Nosaka Yuuma X Elisse Trace [OC] Part 4

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After excusing ourselves, Yuuma leads me outside the deck with his hand clasped on mine. When we were finally outside, he gently let go of my hand before draping his jacket over my shoulders.

"You'll get cold." I smiled.

"Thank you, Yuuma."

"Forgive me for my sudden request to talk to you in private. I thought that we could discuss this with just the two of us." He explained and I nod understandingly. "But it bothered me that you seem to ignore me earlier." I raised a brow but quickly felt my face heat up, knowing what he meant. "I know you saw me."

" seem...enjoying your time girl so I decided to uh...let you be." I stuttered as I look away. "I don't want to ruin...anything." 

"Were you perhaps....jealous?" My eyes widened.

"W-What?! Of course not. Why would I be jealous? It's not like you're my boyfriend-"


I clasped my hand on my mouth, face heating up embarrassment. 

Could this night get any worse?!

Third Person's Point of View

Elisse felt embarrassed to what she had blurted and all she could hear was Yuuma chuckling.

"This is so embarrassing..." She grumbled.

"You're too cute when get flustered." Yuuma commented as his chuckling dies down. "I told you that I like you, right? I meant it, Elisse. Nothing can change the fact that I love you." His hands gently took hers before gently placing a thumb on her chin, slowly making her look at him. "Elisse? I never said that I wasn't ready because to be honest, I really want you to be my girlfriend."

"But you said..."

"I said what I said because I wanted your family's consent and approval first before I can ask you to be mine. I want our relationship to be peaceful with no conflicts involved." Yuuma gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I didn't want you to be stress if ever your parents disapprove of us because I know you have a weak heart condition."

"What?" She said in disbelief. 

"Your uncle told me when I was asking for his consent."

"I didn't think it was necessary."  She mumbled, guilt visible in her tone.

Nosaka could only plaster on a smile as he gently took her hand and clasp it with assurance.

"I may not know the reason why but there is no need to hide it now, okay? But I want you to know that I'm here to listen when you're ready." He says in reassurance.

"Thank you." She smiles, her eyes meeting his.

"Well... there's only one thing to ask of you."


"Elisse Trace, will you be my girlfriend?" He smiles charmingly and Elisse could only blush.

"Yes, of course." She smiles lovingly before being engulf in a passionate hug.

Meanwhile, the group of teens and as well as adults watched the seen unveiled before them.

"Well... At last... She finally have someone to make her life whole once again. I wish she could see this. " The mother sadly say as she wipe a year from her eyes, her husband soothingly rub her shoulder.

"She's growing up too fast! She's only 14!" Aiden whined dramatically as she watches his baby sister being taken away from a guy. "She's too young and she's still our baby sister."

Everyone except for his twin brother and father, giggle or chuckle awkardly or not, at his dramatic behaviour.

"She's mature enough to be responsible, Aiden. Your sister is happy and she's not a baby anymore." The father said in comfort but ended up being comforted by his wife. "My baby girl is all grown up."

"Oh dear..." The wife sigh with an apologetic smile to the team. "Sorry for their dramatic antics. They tend to be really protective over Elisse. She's the baby of our family after all." She kindly smile.

"He's lucky both her older sisters and oldest brother are not here because I don't know when the interview will ever end. Especially how intimidating can Caleb be. But I'm sure Yuuma wouldn't budge." Aaron stated as he tries calming down his twin.

"Anywho..." The father cleared his truth before facing the team. "I hope you take good care of our daughter from now on."

"Eh?" The team gave a confused look which their coach could only chuckle for his forgetfulness.

"Ohohoho! Minna-san! I completely forgot to tell you! Sorry! Elisse will be our new manager from now on!" He announced cheerily.

"Yay!! Another girl on the team!" Ootani cheered happily.

"I'm what?" Elisse's voice was heard as she and Yuuma got back.

"Well we had a talk with Mr. Jinyun a few days ago and he had asked for you to manage their team after knowing what you did to help Yuuma." Aiden explained.

"I know you're very most beneficial to the team regarding your medical knowledge and dietary knowledge! You are very qualified to be one of our manager!" Jinyun said.

"And beneficial for us,  so you can not overexert yourself from working again. Plus it is for your own safety as well."

" So... I'll be managing Inazuma Japan." She clarified and they nod.

"You are... alright with it right?"

"Um... Yeah but who will be monitoring my business? "

" We'll take care of it. Enjoy your youth while you can El. You're too focus on being mature and work." Aaron smiles at his sister before handing Yuuma a card. " Call this number if you ever need anything."

"I will."

" guys have fun for the rest of the night. Might as well get to know Elisse better." Aaron said. "We'll see you later, El." He said giving a light kiss on the forehead of his sister and Aiden did as well, followed by a hug from their mother and a kiss on the temple from their father. Elisse smiles at them before waving at them as they walk off.

Yuuma gently intertwined their hands , gaining her attention who smiles sweetly in return.

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