What's It Gonna Be pt.1

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Rebecca's POV

Amber and I are shopping. She runs into an ex from high school, and I must say he's fine as fuck.

I'm watching them interact with each other when Aaron stands beside me and watches as well.

"Who is he?" He asks, sounding jealous.

"That's her ex boyfriend from high school. She loved him like a bunch, but he wasn't as fine as he is now. She still liked him. They finally went out, dated, and when her incident happened haven't heard from him since until now. He found me in the lunch line to tell me to let her that it was over between them. I told her."

"How'd She take it?"

"I took it like any hormonal teen would." Aaron and I turn around to see Amber. She's smiling.

"You okay, baby?"

Amber's POV

"Yeah. I'm good."

"Good. I have a question for you."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Two voices speak at the same time. I whip around to see Carter standing there with a ring. The ring he remembered I always wanted.

Then there's Aaron standing behind me looking all delicious and stuff.

"Amber. I promise I'll be dedicated to you. I didn't know what I had back then."

"Really Carter?"

Stay tuned!

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