looks away from Suna. She lightly slaps her cheeks. "Very. He's..." Suna suddenly wants to run away. He doesn't want to hear Y/L/N state aloud that she has feelings for Kita despite it being so obvious right now. 

Y/L/N shakes her head and changes the conversation. "My grandparents have been asking about you. They keep pestering me about the boy who walked me home." There's an adorable crinkle to her nose when Y/L/N speaks. Her tone becomes nervous when she looks over to Suna from the corner of her eye. 

"When you have free time, my grandparents are eager to meet you Suna. They want to meet this infamous boy who wants to be friends with their granddaughter." Y/L/N squeaks out her words with a flushed face. Suna's eyes widen briefly. His heart is ready to leap out of his chest just thinking about meeting Y/L/N's grandparents. 

Y/L/N clears her throat and speaks a bit louder. "But you don't have to of course. I know how busy you are with practice after school. I'm sure you have homework to do and--". Suna notices her nervous rambling and he chuckles. 

The girl looks over to Suna who's turned his head slightly to cover his smile with the back of his hand. He tries his best to muffle his further chuckles. Suna clears his throat and returns his eyes on Y/L/N who's staring at him with a slight pout. "Sorry senpai. You're just adorable when you start to ramble." Suna's inner thoughts slip out and he only realizes it too late. 

The two are now wearing expressions of surprise. Y/L/N looks away first with her lips pursed. "I wouldn't ramble if you spoke up Suna..." Suna hears Y/L/N's sly comment. He snaps out of his thoughts to look at her. He offended her, didn't he? But his question is dismissed when Y/L/N timidly reaches out to pinch Suna's right ear. 

Suna feels as though his heart stopped for a moment when he feels her fingertips against his skin. "S-Sorry." Suna stammers out. His eyes cast to the side when he feels the heat in his ears. Neither say a word as the two are flustered for personal reasons. 

Swallowing his saliva, Suna's Adam's apple bobs against his throat. He nervously looks over to Y/L/N from the corner of his eye. She's returning her attention on the book she holds. "When should I stop by?" Y/L/N's eyes go still before she looks over to meet Suna's eyes. 

"You really want to come over?" She whispers. Suna nods. Not expecting Suna to say yes, Y/L/N looks nervous again. "I'll be visiting my mom at the hospital today. Once your practice is over just swing by and we can walk home together." Y/L/N murmurs under her breath, her fingertips tuck a stray hair behind her ear. 

Suna catches a glimpse of the tip of her ears reddening. She must've noticed cause Y/L/N easily pulls her hair back over her ear. Suna refrains from wanting to smile. He casts his eyes up to the blue sky. "May I go with you to see your mom? One day of missing practice won't hurt me." 

Y/L/N quickly turns her head to the side to look at Suna. He feels her eyes on his side profile. "Y-You want to see her? Are you sure? We'll just be sitting in a dreary hospital and--". 

Suna musters up the courage to cut Y/L/N off. He nervously raises his fingers to pinch her ear like she had done to him. But this only causes Suna to fluster mentally. Her skin is soft and warm. Y/L/N instantly shuts up from the interaction. 

"She's someone important to you too. Just like your grandparents. I'd like to ease her mind that her daughter has a great friend like me." Suna catches himself saying something so cheesy. He wouldn't normally say something like that but it just flowed off his tongue. 

There's a softness in Y/L/N's eyes when she listens to Suna. He notices the corner of her lips curling into a smile. She looks away and snickers under her breath. "Sometimes you say the kindest things Suna." Y/L/N whispers shyly. 

Easily Suna's heart is attacked by her arrows. He's suddenly self-aware of their closeness when her hair tickles his shoulder from the breeze. Y/L/N looks over to Suna with her smile still sitting on her face. "Thanks Suna. You really are a great friend. I'm grateful you nearly smacked me in the face with a volleyball." 

Suna's jaw drops slightly when he hears Y/L/N pull a joke. She giggles when she stares at his distraught face. "I told you that was an accident." Suna grumbles out. Y/L/N only laughs louder, her laughter warming up Suna's chest.

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