If You Were Mine ......... pt.1

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Aaron's POV

"I'm just not ready, Aaron."

"Ready for what, Amber?"

"This," She says "I may have let you get too close to me."

"Amber ......"

"No, Aaron. Just when things are going good, things quickly change!" Her eyes fill with tears.

"So what you want me to do, Amber? Just up and leave? What about Grayson, Phillip, and Danny? I can't just leave when they were just starting to open up and trust me?"

"They'll be fine." She says.

"Okay. I'm leaving, but I'll continue to talk to them. You may not want me, but I can still be here for them! If You Were Mine ......" I stop myself from pouring my feelings out.

Happened to me before. Except the lady I was with were dating and it was close to our anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend. I found her in bed with my supervisor at the time.

Amber and I have known each other this short amount of time, but I've grown attached to her and the kids. Her smile and character has attracted me the most.

Relax. She's just scared.

I don't even bother to shower when I get home. I simply change into clothes for the club. I still work there.

Well, later!

Amber's POV

I like Aaron, but I know how things work. Don't get me wrong, he is kind.

I have been there before. The guy is always sweet, then they rape me and I never hear from them again.

I have seen them all. I did him a favor. I don't think I'll ever be with anyone or even marry and that's okay with me.

I have Grayson, Phillip, and Danny. They are enough for me.

"Why are you crying mom?" Grayson asks. "Did Aaron do it? Ooh, I knew we couldn't trust—"

"No baby. I'm okay. It wasn't him."

"Who was it so the three musketeers can beat them?" Grayson is serious, but I can't help but smile.

"It was me, buddy."

"Aww mom. Want to talk about it."

"No. I'm okay. We're going to be okay. I love you."

"I love you too mommy!" He hugs and kisses me before leaving.

Danny and Phillip enter my room next. "Good night mom!" Both of them hug me. Phillip hugs me a little longer.

"Give him a chance mom." He smiles.

"What did he tell you?"

"For me to know mom, but I will tell you he really likes you."

"Thanks, night." Phillip leaves my room. Aaron's probably at the club with a woman fucking her anyway.

Good night.

Aaron texts me

Daddy Aaron: I don't think you understand how bad I want you here with me. I don't think you understand, exactly, how much I want your lips.
Me: take yo poetic ass to sleep.
Daddy Aaron: not poetic, but I will read you like a poem. Fuck, I'm hard.
Me: night!

I text Rebecca before going to sleep.

Rebecca's POV

"Wow." Jeremiah and I are laughing at some of the tales from Monica and Monique's childhood.

He and I have spent all day together. I reply to Amber.

"I should be getting home to the girls now."

"I'll walk you out."

"No need, Rebecca." He kisses my cheek before closing the door behind him.

Good night.

What makes Amber think those things when Aaron has shown he's the complete opposite?

Should they be together?



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