Hiroto Kira x Reader (Edited)

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A girl arrives in Japan where she hasn't visited for years. She was....nervous. Nervous on what will her friends react to this sudden news. On her sudden appearance to their lives.

"(Y/N)- chan...." She heard. She looked up to see Hitomiko with a warm smile before engulfing her to a hug. "I'm glad you're finally back." She softly whispered tightening the hug. Tears were fighting their way out of their eyes by now.

They let go, plastering smiles on their faces, wiping the tears on their eyes.

"C'mon. Let's go home." She began leading the way and she followed but then, she stops and just stood there looking down. "(Y/N)-chan?" Hitomiko looks towards the girl with worry.

"What if they hate me? Hitomiko-nee. I lied to them. I made them believe a lie that went too far." She weakly said.

Hitomiko smiled sadly at the girl and walks up her. Hitomiko puts a hand on her shoulder making her look up to the female adult.

"They will never hate you. They're going to be thrilled if they see you again. Look, the past is in the past. You did it for a reason. They'll understand you once you explain them everything."

(Y/N) gives a small smile to the adult before nodding. Hitomiko smiles reassuringly before she leads her to the limo.

As they arrives at the establishment, where all of the players of Eisei Gakuen lived, they got off the car. Hitomiko leading the way,  (Y/N) trails behind with worry, nervousness and excitement, mixed.

Finally stepping inside the house and straight to her room. All of the orphans who lived here weren't inside at the moment. They were practicing soccer outside for the tournament.

"Everyone's practicing outside. When you're settled in, you can come down and see them. If you're ready." Hitomiko said standing at the doorway as you look around your new room. You look at her and gave a thankful smile.

"Thank you Hitomiko-nee." You said. Hitomiko just nod before walking out. Closing the door after. You then start to unpack your things.

While doing that, Tatsuya noticed Hitomiko walking out of the house. All of the team did. Looking at each other in confusion before looking back at the house. They then notice a certain room's window curtains opening.

"There must be someone new," Reina said to Tatsuya.

"Why don't we go and see who it is?"  Nagumo suggested and they all agreed. They were all curious.
Standing in front of the very room. Tatsuya knocks on the door.

"Come in." They heard a feminine voice.

They opened the door to reveal the room. And at the corner, a girl was arranging her clothes.

"Ne Hitomiko-nee, how does it sound when I cook later for dinner." The (h/c) hair girl said folding her clothes.

Realizing who she was, they held a shock expression. Receiving no answers, you look up to see all of your old friends. You were shocked as well.

Before you could say something, you were tackled for a big hug.

"We miss you!" They shouted happily. And you just stood there in shock, not expecting for what just happened. She began to break in tears.


Ever since a month ago, me and my friends have been hanging a lot. After I explained to them about my pathetic excuse, they forgave me but except for one person.

Hiroto Kira

I tried talking to him but he keeps on ignoring me. I can't explain everything to him if he keeps on ignoring. But then again...

This is my fault after all.

Now he keeps on skipping practice and because I was a manager of the team. Maybe I should go back to America...

Looking up I watch as Tatsuya walking towards us, he held a stern look but I know his getting worries for the team. If Hiroto doesn't show up on practice and at the game against Raimon, they can't win and reach their dreams. I want them to succeed. So I'm going to talk to him.

"(Y/N), where are you going?" I heard Reina ask making me turn around.

"I'm going to talk things out with Hiroto," I said before walking off to where Hiroto is.

Entering the room where he usually hangs out, I spotted him sitting on the chair with his earphones on. I took a deep breath before walking towards him and stood in front of him.

Watching him look up before giving a scowl. Turning on his earphones louder.

I sigh and pull them out causing him to look at me angrily.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" He hissed.

"Wrong with me? What is wrong with you, Hiroto? Why do you keep on skipping practice? Everyone is practicing hard because they want to reach their dreams and Tatsuya wants you in it. I thought you loved soccer?"

"Used to. I don't want anything to do about our past. And that included soccer."

"So I was right...you're acting like this because of me. But please let me explain. You keep on ignoring me every time I wanted to talk to you."

"How can you explain you're pathetic excuse, that you have died in a car crash?! Do you have any idea what it felt like? You gave us a lie that has gone too far all because of your selfishness! I completely closed anything that has got to do about you and that is final!"

"Okay, look, since you don't want anything to do with me, okay. I'm okay with that but please....please....help Tatsuya and the team to reach their dreams. I want them to succeed. Yes, I went too far with the lie but please for everyone except me, please help them get to their dreams. By the time the game starts, you'll never see me again. Just like what my excuse meant. Please....think about it." I said before walking out of the room and went straight forward outside.

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