Kidou Yuuto X Reader

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On a Sunday afternoon, (Y/N) was having an afternoon tea at her garden, all by herself. She is reading a book she has been reading these few days. (Y/N) have been busying herself for the past months since her boyfriend has been very busy. He rarely visits these days. Especially now that he is in Russia.

She is patient with him all the time. But lately, she finds herself distraction to ease the longing and loneliness. Her boyfriend is the only one who keeps her company. She have siblings but they are all in abroad. Her parents are rarely home and the only ones to accompany her in the mansion is their house staff.

She takes a sip of tea before closing the book and sigh. She leans on the chair and dazed off. It is vacation, almost all of her friends are out and about whole she is stuck at home with nothing planned.

Oh how she missed him. His forehead kisses, his hugs, his smile and his crimson red eyes that stares at her so lovingly. He has always been the romantic but serious boyfriend. He gives her time,affection and attention all the time. But when it comes to other matters that includes soccer and his friends, their a different matter.

Kidou explained to her what has been happening. But that was it, he's been very busy since then. She understands that it has to comes first because the world is at stake. But she couldn't fight the feeling of the distance in the relationship. He never texts or calls. He would hang up on her almost immediately when she calls. He never gave time now and they've been  together for 1 year and he even missed their anniversary.

A call or a text would be great but none. Nothing! And he was still in Japan when that day came. Nothing!

She is definitely running out of patience.

She abruptly stands up from her seat and was about to head back inside. But as she turns around, her eyes widened at the person in front of her.

Kidou holds a bouquet of flowers as he smiles lovingly at the young woman.

"I'm sorry for being away so-"

"Now of all times?" She says, her voice laced with a slight annoyance as she crossed her arms. "You missed my birthday and you missed our anniversary. You never call or text and immediately end our call when I call you."  She narrows her eyes.

"I was busy helping the team."

"You could have just texted me or even called me once. You've been gone for months."

"It was really important! " He raised his voice but he immediately realized what he did as soon as he saw the reaction from (Y/N).

"Then was I not?" She says with a stone cold expression. "I would appreciate the little gestures Kidou. You know I'm very patient. But you could have just made me know if you're still there as my boyfriend. Sometimes I would forget I have a boyfriend because he wasn't there for a long time." She seethes. "I would look at my phone every hour of the day, waiting for your message, after a week since you've been very busy. I called you but you brush me off and turn off the damn call! You never gave time not even a second because you're too engrossed of playing the hero!!!" She breathes heavily in anger. "I understood your role, I did. I would wait for you. I thought I would. But for how long?"

"Love, I'm sorry. "

"Too late Kidou. I've been accepted to a school in abroad. I wanted to tell you sooner and ask you, but I already made that decision."

"What? Wait a minute-"

"I'm leaving tonight. It's too late Yuuto and I don't think I can do this anymore."

"But I just got here! I already have plans for us, you can't leave like this."

"I'm sorry, I really am. But I just can't do this anymore." She says as she looks away, tears brimming her eyes.

"You're crying... "

"It just hurts thinking of us ending this way. I thought we had so much ahead of us but I realize we're too busy for a relationship. I have my own priorities now and you have already chosen your own. " She says as she wipes her tears away. "It's best to break it off. It's for the best."

"You can't do this (Y/N)..."

"Please... Just leave." She says as she close her eyes, a tear finally slide down her face as she sniffs.

"Give us another chance, I can fix us." He begs as he tried to reach her but she steps away.

"We need this for ourselves. It's best if you leave now." She says picking up the book from the table before she walks past him.

"Miss (Y/N), your car is ready for your departure to the airport. I have finished loading your luggage." Their family butler says.

"Thank Hisui-san. " She smiles. "Can you please see Kidou-san off? I must get ready for my flight." She smiles kindly.

"Will do, madam."

"Thank you." She says.

But as she walks up to the house, steals another glance at Kidou before walking away, tears freely running down her cheeks as she tried her best to stay calm.

Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now