Hiroto Kira x Reader

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The three, Hiroto, Tatsuya and Saginuma, have finally arrived at their home. Greeted and congratulated by their family and friends as soon as they stepped in the household. Confettis, cheers and smiles, it was a happy small celebration, showing how proud they were for them.

But Hiroto in particular, didn't paid much attention. As he was looking around, as if he is looking for someone.

His older sister, Hitomiko, notice his action and knew it right away. Walking up her little brother, she places her hands on his shoulder before turning him around to face a particular window.

There she sees a h/c colored hair girl, hee back facing the window as she stand by the garden, seemingly gazing at the flowers.


"She's been waiting for you since yesterday." Hitomiko says as she smiles softly. "It's best to go see her. She really does missed you, even if she doesn't she shows it much." She pats his shoulder before lightly pushing him forward.
Y/N stood by the garden in silence. Her gaze glued to the flowers that bloomed beautifully.  She remembered this particular place, for many many years ago. Where a particular promise was made that she remembers until this very day.

The sounds of footsteps invades her train of thought. She turns around to see the young Kira when she have not seen for a long time. A gently smile graced her features.

"Hiroto-kun... How are you? I heard you have one the International Soccer. Congratulations."

"Thanks.." Hiroto says as he scratched the back of his neck, his head turned to the side as pink hue dusted his cheeks. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Paris?"

"Ah...I simply wanted to spend my vacation here. It has been a while since I have last been here." She softly shrugs, before facing the bushes of flowers. "It has grown so beautiful and healthy for past years. I remember how much memories this place held." She spoke as she smiles softly, remembering those times when she was little.

"Why are you really here?" Hiroto spoke, slightly agitated.

"Can't I visit? Or is it you don't want me here?"

"That is not what I meant." He sighs. "Why are you here when I was the one who pushed you away? To leave me and this place. Don't you hate me?"

"Indeed you did."

"Why are you acting so different?"

"It's who I have become. Maturity often changes you as times pass." She said before facing the bush of flowers. "Do you still remember that promise that we made for us? That we would always come back to each other even on hard times?"

He remain silent.

"I understood how you felt that time and all I did was made it worse. My presence was an inconvenience, a burden to your life as a fixed marriage-"

"All you wanted to do was help and I was too stubborn to understand what you wanted to do. I pushed you farther away that made you felt like I hated you." Hiroto confesses. "But I realized how much I regretted it." He looks down. "I saw you as a friend first before treating you bullshit. And yes I remember that damn promise."

She looks at him softly.

"I never hated you. I hated the fact that you grew so close to everyone that you rarely had time for me." He lets out. "Jealousy blind me that made me do something I regret the most. Losing you."

He held his head down. But a pair of soft small hands cups his cheeks, gently lefting him up. Her soft smile plastered on her face as her eyes softly and sincerely stares at him.

"I never hated you either. I thought it was just best to give you space."

"I did not care of that damn arrangement. All I wanted was you. I still do and let me have this moment to tell you." He said as he carefully grasp her hands. "I liked you since I realized I do. But I love you ever since I waited for you to come back."

"I've only been gone for less than a year." She giggles.

"Yeah but that's still a long time!" He argued.

"You're so slow, dork." She flick his forehead. "Do you have any idea how hard I tried to give you the clue? My goodness you were stubborn." She crossed her arms.

I promise that no matter what happens, fights or more, we would always be together. We never give up on each other.


She suddenly punches him on the shoulder.

"What was that for?!"

"For a long time of difficulty of giving you clues and for pushing me away."

"I already said I was sorry!"

"Did you though?" She raised a brow.

Hiroto clicks his tongue before walking up to her and engulf her into a hug, despite the redness of his face and his heart racing like crazy.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk." He grumbles.


"I love you?"

"That was not what I expected and that sounded like a question." She stated. "But I love you too." She smiles as she hugs back.

While on the other hand, his friends, including his father and sister were enjoying their dose of drama. While also taking picture of the embarrassed Hiroto.

Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now