Gouenji Shuuya X Reader "Leaked"

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It has been a week ever since Inazuma Japan has arrived back from Russia. Everything have gone back to normal. The team have gone back to their personal private life as teenagers.

But recently, they have been the talk ever since they arrived and as expected, they became famous. They were all over the news and they were praised and gushed over non-stop. But out of the blue, an article was posted by a random netizen.

"Famous Ace of Inazuma Japan, has been seen dating the Famous Teen Model, Ayame."

Y/N have just arrived at her house after a long day of photoshoots, needless to say, she is really tired. She carelessly toss her back to the sofa, before falling back, groaning as she leans on the soft material. She relaxes her limbs and mind, thinking of anything but work.

"A long day at work?"

A house staff of theirs, question as she brought a tray of tea and baked goods.

"Yeah... a very long and tiring day... Thank you, Ami-san." She says as she lazily sits up. "They look delicious."

"They are your favorite treat after a long day at work. So help yourself."

"I could eat a lot, you make the best of this. Much similar to oba-san but unfortunately I'm on a diet." She sadly smiles. "Itadakimasou."

As she was about to take a bit of the pastry, her work phone suddenly ring. She places the food down before taking her phone out of her bag and immediately answers it.

"Hello? Hana-san?"

"Y/N do you know? Have you seen it?" She grows confused,

"Know? Know about what?"

"It is all over the internet! Yours and Gouenji's relationship. Someone posted an article all about it."

"What?!" She exclaims in shock before hurriedly runs up to her room and opens her laptop.

Her eyes widened in horror as articles popped up, emails and messages flooding her social accounts. A picture of her, standing next to Gouenji facing his friends.

"Ayame introduced by her boyfriend to Inazuma Japan."

"Ayame in an intimate relationship with Inazuma Japan's Ace."

"Ayame dating."

"Ayame seen at the airport with Gouenji Shuuya."

"What..." She mutters.

Her phone ring once again, but it was from her personal phone and Gouenji's contact ID popped. Immediately, she answers the call.

"Hello? Shuuya?"

"Y/N, I'm outside with Endou and Kidou."

"Eh? Oh um...just a sec." She hangs up and hurries downstairs and open the front door. "Shuuya..." She whispers as he engulfs her in a hug.

"I know... Are you okay?"

"I am but everyone knows...How?"

"Someone must have heard our conversation. Coincidently enough, it is posted parallel to the timing of our upbringing fame." Kidou explains.

"Sorry to barge in all of a sudden, Y/N. We were hanging out when reporters suddenly surrounded us." Endou shyly explains.

"What? Are you guys alright?" She worriedly asks.

"We're fine." Gouenji smiles.

"Come inside, someone might have followed you." She ushered them before closing the door.

Inazuma Character x Reader/ OC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now