Headcanon- Being the Youngest Sister of the Hamato Brothers- 2012

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(Since I loved writing about this type of thing. I'm doing it again. This time, however, it will be the 2012 boys. I'm making you around 13/14)

Enjoy ^^



- he totally makes you watch Space Heroes with him since you showed any interest in it

- his love language is physical affection. Expect lots of hugs from him.

-loves it when you meditate with him/ hang out with him

- when you were a baby, he taught you how to walk

-worries about you when you want to join on missions with them

-ugly cried the first time you called him a hero 

-absolutely trusts you 

-when he felt down or just wanted to rant, he would come to you first


- absolutely loves sparring with you, although he doesn't tell anyone that

- trains you to be tougher, very proud of you when you don't let anyone push you around

- doesn't like, at first, your bubbly, happy attitude

- broke down the first time you told him that you loved him

- HATES to see you upset, whoever did it needs to watch out

- has the knack of protecting you from any harm

- despite everything, he still lets you do whatever

- he'd let you sticker-attack his shell


- loves it if you like the same things he likes, but really doesn't care either way. His love for you will not change

- if you talk badly about yourself around him, he'll list out a thousand reasons why you are not the way you see yourself

 - You rant/ talk to him about stuff because you feel like he'll understand a lot better than the others

- Does a back-ground check on every boy/girl you show interest in

- if ANYONE hurts you in any way, Donnie's the first one by your side

- doesn't always agree with you, but he'll always listen to what you have to say

- almost started crying the first time you said you were really proud of him

- totally helps you out with any homework you have

- you "pay" him back with snacks from the surface


- ABSOLUTELY loves it when you hang out with him, doesn't keep it a secret from you either

- you got your music taste from him since he always shares his music with you

- it's no secret that you're Mikey's favorite

- when Mikey sees you hurt, he absolutely loses his mind. ESPECIALLY if you start crying. How dare anyone make his sis cry?! 

- you'd share your interests and hobbies with him, and he'll gladly do them with you

- when he was sad and didn't want to talk about it. He'd lay his head on your shoulder. You quickly came to his rescue with hugs and kind words

- started bawling when you told him that you needed him

- try everything in his power to cheer you up when you felt down

- you'd get him to try other foods other than pizza. He pretends he doesn't like them to get you to give up and let him eat pizza

(Ending there. My god, I love this kind of thing! )

- Author out <3

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