Nosaka Yuuma x Elisse Trace (OC)

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A girl with bleached blonde hair entered the hospital with a basket on hand, a smile plastered on her face.

"Good Morning Elisse!" She heard.

Turning around, her one of her friends in the hospital stood there smiling.

"Good morning Nurse Jane." She greeted back.

"Here to visit Yuuma huh?~ You two sure are getting closer lately. Is there something I should know about your relationship with him?" Jane asked raising a brow, whilst giving a smirk.

Of course, everyone in the hospital has end thinking this. Thinking that they may be a great couple.

"There's nothing. We're only friends of course. I'm helping him out on his exercises. Just to keep an eye to make sure he doesn't over do himself." Elisse said with a hint of blush visible on her cheek's fair porcelain skin.

"Then that means, he's getting close to getting back to Japan. Aren't you going to miss him?" Right.... He still has to go back to Japan, to play soccer. Of course she would miss him. Very much.

"I am going to miss him but he really wants to go back. He's really determine to play football again. I want to help him out and get him to play soccer again. He really loves soocer." She smiled sadly as I said so. Remembering her past.

"Just like you. Well...good luck to you two. I'll tell your uncle about your visit." Giving her nurse friend a nod, she made her way towards the elevator.
After a more or less than few minutes of walking, a certain was finally at view. Stopping in front, she heaved in a breathe before lightly knocking on the door.

"Come in." With that said, she then open door before entering. "Ah Elisse! Good morning." She heard him say.

"Good morning to you too Yuuma. Have you eaten breakfast?" She greeted then asked him as she walks over, and putting the basket on the the at the side of his bed.

"I have actually. Thank you for coming. It's nice to have you visiting me again." The young man smiled sweetly at the girl who, gave him a plate of sliced melons. "Thank you."

Smiling, she took a seat from the corner and place it beside the bed, before sitting down.

"You're improving a lot lately Yuuma. You can then finally go and play soccer again. You just have to get the doctor's aka my uncle's approval on your health, to playing soccer." She said smiling in enthusiast, but then, the thoughts of him living, that smile, turned into a sad one.

Yuuma noticing this, he stared at the girl in worry.

"Is something the matter?" He asked.

"It's just that... I'm gonna miss you when you go back to Japan." She said in all honesty. "But of course, I'll be watching you on your games. I'll be cheering for your team." She said giving a happy smile, but despite the happiness she shows in that smile, the small tears on her eyes gave it away. "Just....remember to no matter what happens.... Never give up on playing soccer." She then let out a light laugh before saying; "But of course, I know you won't even think about doing that. That's why I admire you." Nosaka chuckled.

"I'm actually lucky to have you as my friend here. Never have o expected to run into a caring, kind, supportive and beautiful girl like you." Nosaka said which made the girl blushed furiously.

"Y-Yuuma...." She shyly said. But before she can even say anything, she was shocked to know how close Nosaka's face is to hers. Lost in words, she stared deep in his gray eyes, like she was under a trance. Her heart beating rapidly on her chest as she stared.

Nosaka leaning closer and closer......

"Uncle!" Elisse exclaimed as she walked towards her uncle in glee, before giving him a hug

"Visiting Yuuma?"


"Well...great news! 'Cause I called his coach yesterday to finally confirm that Yuuma is healthy enough to play soccer again." Her uncle said which made her smile happily.

"Really?! He's finally gonna play soccer... But...then..that means he's going back to Japan...." She said looking down, saddening at the thought of him being away.

"You have grown really close to the boy." Her uncle chuckled. "I'm proud of you for caring and supporting him. But ever since you met him, you're slowly converting to your old self again. And I know what's been happening lately so no need to be quiet about it. I like that boy. I know it's hard to see him go but then....what if..." He then gave a smirk.


Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now