Bernard Girikanan X Reader

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You were born in a very well-off family who owns well-known hotels, restaurants and other managements. You are the youngest of 3 siblings and the only girl of the family.

Your family is very overprotective of you that leads to the fact that they arranged your marriage to one of their close friends and business partners. The Girikanan.

Of course, you knew them since you were a baby. But only when on family dinner, parties or casual gatherings. You are close with both the sons but apparently as time went on, you grew apart, instead was too busy being thought to be a "proper lady".

Currently, you and your family are on your way to the Girikanan Manor to attend a party. Today is Bernard's 18th Birthday and as always, you are required to be there as his fiance but today is different.

You will be official announced as Bernard's Betrothed to everyone, friends and family.

You weren't happy about it but you didn't have much of a choice. You've known this for 6 years, ever since you were 12 and you were a child that thought about being the princess of the marriage and happily ever after. Acted all sweet in front of Bernard because you didn't know what you are in for.

You hated it.

"Now remember darling, always have a proper posture and smile. We don't want you to be belittled by the guests. Especially our family."

"Yes, mother."

As you and your family arrive at the Girikanan Manor, a man and a woman in their early 50's came and greeted your mother and father.

Your Point of View

"It's it great that you have made it." The woman with periwinkle hair says before looking at me. "And it's finally great to see you, darling. I haven't seen you for so long since you went to school abroad." She wraps her arms around me in a gentle embrace before letting go. "My you have grown into a such beautiful woman. You are indeed the perfect choice for Bernard."

Right then and there, I wanted to puke. I wanted to say no. I wanted to get away from them as far away as possible.

But I knew that I can't. I'm stuck.

"You're welcome to call us Mom and Dad from now on, dear." Mr. Girikanan warmly says and I nod in return. "Now, why don't we go inside, the announcement shall be soon."

"Right, let's go."

As we enter their manor, everything was the same as I remember it. Nothing changes much and it reminded me of how much fun I always have when I visit.

We enter a huge ballroom full of people of class. It is a very fancy and grand party and all of the well-known business owners were here along with the extended family of the Girikanan.

"Bernard should be around here somewhere- Oh there he is. Bernard darling!" His mother calls.

My eyes wondered of to a tall man with periwinkle hair, talking with a group of people and that's when it hit me. He is Bernard!

He looked at our way before excusing himself. He made his way to us and our eyes briefly met. He stood next to his mother, as we stood face to face to each other.

"Bernard, do you still remember (Y/N)?"

"Yes, mother. How can I forget?" He says with a charming smile. He bends down and took my hand before planting a gentle kiss, looking up at me with a smile. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you again, (Y/N). It has been so long since I saw you. How was school in abroad? I heard you studied in Italy."

"Uh yes, I have. It was alright and an adventurous experience to be honest." I smile.

"Bernard, why don't you accompany her for awhile, while we can discuss other matters elsewhere? "

Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now