•Chapter 51•

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(ㄖY/N's POVㄖ)

We all quietly went down the hall. Matt leading us in the direction of his room. "There it is!" Matt said running over to his door. Me and Vlahd following behind him.

Matt took out his key card and opened up the room. "Edd! I'm ba-" Before he could finish his sentence a fist came in contact with Matt's face. Me and Vlahd backed up a bit as Matt fell backwards. I quickly caught him before he hit the floor. I looked up to see the person who hit him....And talk about character development and glow up.

"Oh shit- Sorry Matt! I thought you were one of the soli-....der?" Edd made eye contact with me as I looked into his brown eyes. He gotten a bit taller. (Not taller than you) He had bags under his eyes, he wore a black trench coat over his green hoodie, and he had a beard going on that made him look hella attractive.

"Y/N?.." Edd said as a smile grew on his face. Before I could say anything I heard a group of soldiers walk down the hallway. I quickly pushed everyone into the room and shut the door. Matt got up and held his head in pain. "Ow..."

I turned back to face Edd, until two pair of arms wrapped around my body pulling me close. "It's been so long..." Edd said as his voice sounded much deeper.


I hugged him back and patted his head. "I missed you too Edd-Head." I smiled at him. I then fell something moving in his coat pocket. I backed up a bit to see what it was. Then a cat jump out of his pocket and into my arms. "Ringo!" She purred in my touch as I petted her head. "Of course I missed you as well."

Edd chuckled as he blushed a bit rubbing the back of his head. He then saw Vlahd next to Matt looking at him. He jumped back and got Infront of me putting his hands up in a defensive pose. "Stay behind me, Y/N! I'll take care of him!"

"Edd trying to protect me for once?.... Can't say I hate it."

"Edd, it's okay. He's actually gonna help us get out, and so are we." I said walking over to Vlahd holding his hand and I held Ringo and my other arm. Edd gave Vlahd a suspicious look. "How do we know can trust him? He tried to kill Matt. He tried to kill me! He works for a guy who is trying to kill ALL OF US! And also-... WHAT IN THE NAME OF ZANTA CLAWS HAPPENED TO YOUR LEG!" He yelled which I ran over and covered his mouth.

"In case you forgotten! You are a wanted man! And I'll explain everything once we grab Tom and get the hell out of this shit hole. And Vlahd is my family...I trust him." I whispered/yell at him. Edd let out a sigh as he took my hands off his mouth. "Okay...fine..." He huffed as he shoved his hands in his coat pocket looking the other direction.

I let out a sigh and face Vlahd. "Do you have the coordinates of where Tom may be at?" I asked him. Vlahd looked down at his arm pad thing and started to type something. Before looking back up. "В его комнате." Vlahd replied.

"Great! So it shouldn't be hard to get him, right?" I asked. Vlahd didn't say anything for a few seconds until he replied with a simple head shape. "What do you mean? He is in his room right?"

"Red Leader took high precautions for your friend Tom. He was place in a room where he will be wired up and programs will be updated in his mind....if we don't hurry. I'm afraid your friend will no longer be human anymore than he is." Vlahd said looking up at us.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Edd said but I stopped him. "Edd me and you both know you you and Matt won't survive against a bunch of soldiers. Me and Vlahd will get him-"

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