Kidou Yuuto x Claire Prim (OC) Edited

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Hair: White with teal highlights
Skin: Fair Porcelain
Eyes: Sapphire Blue

Entering a cruise ship, she wore an elegant teal off-shoulder princess dress that ends inches below her knees and a pair of black high ankle strap heels.

Walking down the stairs, she made her way to the goggled boy standing tall and handsome in his formal attire.

"Yuuto." She said making the brunette turn. He smiled.

"I'm glad you can make it." He said.

"I...made a decision to help you."

"Oh? Kidou, who's the girl?" A boy with an orange bandana stepped forward to stood beside Kidou.

"Everyone this is Claire Prim, she'll be helping us against Orion Foundation and will be my assisting me and Coach Kudou for selecting the representatives. Oh, and of course, she is my fiance." Kidou proudly said as he gently pulls her to him, putting his hand on her waist.

"Eh?!" Everyone said in shock.

"Yuuto... This isn't something to be straightforward about. This is embarrassing you know." Claire said looking away, a hint of airbrushed red brush along her cheeks. She sighs before showing a soft smile. "As my annoying fiance had just said, I'm Claire Prim. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can all get along."

"Nice to meet you as well." They say in unison.

" never told us that you have a fiance," Endou said.

"No one asked." He shrugs.

"Excuse me for a bit everyone. I have a very important call to make. Kidou?" She said before Kidou release her.

Before walking away, she plants a kiss on his cheek, leaving the brunette smiling.

"She seems nice. I'm guessing you have known her for a long time? How come we never heard of her?" Kazemarou said.

"As I said, it never came up and I've actually known her since we were 6. Our family set us up for business growth. Normally as a child, I was clueless about the marriage thing and just go along with it and had plenty of playdates with her. We used to be best friends and eventually it developed to something more. She's usually busy with her business rising so she doesn't often visit Japan, we just call each other when we have time."

"Tell us more about her."

"Well...she's actually a top 1 student in her school with her knowledge and many talents. She's a young entrepreneur and is handling her own company with the guidance of her older brother, since she can't take over 'cause she's underage and is currently going through some stuff. She also play volleyball and soccer."

"Soccer?!" Endou asked enthusiastically.

"In fact, she was supposed to be a soccer player in Spain. She quit playing due to some issues and like I said she's going through some stuff at the moment."
Meanwhile, just outside of the party, Claire leaned on the railings as she held her phone close to her ear as she gazes upon the peaceful sea.

"How's everything going, John?"

"Everything is fine, Miss Prim. Fortunately, they have no clue where you are at the moment and we're currently right on track."

"That's good... Makes me at ease." She says as she gently brushed her fingers in her flat stomach.

"You don't need to worry. Your priority now is to stay safe and healthy. We'll give updates."

"Okay, thank you. Bye." She turns off her phone and put it inside her bag.

Just then, a pair of arms have wrapped around her waist in an affectionate manner. She breathes in the familiar scent and just leans back.

"Everything alright?"

"Everything's fine. John was keeping me updated. They don't know I'm currently in Japan so there is nothing to worry about." Claire sighs.

Kidou frowns, plating a kiss on her temple before resting his chin on her shoulder as his hands rested on top of her hand that rested in her flat stomach.

"I'm sorry...." Kidou whispered. "Because of me, you can't play what you love anymore. I wish I had stopped everything and didn't fall for it. You were even looking forward to playing this year." Claire shook her head.

"Don't be. It's not your fault Yuuto. It's theirs. You didn't know, we didn't know. But you being the father is something I'm grateful for. I don't mind carrying our baby as long as it's you who I am with. I don't know what I would do if it were him. Of course, I wouldn't harm the baby but... I know he would never love me because money is all he desires. You're the one I love you and you alone. So no more apologizing that you got me pregnant. I didn't expect that to happen but I'm happy you are the father."

"Okay, but it's still unbelievable to know that I'm gonna be a father at this age and to our baby. But I guess things happen for a reason, I wouldn't even forgive myself if he had raped you. I'm happy about where we are now." Kidou smiled before holding up her hand with his and plants a kiss on the back of her hand. "Come on, let's go inside, it'scold out here. " Kidou said earning a nod.

As both of them went inside, Claire immediately recognized a group of people, especially a certain person.

"C-Clario...." She whispered.

Familiarizing with the voice, Clario turned around to face the girl.

"Claire...." He audibly mumbled before both fiances made their way towards them. "You look well since I last saw you. Is he treating you right?" He said giving Kidou a quick glance.

"Yes, yes he is. I supposed found out?"

"I did."

"You....aren't mad. Are you?"

"I am not mad about something he didn't intend to do. I'm mad at them for everything." Clario said, anger clear in his tone, but calmed himself down and gave a small smile. "But I am more at ease to know he's there for you and taking responsibility for the baby." He said, earning a smile from the girl.

"I'm glad I get to see you guys again and I will be watching you play." She smiled softly.

"It's a shame you won't be playing with us but I'm very delighted to see you well and happy. Kidou Yuuto, take good care of her. Break her? There will be serious and painful consequences from us." Clario seriously said with his friends by his side.

"I will. I promised her." Kidou said with confidence and calm as he put his hand on her waist. "Accident or not, it is still my child. Our child. As the father and her future husband, I'll never dare to hurt nor leave her and just stay by her side no matter what comes in between us."

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