Gouenji Shuuya x Reader

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A girl with h/c hair stood at the waiting area at Japan's International Airport, while holding a bouquet of flowers. She had one of her guard standing next to her. Some people were giving her glances, every now and then but she didn't mind them. Not that they would recognize her, she has a disguise on.

Alas, she smiles happily as she heard a certain plane have finally landed. She had to contain her excitement, as she consciously began lightly tapping her right foot, opening and closing her palms to keep her calm. For awhile, her boyfriend had to go overseas for a match of his dreams and them winning couldn't make even more proud than she is now.

After hearing about the date upon their arrival from Russia, she couldn't help but felt really excited and asked her manager immediately. Fortunately for her, her schedule wasn't that busy, she did a few photoshoots earlier and immediately got change for the airport. She didn't care that she just got out of a photoshoot, maybe feeling a bit tired but nothing gets her going than finally seeing her boyfriend.

Her eyes widened as did her smile as a certain soccer player walk out the exit, with his teammates.

"Shuuya!!" She exclaims happily as she waves her arms. 

All of the soccer team, especially Gouenji, looked at her way. He smiles, waving his hand before speeding his pace. She hurriedly walks up to him. They both gave each other a loving embrace, as he buries face to her hair and chin on her shoulder. 

"I missed you so much." She whispers.

"I missed you more..." He whispers back with a tiny chuckle.

Both of them break from the hug and she smiles widely at him before handing him the bouquet of flowers.

"Congratulations!!!" She happily says.

"Thank you." He smiles lovingly.

"Eh....ano.....Gouen...ji...." They heard.

Both of their attention turn to the owner of the voice. Endou along with the other teammates, looked at the puzzled and confused. Y/N takes off her glasses, they were even more shocked.

"You-You're-" Ootani starts.

"Everyone, this is my girlfried; Y/N L/N."



"Eh?!" They exclaimed in shock.

Y/N shyly giggles.

"Don't be loud, no one can know she's here unless you want to be swarmed by cameras." Gouenji warned. 

"You are dating a celebrity..." Kazemaru talks quietly as he trails off. 

All of them still processing the fact that their friend and teammate has a girlfriend and is a model. The well-known Ayame.

"Gouenji...eto...we didn't know you had a girlfriend." Endou says as Y/N puts on her glasses. 

"It was meant to be a secret but yes, we've been dating for almost a year." Gouenji explains and Y/N nods.

"Nice to finally  meet you, minna-san." Y/N bows and they immediately bows back, flattered. 

"I didn't really expect to see her." Gouenji turns to Y/N. "I thought you were busy."

"Oh I can't just miss today. You just go back from Russia, I wanted to surprise you that is all. Plus I'm free for the rest of the day, why don't we go and have a nice celebratory dinner at my place? Mama and Papa have thought about it for sometime." She smiles before turning to the others. "Do come and invite your family if you please. My father and brothers are big fans."

"Will that really be alright, L/N-san?" Inamori shyly asks and she nods.

"Of course, we can't hold a celebratory dinner with just Shuuya. I insist and you're very welcome. But call me, Y/N."

"Thank you, Y/N-san."

She smiles before turning to Gouenji.

"I have to go and meet up with my manager, I'll see you tonight." He nods. She turns to the others. "It's nice to meet you guys again and please do come. It would mean a lot."

"We will, thank you, Y/N-san." Inamori chimes.

Y/N bows, waves goodbye before walking away with her security guard trailing behind.

"How did you met here, Gouenji?" Endou teasingly asks as he nudge his shoulder.

"Why are you interested all of a sudden?"

"You're dating her? A celebrity. The famous model, Ayame. Of course we're curious." Kidou smirks teasingly, making the blonde ace sigh.

"We met at the hospital. She got injured from a photoshoot and we accidentally met when I visited dad at his office. Yuuka was already there chatting with her. She introduces me to Y/N and we became friends after that. That's all I need to tell you. Plus, keep this a secret, no one has to know we're dating."

But unfortunately for them, everyone can be very nosy.

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