Froy Girikanan x Reader

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Both I and Natsumi walked together as we arrived at our destination. We're currently on a quick tour before we head to the lodge. As I was talking to Natsumi about shopping someday, I felt my phone vibrate, indicating that someone is calling me.

"Please excuse me." I excused myself from the group. Walking at a good distance, so they won't hear my phone conversation. I took out my phone from my pocket and look at the caller's ID. "Unkown?" I raised a brow at the unknown call but answered anyway. "Hello?"

"It has been a long time, hasn't it? I see you're having fun?"

My eyes went slightly wide when I finally realize who the caller was. 


"The one and only. How's Russia so far?"

"It's just like when I used to come here." I smiled.

"That's great! Considering you haven't been here for 2 years and I can see that from afar."

"What?" I said in confusion.

"Look to your far right to where you are standing right now."

I did what I was told and there stood Froy from afar, with what seems to be a bouquet on hand. 

"What are you doing here?" I raised a brow, smiling.

"I wanted to take you out, just you and me."

"Well I can't seem to decline that, can I?"

"Well...I haven't seen my beloved Fiance for 2 years. So might as well make up for it by going out with me. So?"

I smiled and thought about it for a second.

"Alright, I'll have to ask for Coach Jinyun's permission. Give me a minute."

"Okay, I'll be waiting here."

I turn off my phone and made my way to the group from afar, who were taking pictures. I approached Coach Jinyun as he and Kobun look at the pictures they have taken.

"Excuse me, coach?"

"Yes, Y/N-chan?"

"A friend of mine has invited me to go out with him for the whole day so we could catch. May I please have your permission? It has been 2 years since I last saw him." I respectfully asked as I bow slightly.

"A date, I suppose? Ohohoho well you enjoy your date with this friend of yours but be sure to be back before the curfew."

I smiled happily.

"Oh! Thank you so much, Coach." I said before running towards the direction where Froy is waiting for me.


"Hey," I say as I approached Froy.

"Here, for you." He handed me the bouquet which I thankfully smiled in return.

"Thank you, they're beautiful."

"Anything for you, come on, let's go." He held his hand out for me to hold as he wore his charming smile. I blushed a little and took his hand.

You see, Froy and I were arranged in marriage since the day we were born. It was something regarding our companies merging together. Both he and I... never really take the marriage thing seriously, we don't really have feelings for each other, but we're childhood best friends. Before I knew about the arrangement which was when I was 9 years old, I grew up knowing Froy is my best friend. One thing our parents describe us, we were inseparable. But knowing about the marriage kinda got things awkward between us, but we talked things out and everything went normal.


Actually not having feelings?

That's actually not true. You see... I kinda developed feelings for Froy while I was in my hometown. I don't know why but he is all I ever think of. I daze out thinking about him. Hearing his name makes me happy and so on. He's handsome, kind, caring, he values me, he always made me happy and...

Maybe this marriage thing isn't so bad after all.

Currently, we're at a park, we just had lunch at a restaurant, so we decided to take a stroll. 

"The stars are beautiful tonight," I said as I look up. The night sky was clear and you could see the stars so clearly. It was gorgeous.

"Really? I thought it is you who is beautiful tonight." My eyes widened and I began blushing at his statement. I turn to look at him.

There, he stood in front of me, with the most charming smile ever. He had his hands on both his pockets as he smiles while looking at me in the eye.

"You know, I waited for two years for you to come back. I missed my best friend. But in those two years, I realized something. Something I never thought I would have developed. Something that I'm afraid that will ruin everything we have together." He sadly smiled. "But it is something I couldn't hold much longer."


"I only saw you as my best friend at first, but it blinded me of what I truly felt about you."

My eyes went wide.


"I love you, Y/N. I always have."

"Froy..." I don't know what to say.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same. I just wante-" he was cut off when unexpectedly hug him. Tears of joy were running down my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around him.


"I... love you too. "

I can sense that he was surprised but then, I felt his hand wrap around my waist. For a few minutes, we stayed like that and then pull away. Smiling at each other in a loving gaze.

"This marriage thing was faith after all. I'm glad." He said before planting a kiss on my forehead, making me smile. "Come on, let's get you back. It's almost your curfew." I nod in agreement before our hands intertwined.

Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now