Gouenji Shuuya x Reader Part 2

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"I think you went kinda overboard with the snacks..." Gouenji sweatdropped as I bring in the last batch of snacks to his father's car.

"Oh you know how boys are, you need a lot of calories especially healthy ones, that is why I took the time to make these snacks for all of you." I said handing Yuuka a piece of mango tamarind candy.

"And you finished these for just half a day..."

"Oh you know how I love cooking. It was nothing and I had so much fun! I even made some for your dad to snack on while working."

"You outdone yourself, Y/N. You make the perfect wife for my son and I hope it would be very soon." His father gave me a pat on the shoulder before giving Gouenji a wink, earning a playful eye roll. "Now... Let's get you three to the camp. We don't want to keep your friends waiting."


Third Person Point of View

After half an hour of driving, they finally arrived at the camping site. Everyone in the team were waiting at the entrance, fully geared and ready for the camp.

"Oh my gosh! Isn't that Elisse Trace?! She's so beautiful in the flesh!" Y/N gushed as she sees the platinum blonde girl with her boyfriend.

"Maybe you could spend time with her and maybe be friends. She's really friendly." Gouenji suggested as he gets out of the car, holding the door for her as he held out his hand.

"Ah! Gouenji! You're here!!! " Mamoru enthusiastically called out before noting the H/C haired girl." Ah! Y/N-chan!!!! "

"Mamoru! Hi!!" She waves at him before thanking Gouenji.

"That's Gouenji's girlfriend. She's really cool and a good cook too." Endou says as the two couple approach them.

"Sorry we're a bit late, quite the traffic. " Gouenji apologetically smile. "But let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Y/N L/N."

"Hi..." Y/N shyly smiles, giving them a small wave. "It's nice to finally meet you all. " She bows before standing straight up.

"It's very nice to meet you as well, L/N-chan. We've heard so much about you. I'm Elisse Trace, a pleasure. " Elisse held her hand for a handshake and Y/N shakily shakes it.

"It's an honor, Trace-san."

"Oh no... No need for formalities, Elisse is fine." Elisse smiles before noticing the tacks of containers being brought out by Gouenji, his dad and Endou.

"Y/N-nee brought lots and lots of snacks she made last night and they're delicious!!! " Yuuka exclaimed as she stood next to Y/N.

"Really? Those are a lot!"

"She went overboard according to what Nii-chan said. " Yuuka added earning an awkward laugh from the girl.

"In just one night? That's impressive. " Ootani joined in with Anna beside her.

"I just love cooking..." Y/N shrugs with a shy smile.

"Come on, let's introduce you to the rest of the team. " Ootani says before gently grabbing her hand.
Y/N gather with the girls as they prepare their lunch. They talked, gossiped and so on, having a great girl time for themselves.

"The boys were surprise to find out Gouenji-kun has a girlfriend. We talk a lot during my regimens for him but he never mentioned you. " Elisse says as she fans the grill.

"No one actually knows about our relationship except his family and Endou. It was easy to keep it low since we both go to different schools. I go to an all girls school. " Y/N explains as she glances at Gouenji having sister time with Yuuka.

"Do tell us how you two met? " Haruna asks as she rest her chin on her palm, the girl turned their way to the questioned girl.

"We're actually neighbors but I never really acknowledge him until I met Yuuka. Yuuka and I grew close, she comes over whenever she wants to play, I would tutor her and look after her and in those times, I got to know Gouenji more. I got to be honest, at first I thought he was one of those arrogant boys but boy I was wrong. We first got to get to know each other when Yuuka fell asleep early when I was babysitting her and Gouenji offered me ice cream and asked if I wanted to watch a movie. It was so awkward . " Y/N cringe.

"How did you fell for him?" Ootani asks.

"I don't really know how it started. But I guess the more time I spend Yuuka, the more time I spend with Gouenji. And I guess, unknowingly, my feelings grew in a slow pace. Then one day he asked me if I wanted to hang out. We got to know each other more and Gouenji confessed on our walk on the way home. I didn't really know how I felt at that time and things got awkward between us, to the point I started to ignore him." The girls looked at her as if telling her to continue on. "2 weeks later, Yuuka showed up at my door with Gouenji. He actually had these... Dried preserved flowers. Yuuka got curious, so she asks who is it for and Gouenji answered her that it was for a girl he liked for a while but he doesn't know how to give to her. So Yuuka thought it was a great idea to ask for my advice."

"Oh... "

"I know and so she asked "Y/N-nee, Nii-chan wanted to give flowers to a girl he liked for sometime and doesn't know how to give it to her. Could you please give some advice?" And to be honest, it kinda hurt hearing it. I was a stuttering mess after that and apparently gave him an advice and immediately excuse myself. I guess it triggered me to realized my silent feelings for him and felt regret for not realizing it sooner."

"That hurts just by hearing it. " Elisse frowns as the others nod. "Please continue."

"Few days went by, I was really busy with school at that time and there were these problems with my family so it was stressing me out. I decided on having a nightly walk to get fresh air and I stopped by the park to have some alone time. Gouenji saw me walking out and out of curiosity wanted to follow me to see if everything is okay. I broke down in the swings and Gouenji came to comfort me. He stayed with me until I stop and we talked after that. On our way back, everything felt normal again and then finally, I decided to confessed to him."

" Hey Shuuya?"

" Hmm? "

"I know it's too late but I want to tell you that I.... I like you. I know... I know.. you like someone else so its-"

" There's no one else. "

"Huh ?"

" I still like you and those flowers were actually for you in the first place, I had to make an excuse to Yuuka for her to not tell you. So... Um... I ..uh..is it alright to ask? The question now? "

" Ask away."

" Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N? "

" I would love to. "

"And so that's that."

"That's just so sweet!!!"

"Hey Y/N?" She heard from behind. She turned around to see Gouenji with a blushing face.

"H-How long have you been there!?" She started to get red as Gouenji scratched the back of his neck. "Did you..." He nods. "Oh my gosh..." She turned around as she hides her face on the palm of her hands, the girls giggling in the background.

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