Nosaka Yuuma x Elisse Trace [OC] Part 2 Edited

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Elisse POV

It has been months since Yuuma departed to Japan to play soccer and I'm currently at home in L.A., just got home a month ago and ever since then, I've been busy. Since I've been gone for a few months from my 'vacation', I was able to whip up a few ideas for the business and here I am, back to work.

Though even with our hectic schedule, we'd communicate with each other through the phone. Since for the fact that we have a difference in time, usually, we call on day-offs or whenever we have free time. We usually ask each other how our days went and so on, giving him my support throughout the matches.

"Daydreaming of your boyfriend, I see."

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts, to see my older brother leaning on the doorway, arms cross, and a smug look plastered on his face.

"I do not have a boyfriend," I grumbled, standing up.

He lets out a chuckle at my statement before pushing himself from the doorway and made his way to me. I walk around my desk to him before we both engulf each other in a sibling hug.

"I'm glad you're home," I mumbled as I felt him place a hand on my hair, before gently yet soothingly brushing my hair with his hand.

"Sorry, we've been too long."

"It's okay, as long as you're home." I heard him hummed before I felt the embrace tighten in a rather...very...familiar manner.

"So I heard that while you were gone with Uncle John, you met a boy and this boy is currently courting you. Might I know how long will you not tell us this?" He stoically says as his embrace remained but a tone of his overprotective is very evident. "I know that face of yours and even though that was the first time I've seen you made that face, I know what it exactly means."

"Aiden..." I warned.

"And if he even thinks for a second to hurt you, break your heart and make you cry; we will hunt him down."

"Aiden!" I pushed him off of me, giving him a death glare.

"What?! My baby sister is growing up too fast!!!" He whines childishly, irritating me more.

I groaned before gently punching him on the shoulder, a small smile tugged on my lips.

"Aiden... He's not my boyfriend." I grumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"No? Are you sure you're not lying? Are you saying he thinks you're ugly?! Oh, he's gonna-"

"Wait, idiot! Not yet. We didn't make it official. Sure, we know we like each other but we want it to take it really slow. We still have our careers to focus on. He's focusing on his soccer career and I'm still focusing on my business. I don't think we're ready for the official romantic relationship you speak of."I say as I cross my arms. " By the way, are mama and papa coming home soon?"

", Ellie but they called yesterday that they'll be held back for another month."

"Oh, I see."


"I'm pretty much used to it." I shrug before taking a seat on the couch.

Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now