Kira Hiroto X Reader

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You stand by the doorway, after being accompanied by the family butler. You tensely stare at your 'boyfriend' who is sitting by the dark room with his earphone on. An irk mark imaginatively appeared on your forehead as you felt the rage of him standing you out from you first date in months.

It has been a problem these days that he has been so out of touch and distanced that you almost thought of ending it. Of course, your heart had to win your brain over. So much for being the brain of the school, dating a bad guy was out of the blue but you loved him. You learned to love him and his flaws, and you get your emotions the best of you.

"Hiroto!" You called.

He didn't hear.

'Those damn earphones!' You angrily thought as you made your way to him and stood in front of him.

You crossed your arms and tap you foot, giving him a look.

"Oh, you're here." He takes off his device.

"Really? Is that the only the only thing you want to say?"

"I am not in the mood, Y/N." He turns around. "Let's just move our date next week."

"You said that a week ago."

"Why are you so desperate?" He frowns.

"Desperate? Hiroto, I'm worried sick because you never answer my calls nor reply any of my texts. That date was a way for me to know how you are."

"Well I'm fine, okay? There, you had your answer so you are free to leave."

"Hiroto...I know what you're going through so please just-"

"What do you know?! You just some of the kind of girls my unappreciative father wants me to date, who I had hoped to make him proud! How do you know of what I'm going through?! I'm already in a bad mood and you're making it worse with your whiny, bratty self!"

"What?..." Your eyes were wide as you took a step back. "The kind of girl your father wants you to date? So you can make him proud of you? Am I just a sick joke to you?" You furrowed your brows. "You were using me?!"

Realization hit him, as he sees tears threatening to trickle down. He didn't mean to, really, his anger was only getting the best of him.

"Y/N, listen..."

"And why would I listen to a selfish brat such as yourself?! You used me! You lied to me!" Tears were already released as you chest started to burn in pain and heartbreak. "All this time?!"

"I didn't mean to-"

"Mean to what?! To spill the truth?! Those empty words and phrases! Fake smiles! Emotionless kisses! You took advantage of me, Hiroto and I let my dumb self believed that you actually loved me!" You cried. "What a joke..." You laugh sarcastically. "What a joke am I..." You wiped your tears as you walk away from him.

"Y/N, Hiroto, is everything okay? I heard- Y/N?" Hitomiko watched in shock as she sees the young girl crying. "What's -"

"I'm sorry Hitomiko-nee but I have to go, thank you for having me." She bows before hurrying off.

Hitomiko stares at the retreating girl before turning to her brother with a bothered expression.

"Hiroto, what did you do?"

"Mind your own business." He walks passes her.


Room dark and gloomy, you are curled up on your bed. You hugged your legs to you chest, finding it much comfort. Your eyes were red shot and your head was painfully throbbing.

Thankfully no one was home.

It was just you and the house staffs that barely cares. Thankfully they didn't, but you're sure that they're already gossiping about you, after your dramatic entrance.

"What an idiot..." You said to yourself. "You are such an idiot." You look at your mirror. "Abandoned by your own father, a mother who barely cares about you and a family who sees you as somewhat a tool and a trophy, an object. Now, an ex 'boyfriend' who merely used you for his own selfish self."

You flinched as your phone began to ring. You glance to see a familiar ID, and you immediately choose to ignore it. After it turned off, it was followed by a couple of text messages but you still choose to ignore them.

"Sweetie?" You heard.

You lift your head up to see your grandmother, the one who took you in as a child, due to her own son's thoughtless decision.

"What's the matter?" She asks as she takes a seat next to you.

"Nothing, granny. Just having a bad day, is all."

"That's not a nothing darling. Weren't you just excited earlier because of that date with Hiroto? What happened?"

She glances at her with a hesitant look. She knew she was going to hate him and despite what he did, she didn't want Hiroto to be hated. But she could never lie to her grandmother, even if she wants to.

"Hiroto...used me to please his father. He never had feelings for me."

"That boy!-"

"Granny, please..."

"Right...Oh dear....I'm sorry you have to go through all that. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Ice cream? Cookies? Cake? Oooo! I know! Why don't we have everything?!" Your grandmother made her best to be cheerful as possible. "That will make you feel better! Boys can have all the luxury but never a woman's heartbroken tears."

"Granny..." You finally break into a smile.

"Now that's it." She cooed as she gives you a box of tissues. "Now why don't you freshen up while I prepare everything and finish up having the paper works done."


"Oh I'm just firing the made for bullying my precious granddaughters. No need to be thinking about that." She stands up and plants a soft kiss on her forehead. "Freshen up. You don't have to answer him." She said holding the phone, which is currently ringing, showing the called ID. She immediately turns it off and put it in the drawer.

"That boy does not have a clue what he's missing. He had a great loss in losing a perfection like you."

Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang