Dating exclusively pt.2

35 7 1

Phillip's POV

Mom has invited Aaron over so we can all hang out. He wanted to go to a game, but mom wanted to stay home. Him being smart, he listened to mom.

He brought us cupcakes. Grayson says cupcakes are for babies, but I get him. I take a cupcake and smash it on his cheek.

We all laugh. Grayson attempts to get me back, but I run and run. Danny tackled him. All three of us laugh together.

"I love you big brother." I tell Grayson. He looks at me before poking me. Having brothers that are here for you is awesome.

Danny helps us up. We all go inside for dinner. Mom and Aaron are sitting opposite each other.

"We're back." I say.

"Had fun?"

"Yeah, they're my little brothers, but they're cool." Grayson hugs Danny and I.

"The food is over there."

I get my food first, then Grayson, and then Danny.

We're all 13 by the way. Mom had us all at the age of 11, but we're happy and we love her.

As the baby boy, I bask in the glory of being the cutest.

"Hey Phillip," Aaron says, "I have something for you. Come with me." I stuff my face before following Aaron.

Grayson's POV

Mom, Danny, and I are talking about the upcoming school year and our plans.

"Do you want more food?"

"I'm okay, mom. I love you. I want you to give Aaron a chance." I tell her before cleaning my area. "I'm full!"

"I love you too, Grayson. Don't forget we have to get you new basketball uniforms."

"I won't. Good night." I kiss her cheek and hug Danny before going to bed.

Danny's POV


"I'm right here Danny."

"Okay. Aaron really likes you."

"Does here now?"


"You'll like him too, I think."

"We're back." Aaron admits.

"Come on Phillip. Let's give them a minute."

"They going to need more than a minute from what Aaron told me. Come on."

"Good night Danny and Phillip."

"Uh huh. Talk to ya man mom."

"You better go to bed."

Amber's POV

"First off, let me commemorate you for having three amazing boys despite what happened. You've done what no one I know could've. Your kids are the sweetest, the most easygoing, and smartest kids I've ever known.
I'm sorry for what happened, but I'm so glad you have such strong boys that love and adore you so much."

"Would you like to know, Aaron?"

"Know what?"

I smile at him. He really has no clue what I'm talking about now.

"About what happened?"

"Are you sure you trust me with that?"

" I'm sure. I'm tired of holding it in anyway. No one knows what really happened, except Rebecca."

"Okay Ms. Amber. I'm ready."

"I was only 11 at the time. I was raped of course. All of the nurses and doctors were so patient and kind. They explained everything to me each time and helped me recover.

"My babies fathers never wanted anything to do with me after they were born except Danny's father, but he died trying to get to the hospital for the birth."

"Grayson's father told me to never contact him for anything. He changed his number right away. As I was giving birth, he changed his number."

I reach out to wipe a tear that has fallen on his cheek.

"Phillip's father, was shot in front of me due to a drive by. None of them were in gangs. Just had a thing for young girls. I fought and fought with everything in me, but—"

"Thank you for sharing. I have to go now. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Thank you.... I think."

"Daddy will be here for you."

Did he just call himself daddy? Kinda hot.
Get it together, Amber!

"Okay." He hugs me tightly before leaving. As I'm straightening up, there are knocks on my door.

I open it. It's Aaron. He grabs my face, pulls me to him, and kisses me. He enters at the same time. The door is closed with his foot.

My hands find his head and pull him closer.
"What are you doing?" I'm breathless.

"I'm not leaving... at least not until I know you're asleep and okay. I just want to hold you."

Aaron's POV

God help me! Help me keep my self control tonight. Well, for as long as she's celibate. Amen.

She takes my hand and leads me to her room. She's got her own bathroom. Nice. I can understand. Her boys need privacy.

I sit there, not knowing what to say after everything she's told me.

"Towels are in there if you want to shower." I look at her and she's changed into her pajamas.
Where the hell have I been to miss seeing her change?

She smiles. "I took my robe off. Relax."

"You had on a robe?"

"Yes. It came off when you kissed me though." Both of us blush. "Anywho, good night."

I watch her get on her knees for a prayer, so I join her. We pray and get in bed.
Good night!

Amber has come so far.

Aaron ......



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