Ch. 50

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The Lost Dixon

Ch. 50- Twice as Far

Reece's Point of View:

It's been a few days since we won the fight of Negan and the Saviors. We did that. We got what we wanted. Now, we got food, medicine, supplies. Everything is turning out the way that it should. It's also been a few days since I last got to see Paul. I guess, my mind went to that after we won the fight, we'd be able to see each other more often or so. But that hasn't exactly been the case. I do miss him, and it has been bothering me a lot. I try not to think about him. I try not to let it bother me. But, I guess, just not being there around him or talking to him, it's causing me to get irritated with every little thing. 

Daryl and I made up, which is good. I told him that I was mostly hurt and mad at him that he didn't try talking to me when Amanda exposed my ass. I know that he didn't know. But I just wanted him to ask if I was okay or something. But he didn't. He just stood there and looked at me like I was some random person. Paul never mentioned it to me either. I guess he could careless? Or maybe he understands that maybe I had a fucked up past or something or didn't feel that it wasn't his place. It's not, but it's okay. I guess? I don't know, honestly. I just know that things between Daryl, Paul and I seem to be really good. After all, Daryl punched him in the gut, showing his way of approving Paul. Big brother things, right?

The most I've been able to do lately is help Rosita take over the training classes. We show people how to use their knives for protection. Most of the day, I get to be occupied with the class, helping people learn and stuff. Then, once that ends, I try to find something else that could occupy my mind until I go to bed. 

Rosita and I walk down the road, making our way to the infirmary to pick up Denise for the training class. 

"Not that it's any of my business-" I begin before Rosita interrupts me.

"It's not." She says. I've noticed that Abraham moved out of her room and that she's been sleeping with Spencer. I wonder what that's all about.

"I'm just saying." I say. "It's been pretty obvious. I mean, I live with you." I smirk at her.

"Okay, then what's going on between you and Jesus?" She asks. "And don't say nothing, because literally everybody could tell he's got eyes for you." 

"I don't even know." I tell her truthfully. "I mean, I live here, he lives there. Can't exactly fall for somebody who doesn't live with you. And I couldn't ask him to live here, he's got people over there and I've got people here." Rosita nods.

"I mean, it just...almost sounds like Romeo and Juliet between you two." She smiles.

"It does not." I laugh.

"It does. I mean, sure, minus the forbidden love and parents and shit, but hey. There's something holding you two back to be together." She says. I let out a sigh. 

"I don't know. I just need to get him out of my head and move on." I groan.

"Do you think he's been going crazy without you?" She asks. I throw her a shrug.

"I don't know." I say. "He could, but I can't say for certain." We made it to the infirmary and find Denise walking outside.

"Hey, today's lesson will be in the cup-de-sac." Rosita informs her.

"Actually, can we do something else?" Denise asks. 

"What's something else?" I ask. Denise informs us about an old store she saw way back in the beginning. She mentioned that there could be lots and lots of medicine in there from the pharmacy. She wants to check it out. I wasn't entirely sure what to think of it. So, I did what I do best, bring my questions to Daryl.

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