Gouenji Shuuya x Reader

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"I'll be back soon.I'm not going too be long." A girl with (h/c) hair said as she hug her best friend goodbye.
"Just promise me to be safe, call me or even text me when you have time." He said as they let go of each other, giving sad smiles.
"I will Gouenji. Take care of Endou and the others for me and keep me on update."
"Hello? (Y/N)." He worriedly said as he answered the phone. "God I've been worried about you-"
"Shuuya....." A deep male voice came from the other side. He was unfamiliared by the voice at first but soon realised to who exactly was it.
"(L/N)-san.... Gomen, I thought that this is (y/n)-"
"No harm done my boy. I understand, considering for this is my daughter's phone but anyway, I have something very important to tell you. It's about (y/n)."

Years Later;

"It's great to have you back Gouenji." The brunette Raimon coach said as he smile widely at his pale blonde friend.

"It is good to back." Gouenji said, smiling as he look at everyone in the room, having fun as they celebrate the victory of Raimon, the returning of their friend, Gouenji Shuuya, from being the Holy Emperor, Ishido Shuuji, and for soccer to be played freely again.

"It feels like the old days when we were in highschool, it's like she's still here."

He smiled warmly at the mention of the person who he's been missing.

The person who always have been supportive.

The person who always have been there to help him out on his problems.

The person who made him smile on times he's down.

"Everyone, today we celebrate the win of Raimon at the Holy Road and the return of Gouenji Shuuya from being the Holy Emperor. So for tonight, I have prepared a feast for us for our celebrations. But there's a surprise later on." Hibiki said as Natsumi and the other female adults came out of the kitchen with food on hand and one by one put them on the table neatly. "I'm sure you'll find them delicious. They are your favorites after all." Hibiki said.

Everyone seated as all he food were serve. After praying, the started to eat. But with just one bit, they were surprised.

"This is so delicious! Hibiki-san sure does cook delicious food." Aoi complemented, very satisfied of the food.

"So good!" Tenma exclaimed happily as he ate. "Isn't it Endou-kantoku?" He turned to Endou, who stared at the food he had biten, along with the other adults. Especially a certain pale blonde hair male and a pink haired teenage girl. "Kantoku?" Tenma asked.

"Reminds me when we were still young." Endou said a smile plastered on his face.

"She was always there for us." Natsumi said.

"She would end the day of practice by cooking us delicious food." Kageyama said.

"Always motivative." Kidou said.

"Always stubborn." Akio said chuckling.

"She was very important to our team. But sadly, she move away. But we heard the news that she got into an accident.  We didn't heard any news about her since then And until now." Aki said.

"Who?" Shinsuke ask.

"(Y/N) (L/N). She's a great friend of ours and a manager to our team. It would be really nice for you guys to meet her. You would have love her." Haruna exclaimed.

"Wherever she is, I hope someday she'll come back."

"I hope you guys enjoy my cooking. I made some deserts too." A female voice was heard. Everyone turn around from their seats to know who it was.

As they finally saw the voice's owner, the adults were in shock to who it actually was.

"I really owe you guys an apology. I'm really sorry about me not keeping in contact for all these 8 years and for worrying you-"

Her eyes widened at the sudden action. Her heart beating faster every second she was in the hug, knowing who was hugging her.

"Where have you been?" Gouenji said. "I was so worried, We were so worried." His voice was cracking as he said. As she smiled, she slowly hug back.

"I'm so sorry Shuuya...I never meant to disappear like that." She said. "I love you, guys. You know that." She said as they let go of each other, "And now that I'm here, I'm never going to disapper again. Promise." She said smilingly.

"Welcome back (Y/N)." Emdou exclaimed making the girl smile even more.

"It's great to be back." She said before sitting down next to Shuuya.

"Everyone! This is (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Nice to meet you (L/N)-san!" The juniors said.

"Nice to meet you guys too!." She said laughing lightly. "Congratulations on your win."

"Arigatou!" They all said in unison making her giggle.

"So (Y/N), anything new lately?" Natsumi asked.

"Well...there is. I'm actually getting married." She showed her hand with the diamond ring.
"What?!!!!" Everyone exclaimed.

"To who?!" Haruna asked.
"The one you once known as the Holy Emperor." She smirkingly said as Shuuya looked away, a blush visible on his cheeks.



"Well...he actually proposed to me before I actually left. Surprisingly to know that my dad actually agreed to his proposal despite our young age."

"(Y/N)...." Gouenji groaned.

"What?! I'm just telling the- Umph!"
"That should keep you shut." Gouenji said pulling away smirking. Leaving the poor adult female to blush really hard and the others to laugh or giggle.

Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora