Meeting his daughters

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Rebecca's POV

I've invited Jeremiah over. He's gonna bring the girls with him. I'm nervous. I've take like two showers because I keep sweating.

I have dinner prepared as well.

I call Amber to keep calm my nerves.

"Relax Rebecca," She says when she answers. "I'm sure his daughters will adore you."

I exhale. "You don't know how much I needed to hear that."

"I love you. Good night."

"I love you too."

Amber's POV

"Hey, was that Rebecca?" Aaron asks.

"Yeah. She's nervous."

"Aww. Come on."

"Where are we going?"

He pulls his shirt off. "Nowhere. We're about to snuggle and cuddle."

I giggle when he pulls me into his arms.

"Wait! I need to check on my sons."

"Uh huh."

I leave Aaron in the room and check on Danny first. He's in bed reading. "Good night, Danny. I love you."

He smiles at me.

I enter Phillip's room and he's already asleep, so I just kiss his cheek.

Grayson's dancing when I enter his room. He's afraid when he finally notices me watching.

"Good moves." I smile.

"Yeah. I love you mom. Tell Aaron good night for me."

"I love you too, baby boy. And I will." I'm leaving his room when I see Aaron undressing. I just watch and bite my lip.

"You just gonna stand there and watch."

"Yeah. Pretty much."

He chuckles then turns to face me.

Mmmmmmm. He is incredibly sexy.

"Come closer." I inch forward.

"Little closer." I take a step.

"Come on. A few more steps, Amber."

"Grayson said good night."

"I love that."


Aaron's POV

"You want me, but every time you get close or want to get close to me, you always talk about your kids, but tonight. No excuses, get in the bed and let's cuddle."

"No sex?"

"I thought you weren't ready?"

"You're right."

"Oh, Amber." I say as I bite my lip and look her in the eyes, " the things that we will do when you're ready for me."

I know she's tight as fuck.
I groan thinking about her gripping my dick.

We cuddle and snuggle. She fits perfectly in my arms.

Jeremiah's POV

My girls and I are heading to Rebecca's. Monique it's excited to see her. Brooklyn's a bit sleepy.

"Good luck dad. Don't blow it." Brooklyn says.
We all get to Rebecca's front door. I knock.

Rebecca opens the door then gestures for us to come in.

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