Nishikage Seiya x Reader

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(Y/N) focused on her task at hand. She was preparing for a school event that would be due pretty soon. She has been very busy with the preparations as the school embodied president.

She finally sighs in relief as she leans her back on the chair. She closes her eyes, feeling a slight pain on her head. She relaxes her shoulders before opening her eyes.

Her thoughts then wonders off to a certain guy who happens to be Outei Tsukinomiya 's goalkeeper AKA her boyfriend. They haven't dated long, it was after Nosaka approved of them dating when the Scale of Ares Project was finally over. But it wasn't long when Nishikage had to be yet again busy as a representative of Japan. She couldn't be more proud of him.

Nishikage would often as he could text or call her. He would talk to her about her day and vice versa. But because of the School Event coming up, she has been very busy and so she couldn't text or call him.

"President~" The vice president sings as he enters the office.

"Akito, I just finished up some papers for the event. How is everything going on your side?"

"Everything is going very well. But I since you're free, I need you to come with me to the Soccer Stadium. There's some things that I need you to be there."

"Why? What happened? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes, every thing is fine. I just need your opinions that is all."

"Okay." She says as she stands up.


Akito and (Y/N) enters the stadium, the soccer team were practicing and just as she enters, she realized.

"Wait- we don't have any activities that got to do with the Stadium. " She says with a raised brow.

"I know, this has something to do with you." He said, gesturing his hand to turn around. Even more confused, she hesitantly turn around.

"Why am I- eh? " She froze. Her eyes wide, mouth slightly agape and the disability move her body. There was silence.

Nishikage stood in front of her with a bouquet of roses on his hands, Nosaka standing behind him with a smirk.

"Uh...(Y/N) I think it is better if you snap out of it." Akito says as he poked her shoulder.

She blinks furiously as she is still caught by surprise.

"Seiya-kun..." She mutters, blush started to dust her cheeks.

Nishikage warmly smile as he stares at her. Overwhelmed, small tears brims her eyes before she steps forward, wrapping her arms around him. He hugs her back lovingly, smiling happily to finally see her again.

"It's great to finally see you again." (Y/N) whispers.

"I missed you."

"Me too." She breaks from the hug as she turns to Yuuma. "But what are you two doing here? Aren't you going to Russia?"

"The coach wanted us to take a break and visit places we want to before we go back." Nosaka answers her.

"I see. Congratulations on advancing to the finals! You guys did great! I'm glad you're back Nosaka, how was it in America?"

"It was fine, It is nice to see you again, (Y/N). I see you're busy with the school event. "

"Yeah... There are a lot of things to get done. But everything is doing well, fortunately. " She smiles. "So... You're going to Russia, any thoughts? "

" It's gonna be tough considering our opponents but we have made it this far. Nishikage would miss you though." He says in a slightly teasing manner. 

Nishikage blushes in response as he turns away in embarrassment.

"Awe... I would miss you too. " She says giving him a peck on the cheek. "Hey, why don't we go out tonight? We should have dinner together, that would be fun. " She suggested.

"Are you sure? Aren't you busy? "

"Not anymore, I just finished up some works and everything is done. Please? It has been do long since we got to hang out together."

"Sure, we'll tell the guys for you."

"Great! I'll tell mama and papa! They've been wanting to meet you for so long!" (Y/N) excitedly says.

"R-Really? "

"Mmhm! I told them about us for a while now. But don't worry, they already like you." She lightly laughs."So, I'll meet you tonight. I have to go and check on the preparations." She gives Nishikage a last peck on the cheek. "I'll see you later. I love you." She whispers. She waves at the both of them before walking away.

Nishikage stood frozen and surprised. He couldn't even mutter a word. Not until Yuuma snapped him out of it.

"She's is something, isn't she? She's a good match for you, Nishikage-kun." Yuuma smirks.

"Yes. Yes, she is."

"So why don't we get you ready for tonight? I'll ask Elisse for advice." Nosaka starts to push him.

"Wha-ah, Nosaka-san-"

"Now, now, we want to impress her parents. So let's get to it. "

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