Elisse Trace x Nosaka Yuuma x Reader

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The day before they were to depart for Russia, the members of Inazuma Japan were given time to visit their friends and family. Yuuma and Nishikage, decided to visit their school, Outei Tsukinomiya, tagging Elisse along with them.

Yuuma wanted to show her around the city, then show her around Outei Tsukinomiya and take her to a nice date at a famous cafe.  He is excited to show her around and so was she.

Nishikage couldn't be more happy for Nosaka, to find happiness in somebody he'll love and cherish. He did like Elisse, she is a really kind and friendly girl, but there was one girl whom he knows that had feelings for Nosaka.

(Y/N) (L/N)

She is well-known in the school. Nishikage knew her long back before he met Nosaka, they were neighbors as kids. They are friends who occasionally talk but his soccer career got in between. Later on, she confesses her feelings to him that she liked Nosaka but didn't know how to say it.

She had gotten close to Nosaka, he thought it would work well but got cut off on the day for his departure to America. Then it came to conclusion that Nosaka merely saw (Y/N) as a friend.

'She would be disappointed.' He thought.

The three finally arrived at the school entrance. Nosaka helped Elisse down as he holds her hand. Students were here and there and they were in awe at the girl. Whispers erupted through the air and soon, a rumor had been born.

"A girl with Nosaka, holding hands."

Rumors traveled far and wide until it reached the hearing range of a certain (h/c) colored girl.

"Did you hear? Nosaka has just arrived." Girls were gushing at the thought of the school's soccer star.

"I know! He looked handsome as always!"

(Y/N) listened as the two girls continued to gush as they walk by.

"He's back..."

"(Y/N)!! Did you hear?! Nosaka-san and Nishikage-kun are back!" Aki excitedly said. "We have to go and say hi!"

"What?! No. "

"Why? Don't be scared. You're just going to say hi. Nishikage is with him and both of you haven't seen each other for a while."

"Well... If you put if that way then okay. It's just to say hi. "

"Yes, like friends. "

"Right. "
Y/N and Aki made their way in the Stadium, and she couldn't help but feel nervous. She kept reassuring herself that it would just only be a simply hi. But the pounding of her hard and the churning feeling in her stomach did not help at all.

Finally, the soccer field came into view and the soccer players were gathered around somebody but they spotted the tall red and brown head.

"Look! It's Nosaka-kun." Aki exclaimed lowly. "Let's go and say hi-" She stopped as an unfamiliar blond girl came into view. Y/N couldn't be more confused. "Who's that?"

"I don't know..."

They watched them from a far. The girl with blonde hair is undeniably beautiful. She looked like a doll with her pretty sapphire eyes. But what caught them the most was their hands. They were holding hands.

Her heart felt being pierced by a needle.


Elisse laughed and smiles at the team, whilst holding Nosaka's hand. She has been enjoying their company for a short while. At first they were confused to who she was or if she was a relative of Nosaka but Nosaka confirmed their relationship himself. They were in utter shock.

The two girls couldn't hear what he had said, but the look Nosaka gave Elisse confirms their thoughts.

"He has a girlfriend..."

"Oh Y/N..."  Aki puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's fine. He is already in love with someone and it's too late. They even look good together." Y/N says as she felt her stomach churn. "We should probably go."


As the two girls leave the field, it didn't go unnoticed for Nishikage. He watched them walk away. He felt bad for Y/N to be heartbroken but he couldn't do anything about it. Nosaka is with someone who he dearly loves, he wouldn't dare to destroy it. Even if it seeing a friend's heart shattered.

Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now