You and me maybe?

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Amber's POV

I'm laying in bed. No work today. I'm basking in happiness because I got to celebrate with my bestie. We were fucked up as I promised her.

Aaron took the kids away with him, so Rebecca and I could catch up and hang in together. I had our favorite song playing. Both of us were dancing crazily. I called Jeremiah to come get her.

He's pretty cool. He and I talked before he took her home.

He promised to take care of her.

"Hey Rebecca." I say when she picks up on the first ring.

"Hey. Am Bam! Listen, thanks for last night. I forgot how much fun birthday hang ins can be. Thanks for yesterday too. You're the best."

Rebecca's POV

"Hey Rebecca. Do you need anything from the store?"

I look to Jeremiah. He looks good with his clothes on, but now that I see him in only his undies......

No we didn't do anything last night. He gave me some aspirin and helped me sober up. I let him stay since it was so late.


"Girl, I forgot you were in the phone."

Jeremiah chuckles.

"Anywho, I was just calling to check on you."

"I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me. Tell the kiddos I said hi and Aaron."

"Will do."

"I'll make us breakfast when I come back. Stay there."

"Why are you so nice to me, Jeremiah? No one else at work likes me, so don't say it's work."

"Rebecca..." My lips quiver. Oh no! I'm going to cry.

"If you think you crying is going to make me stop or leave, it's not. Listen, I don't ever want to hurt or scare you. I'll be back, gotta get things for your breakfast. As a matter of fact, how about you come with me? I'll wait right here for you."

"Okay ..." I sniffle. I get dressed in clean clothes. "Jeremiah, thanks."

"No problem. I'm here for you Rebecca. Just like your best friend is here for you."

He and I leave.

Jeremiah tells me to start the oven while he brings the bags in, but I help him with bags before starting it.

"A hard head makes a soft ass, Rebecca."

I laugh and thank him.

"Nah, a hard head makes a hard dick." I nudge him.

"You playing with fire, don't get burned."

Both of us burst into laughter.

"You playing with salt, don't get it in your eyes." I retaliate.

"Too late. All I want is that salt," he kisses my lips. "All over me."

"Okay! Back to breakfast!!! I'm going to sit my horn ass over here and let you cook!" I slide from him and sit at the table.

All he does is smile.

Jeremiah's POV

I'm really enjoying my time with Rebecca outside of work. Last night was kinda rough because lord knows I wanted to make love to her, but I can be patient, foolishly sometimes.

"Hey, Rebecca my daughters want to meet you."

"Okay. When?"

"You aren't scared?"

"No. Should I be?"

"No. They're sweet."


"My daughters have told me how nice you were to them at the restaurant when I wasn't there."

"Okay. Are you're daughters Monique and Brooklyn?"

"Yeah. That's them."

"If I'm honest with you, you're doing a amazing job raising them."

"Thanks. I appreciate that."

"I've seen you at the restaurant with them. They love you."

"I love them too. Here's your food."


"Now what I want to know most," She smiles. "How bad was I last night?" I almost choke.


"Yea, Jeremiah."

"You started crying around three in the morning. You wouldn't tell me what it was about, so I just cuddled you until you went to sleep.
My daughters called to tell me they were home safely and that they had eaten. They told me to stay and make sure you were okay, so that's why I was in my boxers."

"I have to tell you something."

"I already know. All I could do was hold you as you trembled mumbling about "Don't hurt me, no!"

"So I guess that means you don't want to be with me, because I was raped?"

"Rebecca, do you hear yourself? That matters, but I am here now. You're mine."

"But wait, why didn't you wake me?"

"I tried. I just pulled you into my arms and you settled down."

"Thanks. No one knows except my bestie and her man."

"You are too beautiful to relive some things like that, and I promise you won't."


"Okay. I'm always here for you, Rebecca."

"I hear you." She plants her lips on mine, and God they are so soft.

"Tell me more about you." We Sit, eat, and talk.

It's lunch time when we both realize we've been here at the table the whole time. "Tell your daughters hi for me. I know that's where you have to go."

"Okay. I'll see you later!" I kiss her cheek and leave.

"Girls, I'm home!"

"Hey dad!!" They Both run to me.

"Is Ms. Rebecca doing okay?" Brooklyn asks.

"We know you're crushing on her big time dad."

"Well, yes. She's doing good. She says hi by the way."

"Yay!!!!" Both of them run around the couch.



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