New Employees

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Ever since the incident at the Starcourt mall, I've been trying to find a new job. I didn't work at Scoops with Steve and Robin. I actually worked directly opposite them. On rough work days we'd get each other's attention and pretend to shoot ourselves in the head or just flip each other off. I've had a few jobs since but none of them have lasted long. Hence why I'm looking for work again.

I was hanging out with the group when Steve mentioned an opening at the Family Video where him and Robin work. Both of them put in a good word for me ahead of my interview - which ended a few hours ago. The interview itself went great - I was hired on the spot which shocked me. Maybe they were desperate to get someone hired.

When I accepted the offer, I didn't realise that I'd be doing a shift a matter of hours later. Upon entering the store in my new uniform, the boss informs me that another new employee would be joining me since we were taking the shift after Steve and Robin. Before this mystery co-worker arrives, I'm left alone with instructions for closing up since the boss is apparently rarely in the store. As l start putting the first box of stock on the shelves, I hear the door open - a potential first customer.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late, I kinda forgot I had a job." My new colleague rushes in.

"You gotta be a kidding me." I turn to face them and realise who I now have to work with. "How the hell did you get a job here?"

"Harrington put in a good word for me." Eddie smirks before taking a seat on the counter.

"Why wouldn't he tell me I have to work with you?"

"Because he wanted us both to get jobs and thought that by mentioning me you'd go somewhere else." He's not wrong. "Anyway... What are we doing?"

"Putting the new stock on the shelves."

"Cool." He hops down and heads to the boxes to get to work. Meanwhile, I make a quick phone call.


"You're dead, Harrington." Is all I say before hanging up. "Eddie, why are you putting rom-coms in the horror section?"

"Because love is a big horror-fest." This is gonna be a long night.

6 months later...

Somehow we all still have our jobs half a year later. If you had told me that after my first shift with Eddie, I would've laughed in your face. In the last 6 months I've worked with all 3 of my friends/colleagues. Once we got the hang of things, work actually became a lot of fun. Even when it's not our shift, we tend to hang around the store to make things more interesting when it's quiet. Let's just say that working with these guys is chaos.

Cue the montage of highlights...

(1) Today Steve and I are taking the busiest shift. Of course Robin and Eddie are here regardless. I have no idea where the guys are as I deal with an annoying customer - luckily, she's the only one here.

"Here's your change. Come back soon and have a good day." I fake a smile before flipping them the bird as she leaves the building. As soon as she is gone, I put my head on the counter and let out a tired and pained groan.

"Y/N..." Robin whines as she approaches me.

"What?" I ask - agitated - without lifting my head or opening my eyes.

"Steve and Eddie are making out in the action section."

"Ugh." I use what little energy I have left to lift my head to see Robin grimacing. With a sigh, I grab a broken tape of Top Gun and throw it at the culprits.

"Hey!" They jump apart after being hit.

"Just because you're in the action section doesn't mean you guys are allowed to get action in the store! Cut it out and do your job!"

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