𓆩♡𓆪 6 | Her tears

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You walk with no purpose this morning. After rushing home to your grandparents, eating dinner, showering, and getting ready to do your schoolwork you had notice something off. You had lost your pen that your mother gifted you during your first year. The pen is something you hold close. It's the last gift your mother could get herself to give you. 

You dumped everything out of your bag and scoured the entire bedroom to not find it. Maybe it had fallen out of your schoolbag when you rushed away from Suna. But as you backtracked your steps, you didn't find it. Your shoulders droop when you come to a halt. Students walk past you in their own conversations with friends or their eyes are glued to their phones. 

Anxiety litters your palm and you dig your fingernails into them. A deep frown grows on your face as you stare at the cement beneath your feet. You shouldn't cry over materialistic things. But this pen is valuable. It's a gift from your mom and the pen you use for the letters you pour your feelings out to Kita. 

Your eyes begin to brim up with tears as you chew your bottom lip. Maybe you should skip school. But you've never done that before. Where would you even go? It's too soon for you to visit your mom at the hospital.

Someone brushes against your arm and they're quick to apologize. You raise your head up to apologize as well for standing off to the side during busy foot traffic. "Sor..." Your words lodge in your throat when you're met with dull brown eyes. The eyes you've grown to love over the past two years. 

There's dark bags under Kito's eyes and he raises a hand to yawn into. You feel as though you've stared too long. Pursing your lips and swallowing the saliva that builds in your mouth, you flutter your tears away. "Is...everything okay? It's not safe to just stand here. Someone can shove you much worse than I just did." Kito turns sideways to speak to you while his back shields you from any shoving elbows. 

You grow too nervous to answer him verbally. Lying, you nod your head while glancing off to the side. "Everything's fine. Thank you for your concern." You feel your heart flutter after speaking coherently for once. Kito's eyes still rest on you and it only makes your heart respond more rapidly.

Kito slowly nods his head. You're sure he's not buying your lie but he doesn't pry further. The two of you are still just on a classmate relationship. You hear Kito clear his voice while sliding his hands into his pants pocket. "Oh. Suna found your pen yesterday. He said he would deliver it to you." 

Your eyes light up upon hearing Kito's words. You turn your head to look at Kito directly. "It's a pen with a peach character, right?" There's an excitement in your voice. One you hope Kito doesn't find silly. The boy nods his head, unsure why you're so elated. 

"Where's Suna?" Your voice rises up a note and Kita looks down at his phone that he slips out of his pocket. He rapidly types against his screen to send Suna a text. The two of you silently wait for a response. Thankfully the reply comes quickly.

Kita raises his eyes up to look at you again. "He's in the gymna--". You don't even wait to let Kita finish. You slur out a quick thank you before bolting towards the gym. You don't even care if you look silly right now running through a crowd so early in the morning. 

Your legs move on their own and before you know it, you're standing in front of the gymnasium door. Your chest heaves up and down heavily as you try to catch your breath. Glancing around, that's when you spot Suna who's walking towards you with his schoolbag swung over his shoulder. There's a bit of sweat on his forehead so you can only assume he came early to practice. He doesn't notice you yet when his eyes are glued to his phone. 

Building up the courage, you call out his name before he bumps into you. "Suna." Your voice comes out louder than you'd like. The boy stops inches before slamming into you. His eyes look away from his phone and you're under the gaze of Suna's grayish-yellow narrow eyes.

Feeling your cheeks heat up from embarrassment, you speak up again. "Kito...he told me you have my pen?" You feel a bit flustered by being so coy in front of an underclassman. You're the senior but here you are speaking like a first year talking to their senpai. Suna being the quiet guy he is, doesn't verbally respond to you.

You watch Suna open his schoolbag and there sits your pen in one of the mini pockets. There's a smile on your face when you see the peach stare back at you. Suna picks up the pen and you extend your left hand out to him. He gently places the pen in your palm. Unable to contain the wide smile, you look at Suna while clutching the pen close to your heart. "Thanks for finding my pen Suna. It really means the world to me." 

Oh god. That smile on Y/L/N's face is too cute. Suna's never seen such a beautiful smile before. Does this pen really mean a lot to her? Isn't it just another cute accessory? Suna's about to speak up when he's startled to see the corner of Y/L/N's eyes tear up. 

That pen definitely isn't just another pen in her collection. Y/L/N turns her back to him while frantically wiping her tears away. He notices her shoulders trembling. There's a sadness that Suna feels in his stomach when he looks at Y/L/N from this angle. His eyes soften when he stares at her back. 

"Sorry. We hardly know each other and I'm just crying in front of you." You clench your teeth while furiously wiping away your falling tears. Your eyes stare at the peach character that smiles back. "This pen just means a lot to me. It's a gift from my mom." 

You stop yourself from talking further. You're unsure why you're even telling Suna this. He probably thinks you're weird for opening up to him. Sniffling, you clear your throat. You force yourself to turn around to look at Suna. 

Bowing slightly, you form a tiny smile. "Thanks again Suna. I should head to class. You should do the same. Enjoy the rest of your day." Without waiting for Suna's response, you bolt away to the restrooms to freshen yourself up before heading to homeroom. 

Suna watches Y/L/N run away from him for the second time this week. His shoulders slump when he releases the breath he holds. He's witnessed Y/L/N's smile and tears in a span of two minutes. Her mom must mean a lot to her. From her response to the gift, is her mom no longer alive? Or is her mom just unwell? 

There's too many questions that swirl in Suna's mind. He won't be able to get the answers either unless he tries to befriend her. But if she's always running away from him, how can he get close to her? Suna stops mid-thought. He scares himself suddenly when he realizes this is the first time he wants to be friends with someone. Let alone a girl. 

Suna makes an expression of confusion. He scratches the side of his head and slowly begins to walk to his homeroom. He then remembers that Kita texted him for his location not too long ago. Did Kita and Y/L/N run into each other and that's how she found him? Is Kita also trying to befriend Y/L/N? Kita had mentioned he never knew her name until yesterday. 

Something doesn't sit well with Suna when he thinks about that. But it's not his right whether Kita can be friends with Y/L/N or not. The two are in the same class and are close in age. It will do Kita some good to be friends with others that aren't on the volleyball team. The weird feeling Suna feels quickly leaves as he continues to ramble in his thoughts.

𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Kita Shinsuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now