Fubuki Shirou x Yukimura Tsurara [OC] x Fubuki Atsuya Part 2!

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It was a weekend and today, Saturday, is when Tsurara and Nae are going shopping.

Tsurara woke up early to do her daily morning routines such as exercising. After exercising, she relaxed for a bit before getting her bath. After her bath, she do her daily skincare routine and the personal hygienes. Finally, putting her clothes on.

She already has an outfit in mind for the day. A royal blue turtle neck with elbow length sleeves, tucked in a black highwaist jeans shorts that stops down 2 inches above her knees with a white belt and a pair of white slip-on shoes. She grab her wallet with her cards and along with her phone, she exits her room.

As she was about to get out of the house, the whole team were in the living room and noticed her.

"Ah Tsurara? Where are you going?" Asuto ask which she stopped and face them.

"I'll be going out with Nae and the Fubuki twins. I'll be back as so-"

"We want to come!" They all said eagerly which she raised a brow.

"Are you sure?" She ask.

"100% sure!" Norika said before all of them dashed towards their rooms to get their money.

"I haven't even told them why I'm going out." She mumbled before shrugging. "Hurry up everyone! They'll me here in any minute!-"

"Tsurara-chan, you have visitors."

"They're here!" She called out before turning to see the three. "Hey..." She greeted with a smile.

"I'm so excited for today!" Nae excitedly exclaimed. "I have so much plans."

"Y-yeah....me too...." She just couldn't believe herself to agree to this. She never is a type of girl who goes shopping. "The whole team is coming with. Will that be alright?"

"That's fine. The more the merrier right?" Fubuki said which Nae agreed.

They sure are in for a treat.
They finally arrived at the mall and everyone was so excited...except for Atsuya who had an uneasy feeling.

"What're we gonna do first?!" Goujin asked excitedly looking around for anything fun to go.

"We're going shopping!" Nae exclaimed which made everyone shocked.


"Mmhm! Since you're all here, You're going to help us with everything!" Nae said which the boys turned pale and Norika laughed.

"I tried to warn them. They just wouldn't listen." She mumbled as she stood between the twins.

"Not a fan of shopping I have observe?" Shirou ask which she nod.

"Not that type but I rather go with the flow. Nae seems to have fun already." Tsurara said as she watch Nae happily said all of her plans. The boys were just nervous and pale to what she have planned for all of them. "I might buy some stuff but don't worry you'll survive."

"Tsurara-chan! Here!" She heard Nae called.

In a racket of clothes, Tsurara search for some clothes she might like. With the Fubuki twins not that far behind as they watch her.

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