𓆩♡𓆪 7 | Rippling effect

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"Man, Kita you look like shit." Atsumu's loud voice rings in Kita's head. The blonde haired boy is much too loud this afternoon. Kita is only running on two hours of sleep. The group sits at their usual spot during lunch. Kita waves Atsumu's words off while holding his head with his palms. 

"And you're rude as usual. Can't you bother someone else." Kita grumbles. Kita closes his eyes from the bright sun. He's so sleep deprived that he couldn't even pay attention to class today. The notes he took better be worth understanding when he gets proper rest tonight. 

Atsumu scoffs and continues to pester Kita anyway. "What did you do last night? It's obvious that sleep was not a priority. Oh wait...Don't tell me!" Atsumu's eyes light up and he grabs ahold of Kita's shoulders, rocking Kita back and forth.

Kita grimaces with a low groan. Osamu kicks Atsumu under the table which momentarily stops Atsumu from bugging Kita. Suna looks indifferent when he glances at the scenario. "I stayed up all night reading the love letters. I'm caught up." 

Atsumu pumps his fist in the air and cheers. "Hell yeah! I finally got Kita to do something. So, how do you feel about her? Did her words sway your heart? Do you have a better guess on who it is? She might be closer than you realize." 

Kita flutters his eyes open and stares at the picnic table. There's a moment of silence as everyone anticipates Kita's response. He slowly parts his lips with a saddening look in his eyes. The kind of reaction no one expects. Even Atsumu knows not to push for Kita to hurry and answer. 

Kita lowers his hands that rest on the sides of his face. He folds his arms and rests them on the table to lay his head down on. Kita looks over to stare at Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna who are gazing down on him. "She definitely knows how to make me feel..." Kita is unable to finish his sentence. 

There's a flicker of guilt, anger, sadness, and worry within him. The boy hides his face in his arms and shouts. The three boys jolt in their spot. They've never seen Kita this expressive before. Usually Kita avoids showing any kind of emotion around the three. Asides one of annoyance when it comes to Atsumu.

"Alrighty then..." Atsumu raises a brow and sips on his water bottle. He turns his attention over to Suna. "What about you Suna? Did you return the pen to Y/L/N?" 

Suna nods his head to Atsumu's words. He balls up and throws an empty burger wrapper away in the trashcan. "She cried." Suna murmurs under his breath while casting his eyes down. Y/L/N's smile and tears very vivid in his mind still. 

Osamu and Atsumu stare at one another. Both seemingly unsure what's going on with their two friends. Suna looks back up at Atsumu, parting his lips to say something more. "The pen was from her mom apparently. I'm not sure why that made her cry but she seemed grateful I found it for her." 

"Crying over a pen that her mom got her?" Osamu slowly repeats Suna's words. The boy tilts his head, his grey bangs swaying. Atsumu licks his spoon after eating the last bite of his flan. He speaks nonchalantly without any remorse. "Isn't that a bit childish for a senpai?" 

Suna's brows furrow together, a glare coming from him that he doesn't realize he's forming. Atsumu looks over to Suna and drops his spoon from his mouth. "Woah bro. Are you cutting me with your eyes? I didn't say anything wrong did I?" 

"Yeah." Suna's response is curt. His eyes still not leaving from Atsumu. Osamu sighs when he looks at his twin brother, a shake to his head. "What if that was the last gift she got from her mother?" Osamu speaks directly to Atsumu.

Atsumu's face grows pale as he thinks on the reasoning more. That would be a valid reason for her tears over a materialistic item. Gulping the saliva that builds in his mouth, Atsumu refrains from saying anymore insensitive sentences. Kita rejoins the conversation when he hears the mention of a mother. "What are you three talking about?" Kita straightens himself up after having a brief moment to himself. 

"Suna returned Y/L/N's pen to her and she cried. She mentioned that the pen was from her mom. We're trying to figure out why that would make her cry and Suna thinks it was the last gift she got from her." Osamu catches Kita up on the conversation seeing as though Suna is done with his disconnected look. 

Kita's unsure if maybe he's desperate in finding his secret admirer or not but the mention of a mom and sadness from Y/L/N fits a bit of the description. She's also in the same grade as him and he had never noticed her before despite being classmates. Kita looks over to Suna, gazing at him intently. "She didn't mention anything more about her mom? Like maybe she's been bedridden in the hospital for three years?" 

Atsumu is the one to speak up, a perplexed expression on his face. "What? Are the two of you having wild imaginations from one statement? Or is this information from the letters you read? What kind of love letters are they anyway if those are the details." 

Suna shakes his head to Kita's words. The weird feeling from earlier this morning rises in his chest. It's like a panicked feeling where Suna feels the need to be the first at the finish line. "I couldn't say anything after she ran off." Suna speaks up. 

Kita's shoulders visibly sink as he exhales in defeat. Osamu who typically just listens in on the conversation decides to speak up. "If my assumptions are correct...do you think Y/L/N is the one behind the letters Kita?" Atsumu's jaw drops as he gawks in silence. Kita purses his lips and ruffles the back of his hair. 

"I'm probably just wanting it to be her so I don't have to look for long. I won't know until I see her handwriting. But the girl in the letter seems to be a student who doesn't stick out. She also has a mom that's not doing well. I just...want to find her and let her know how strong she is. That I may not romantically feel anything for her but I'd like to be there to listen to her as a friend." Kita's tone grows softer the further he speaks. 

Suna refrains from showing his emotions on the outside. But everything Kita is saying feels like a threat for some reason. It's hard for Suna to understand let alone cope with. He only feels relief when he hears the word 'friend'. That's when Suna unravels his tight fists. 

"Friend? There's no way you can do that. The girl has liked you for three years. The last thing she wants to hear is you telling her that you'll be there for her as a friend and not a lover. You'll truly lead her on with that statement. Plus friend zoning her." Atsumu retorts back to Kita's statement. 

Kita doesn't respond back. Atsumu's right in a way. But Kita would feel more terrible knowing so much about this girl through her letters to just avoid her after confronting her. Is it best if he's ignorant to her letters or should he cut all ties? Either way, both options suck. 

"I have to agree with Atsumu on this one Kita. I understand you want to be there for her after everything she's shared with you. But at the same time...she'll expect you to return her feelings if you tell her you want to be there for her. She'll be devastated to hear the words let's be friends at the end of your statement." Osamu tries to word his opinion as gentle as possible. 

Suna remains silent. He's unsure what kind of advice to give Kita. He's currently trying to figure out why he feels a certain way when the mention of Kita and Y/L/N are together. The conversation drops there when the school bell rings for the end of lunch. The four quickly get on their feet and say their goodbyes while they head to their respective classes.

Kita's main goal for now is to find who his secret admirer is. If he sees Y/L/N's handwriting, that'll give him either a clue or a dead end. Suna is also forming a goal of his own. He needs to find a way to have a solid conversation with Y/L/N and befriend her. These two are clueless to the fact that this new stranger that's entered their lives will cause a rippling effect in their school year.  

𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Kita Shinsuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now