Nosaka Yuuma x Reader

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On a bench at your front yard, where your garden was, you sat there.


It has been a while since you were like this. You kept on thinking of what was wrong with you? What were you missing? Why would he tell other girls except you about his condition? It was unbearably painful. You couldn't stand but thought of yourself of being untrustworthy.

Of course, your friends were worried about you. You haven't attend to any practices for the passing days. Whenever they come visit at your house, you will just be in your room. Sitting on your bed as tears freely stream down on your cheeks from your eyes.

Sighing, you stood up. Not wanting to worsen your current condition, you started to walked back inside but then...your visions began to blur...your chest began to hurt but before even calling Mika, you black out.

"(Y/N)! Come on sweetie! You have to take your medicine." A middle aged woman called as she stood at the front door, looking for the girl. But as her eyes landed at an (H/C) haired girl laying on the ground, she began to panick and immediately called an ambulance.
Meanwhile, at a soccer field, Inakuni Raimon was practising. But during the practice, their manager, Mikado Anna, received a message from someone. So, she excused herself for a while to look at the message.

As she read the message, worry came to her and immediately rush towards the bench where Ootani stood with their coach.

"Anna-chan? What's wrong?" Ootani asked at the now worried manager.

"(Y-Y/N)...she's been rushed to the hospital."

"(Y/N)-chan? What happened?"

"I don't know. Mika-san only texted me that (Y/N)-chan is being hospitalized and cannot be at the finals."

"Then how about we take a break and visit (Y/N)-chan? We'll continue practise tomorrow." Jinyun said before calling out the players.
In the hospital, at a certain room, (Y/N) unconsciously slept on the hospital bed. Machines attached to avoid risks. Mika sat by the couch as she waited for the doctor's results.

Knocking was heard from door, she faintly said to come in. Then, all the Inakuni Raimon walked in with the managers. They were shocked but except for the managers. Seeing their friend and teammate on bed, unconscious with machines attached made them uneasy.

"(Y/N)....chan....what happened to her?" Inamuri asked worry evident in his eyes and features.

"She didn't need to tell you but...she's diagnose in a weak heart. She's been having this since she was 8 years old. The days of her odd behavior maybe is the cause of her condition but I don't know yet. The doctor haven't came with the results yet."

"Does Nosaka-san know about this?"

"I suppose not. She was suppose to tell him but she said he was busy and didn't want to bother him so she got home." Mika answered glancing at the unconscious girl.

"Excuse me? Miss (L/N)?" They heard. Mika instantly stood up.

"Yes doctor."

"The patient is stable for now. But she has to take in some medicines to continue her medication. And because of this, she has to take the medication from the start. So we have contacted her previous doctor and we'll later give you your needs for those. We've also contacted Mr and Mrs (L/N) on this." The doctor explain to which Mika nod in understood. "That's all. Please excuse me." The doctor bowed before walking out of the room.

"M-Mika...." They heard a faint voice. They all immediately divert their attention to the girl on the bed to see her eyes were half opened. Her eyes traveled around the room. "Why's....everyone here?" She weakly asked and tried to sit up but failed. " I in" Mika immediately rushed to her side.

"Dear, please, just lay down and stay still. You had an attack earlier and fainted. I informed Anna about this and so they came here to give you a visit."

"I see...." She said her gaze cast down.

"I'll go get the nurse and tell them you're awake." Mika said before walking out. Leaving the girl with her friends. She sigh.


"I just don't want you guys to worry. I wanted to tell you but the matches, I wanted all of you to keep fucos. I really really am sorry. I'm so sorry."

"We understand (Y/N) don't have to be sorry. You just wanted us to keep on focus on our goals. It's neither of our fault."

"But this may be that damn guy's." Haizaki scoffed.

"Haizaki...." Inamori said, elbowing him.

"It's okay. But promise to keep on focus on the finals?"

"We will."
Finally, the day of the match between Outei Tsukonomiya and Inakuni Raimon was finally over. Inakuni Raimon won and for the following events, Project Ares is finally over.

The day went on with the Inakuni Raimon, celebrating their victory of the game with some friends, including Nosaka. They were in glee as they celebrated but then, a call from Mika came to Anna and so she answered.

"Mika-san?" Anna answered. By the name mentioned, everyone went silent.
"I'm sorry Anna but...(Y/N) went back to (Home Country). I wanted to tell you sooner but she said not to until the game is over. That's all I have to say. Congratulations on your victory."
"I- I see....T-thank you Mika-san." She said before ending the call, a frown plastered on her face as she looked down.

"Anna-chan? Is everything okay?" Norika asked.

"(Y/N)-chan...went back to (Home Country)." But then, a text was received by a certain someone.
'Congratulations on your win Inakuni Raimon!'

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