●Chapter 54●

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(Y/N's POV)

"You heard me." I told him getting my boot off of his chest so he could sit up. "I-I don't know if I could do that...." Tord said brushing himself off. "Dude, it's sad how your soldiers like me more than you. Besides if I'm going to marry you, I want at least something out of it."

Tord sighed pinches the bridge of his nose. ".... Fine." He holds my hands together as he smiled. "I have waited so long for this day. To make you, my wife. I promise I will change my ways just for you." He pulls me into a hug. 

"I don't know how to feel about this... Is he for real? I'm sorry Tord, but I have a plan and I'm going to stick to it. Well, might as well play along with this."

I cup his face and press my lips on his. They were dry but not really chapped. I close my eyes, so I didn't really have to see is messed up scar. I could tell he was taken aback from it... then slowly loosened up and wrapped his arms around my hips.

This did feel nice. It wasn't force was it out of anger. My body felt calm. But I kind of felt like a bitch for knowing that Edd, Tom, Matt, and Tord all liked me. I liked them all to but what was I supposed to do? Flip a coin and choose?... Maybe the romance will have to wait until this hell is over.

I broke the kiss as Tord cached his breath. "I-I love you." His words hit me. His gray eye... It brings back so many memories. Way back when we were young and dumb. We always had each other's backs. Why can't we go back to those days? Maybe if I didn't leave after graduation... We could all have had been together...

"I'll tell them the wedding is back on! I will have every organize! It will be at sundown. I already have your dress ready and your vows." He started to babble on and on about the wedding. 

A knock interrupted him. Tord groaned. "State your name and business!" He shouted. "I-Its Private First Class Smith, Sir! There was an explosion that happened in Project Titians room! The soldiers went in there and reported him missing from his room, sir!"

My breath hitched. Oh no... What the fuck happened now. 

"WHAT!? HVORDAN GJORDE HAN- GO FIND HIM AND BRING HIM BACK!" He yelled at the solider. "I'll go with him! No one knows better than Tom. Besides I'll ask Vlahd if he can help me." I said walking to the door. "Wait-!" He yelled but it was too late for I had already left.

Once I close the door and started to book it down the hall trying to find them. They must be in Matt's room. I took a sharp turn then accidentally hit someone. I fell on my ass hard making me groan in pain. "Watch where you're going jackass-" 

I looked up to see a very panicked Vlahd carrying Tom whose eyes were steaming and blood dripping out of his eyes, and down his face. Oh, and Dick was there too.

"What happened to him?!?!" I ask distraught while getting up. "The wires in his eyes electrocuted the inside of his eyes... He can no longer see. I'm sorry..." Vlahd apologies as he lowers his head and gets down on one knee. 

Tom looked drowsy and his eyes were heavy. "Tom!... Tom! Can you hear me?" I placed my hand on his head. He slowly reaches his hand up touching mine. "Y/N?...." His voice sounded dry and in pain. Jesus... 

"I-I can't see you... Am I dead?" His breathing started to increase as tears streamed down his face. Blood started to drip down as well. "Tom! Relax... Just take a deep breath in." I place his palm on my cheek. "I'm here Tom... I won't go anywhere. I promise." 

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